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Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Use Of Basti In The Management Of Ulcerative Colitis Using Bilvadi Oil And Irimedadi Oil


Panchkarma is basically known as detoxification therapy. It holds a prime importance in ayurvedic medicine science as after panchakarma there is less or no risk of recurrence of disease. Panchakarma therapy includes poorvakrama (Pachana (digestion of food with herbs ), snehana (oleation therapy) and swedana (induced sweating)), Pradhan karma (Vaman (induced vomiting), virechan (induced purgation), basti (medicated enema), nasya (herbal nasal drops) and raktamokshan (Bloodletting)) and pashchatya karma i.e. samsarjana krama (ayurvedic dietary regimen). This article will put a limelight on one of panchakarma procedures i.e basti karma in managing ulcerative colitis.

Use Of Basti, Basti In The Management Of UC, Role Of Basti In UC, Basti Treatment, Ayurvedic treatment, Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment For UC, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Panchkarma Therapy


Before moving forwards to basti karma let's have a look at what is ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disorder which is considered as IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease). In this, there is inflammation and production of ulcers in the large intestine, mainly colon and rectum. A patient with Uc may suffer from the following symptoms:-

  • Diarrhea
  • Blood in stool
  • Mucus in stool
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Urgency to defecate but unable to clear properly
  • Cramping in abdomen
  • Rectal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Failure to grow (In Children)

As we have mentioned earlier, it is an autoimmune disorder so the exact cause of this condition is not known. Some of the risk factors are listed below:-

  • It may develop at any age but usually it begins at early 30’s.
  • Negros have less chances to develop Ulcerative Colitis
  • Having a Family history of Ulcerative colitis
  • Weak immune response
  • Drug intoxication

As per allopathy there is no exact treatment of Ulcerative colitis. They only give corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs which you have to take for a lifetime. So why not to choose ayurveda? Ayurveda is a very vast science which has solutions for every problem. In ayurveda we can correlate this condition with Raktatisara. Have a look at the ayurvedic perspective of this disease.


Raktatisara may be due to the below mentioned causes:-

  • Pitta prakriti purusha (Patient’s having pitta prakriti )
  • Adhyashan (Overeating)
  • Excessive use of alkalis (kshara)
  • Viruddha ahara sewana (Imbalanced diet consumption)
  • Intake of katu, amala, lavana rasa in abundant quantity
  • Excessive intake of Ushana(hot) and teekshna (penetrating) dravya (herbs)
  • Krodha (Excess anger)
  • Vegadhana (Controlling of natural urges)
  • As a complication of panchakarma procedures.
  • Arsha (Hemorrhoids)
  • Grehani (malabsorption syndrome)


When a person takes a pitta vitiated diet and follows an unhealthy lifestyle then their pitta and rakta get elevated. Then pitta and rakta toxifies the large intestine and does bhedana of the mal (feces) due to its drava (liquid), sara (properties) and ushana (hot) guna (properties).


Poorvaroopa of rakta atisara includes the following:-

  • Apana vayu avrodha (flatulence)
  • Anga shithilta (fatigue)
  • Avipaaka of food (Indigestion)
  •  Pricking or shooting pain in Hridya (heart), nabhi (mbilicus), guda (anal canal),udara (Stomach)


The symptoms of raktatisra comprises of:-

  • Rakatamishrit  mala (Bloody diarrhea)
  •  Excessive Drav mal pravriti (diarrhea)
  • Excessive thirst
  •  Burning sensation in Guda (rectum and colon)
  • Shoola (Pain)
  • Gudapaka (Suppurative ulceration of anal canal)
  • Kapha mishrit mala (mucus)

After knowing both the aspects now we are moving ahead towards the management of Ulcerative colitis. As discussed earlier, allopathy has no treatment for this health condition but ayurveda has a very good solution for this. The management can be done very well with ayurvedic herbs and herbal formulations. From where to choose these Formulations? And the answer is Planet Ayurveda. It is a leading GMP certified herbal manufacturing unit offering numerous herbal products across the world for the management and prevention of diseases. The experts of Planet ayurveda provides some of the products for Ulcerative colitis and they are as follows:-

  1. Kutajghan Vati
  2. Pitta Balance
  3. Vatsakadi Churna
  4. Arjuna Capsules
  5. Coolstrin A
  6. Coolstrin B
  7. Motion Stop Tablets
  8. Belgiri Churna

Herbal Remedies For Ulcerative Colitis

Use Of Basti, Basti In The Management Of UC, Role Of Basti In UC, Basti Treatment, Ayurvedic treatment, Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment For UC, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Panchkarma Therapy

These all formulations show wonders in alleviating symptoms of Ulcerative colitis. These herbal formulations possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidiarrheal, mucolytic, digestive stimulant and cell detoxifying properties due to which it manages symptoms like blood in stool, diarrhea, mucus in stool. Pain in abdomen, bloating etc.


Basti is one of the panchakarma procedures. It is also known as ardha chikitsa (halfway to treatment) because Basti karma is useful in all types of diseases i.e. Sarvadehavyavaashrita roga. Basti mainly detoxifies the whole body by eradicating all the toxins due to its potency. The medication in Basti reaches all the sookshma srotas and Completely purifies the body, does radiance of toxins and is helpful in Speeding up the metabolism. It also assists in Reducing weight, Open up the block channels, Relaxing the mind and body, Rejuvenation of tissues, Boosts the Immunity and Relieves stress. Basti can be given with medicated oil, decoction, juice, meat soup, cow's urine, cow's ghee, madhu (Honey).

Use Of Basti, Basti In The Management Of UC, Role Of Basti In UC, Basti Treatment, Ayurvedic treatment, Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment For UC, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Panchkarma Therapy

In Ulcerative colitis, the highly recommended basti is Bilwadi Oil and Irimedadi Oil. These medicated oils are very beneficial in ulcerative colitis as they contain properties which help in subsiding the associated symptoms.

1. Bilwadi Oil

Bilwadi oil is a classically indicated formulation used in the management of ulcerative colitis. It is very helpful in managing ear diseases. Bilwadi oil includes the following ingredient:-

  1. Bilwa (Aegle marmelos)
  2. Cow urine (Gomutra)
  3. Ajaksheera (Goat’s milk)
  4. Tila taila (Sesame oil)

Bilwa is the main constituent of bilwadi oil. It has katu, tikta, kashaya ras (Pungent, bitter, astringent) and tikshna (sharp), Snigdha (unctuous) and grahi guna (absorbent) with ho potency and katu vipaka (result after digestion). Bilwa possesses anti-inflammatory, laxative, analgesic, cardio protective and cell detoxifying properties.

Method Of Preparation Of Bilwadi Oil

  • Mix the Bilva fruit in cow’s urine by grinding and preparing a paste-like consistency.
  • Then add water if needed and put in on a low flame.
  • When the paste changes the colour and starts turning red then add goat’s milk twice the quantity of oil.
  • Cook it well under the low flames and do an examination when the water content has evaporated.
  • Store it in an airtight container.

2. Irimedadi Oil

This is a polyherbal ayurvedic oil preparation which has irimeda as its primary constituent. Irimeda (Acacia farnesiana) has antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial and ulcer healing properties. It also helps in boosting the immune system and aids in counteracting weakness. Irimeda is also known as babul. It has astringent, tikta (bitter), laghu (light), ruksha (Dry) properties that assists in pacifying kapha and pitta dosha. Below are the ingredients:-

Use Of Basti, Basti In The Management Of UC, Role Of Basti In UC, Basti Treatment, Ayurvedic treatment, Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment For UC, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Panchkarma Therapy
  1. Irimeda (Acacia farnesiana)
  2. Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)
  3. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
  4. Kapur (Cinnamomum camphora)
  5. Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)
  6. Khadir (Acacia catechu)
  7. Laung (Syzygium aromaticum)
  8. Agar (Aquilaria malaccensis
  9. Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa)
  10. Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans)
  11. Dalchini (Cinnamomum verum)
  12. Katphal (Myrica nagi)
  13. Mustak (Cyperus rotundus)
  14. Shweta chandan (Santalum album)
  15. Raktachandan (Pterocarpus Santalinus)
  16. Takkola (Illicium verum)
  17. Jatamansi (Nardosatchys jatamansi)
  18. Dhatki (Woodfordia fruticosa)
  19. Gairika (Red ochre)
  20. Mrinala (Cymbopogon jwarancusa)
  21. Pippali (piper longum)
  22. Padma Kesar (Nelumbo nucifera)
  23. Kumkum (Crocus sativus)
  24. Laksha (Laccifer lacca)
  25. Brihati (Solanum indicum)
  26. Bilvapatra (Aegle marmelos)
  27. Devdaru (Cedrus deodara)
  28. Shilajit (Asphaltum)
  29. Saral (Pinus roxburghii)
  30. Sprikka (Delphinium zalil)
  31. Palash (Butea monosperma)
  32. Haridra (Curcuma longa)
  33. Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)
  34. Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla)
  35. Tejani (Clematis Triloba)
  36. Pradhakaleya (Coscinium fenestratum)
  37. Pushkara (Inula racemosa)
  38. Jaya (Abutilon theophrasti)
  39. Vyaghri (Solanum Xanthocarpum)
  40. Madana (Randia dumetorum)
  41. Tila taila (sesame oil)
  42. Nyagrodha (Ficus bengalensis)
  43. Udumbara (Ficus racemosa)
  44. Ashwattha (Ficus religiosa)
  45. Plaksha (Ficus lacor)

Method Of Preparation

  • Take all the kwatha dravya and prepare decoction of it and then prepare kalka of kalka dravya.
  • Now take sesame oil and prepare oil by adding both these paste and decoction.
  • Cook it in a low flame and examine the oil when all the water content has evaporated.
  • Store it in an airtight container.


Administration of basti can be done in three stages and they are as follows :-

1. Poorva Karma

  • Poorva karma are the procedures which are done before giving basti to the patient. The initial step is to do snehana (oleation therapy) and swedana (Sudation therapy).
  • In snehana, massages of the abdomen, back, thighs and legs are done.
  • After that nadi sweda (a type of medication therapy) is done.

2. Pradhan Karma

  • Now the patient is advised to position itself in the left lateral position and some amount of oil is applied in the anal region and also on the basti netra.
  • Then gradually introduce the bastio netra in the anal canal and tell the patient to take a deep breath.
  • Bilwadi oil or irimedadi oil is administered slowly through basti netra by pressing the basti putaka (enema syringe).
  • Stop pressing the basti putaka (enema syringe) when a little amount of oil is left,  just to prevent the entry of air in the large intestine.
  • Then withdraw the basti netra slowly and the patient is advised to be in that position for 5 minutes for better absorption.
  • A light massage is done in the feet and flank regions so that the oil gets absorbed easily.

3. Pashchat Karma

Then the patient is advised to follow the samsarjana karma for 7 days as mentioned in the classical texts.


We know most of you are thinking why should I undergo this treatment if I am already taking herbal formulations? Aren't you? So don't stress your mind, we are here to help you. Along with the herbal formulations if you will take basti of these both oils then the recovery from UC will be faster. It will detoxify or eliminate the vitiated pitta dosha from the body and the recurrence rate of UC will be 0-2 %.

At last we can say the basti with these two oils shows wonders in managing ulcerative colitis. So along with the herbal formulations you can use basti treatment (medicated enema therapy) and keep yourself fit and healthy.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) Symptoms, Causes & Its Ayurvedic Treatment


Paranoid Personality Disorder is characterised by ample psychological concerns. In this, individuals are supposed to be distrustful, argumentative, and secretive. He tends to have jealousy and anger in relationships. They like isolation because they are quite distrustful. Diagnosing these patients is very difficult due to their unacceptance. They are quite distrustful of physicians as well.

Paranoid Personality Disorder, PPD, Ayurvedic Treatment For PPD, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


Paranoid Personality Disorder is a psychological disorder in which a patient perceives interpersonal threats without having any sufficient evidence. Social environmental activities influence this disease. They are always concerned that people are plotting against him. These individuals do not accept their faults. Because of this, individuals with this diagnosis remain vigilant in scanning their environment for potential threats. The prevalence of paranoid personality disorder in the general population is about 1.5% whereas the outpatient population would be more than 25%.


People with Paranoid Personality Disorders have symptoms like:-

  1. They tend to be very argumentative, stubborn, and hostile.
  2. They don't see their fault in any problem; they always think they are always right.
  3. They are distant in relationships with others.
  4. Have persistent suspicions without any justified reason.
  5. They read hidden meanings in innocent remarks.
  6. Have difficulty relaxing.
  7. They are unforgiving and hold grudges.
  8. Perceive attacks on their character that aren't apparent to others.
  9. Be hypersensitive and take criticism poorly.
  10. People with this disease doubt the commitment, loyalty, and trustworthiness of others, believing others are exploiting them.


The exact cause of Paranoid Personality Disorder is still unknown. But likely it involves a combination of biological and environmental factors. There are many Recherches that have been done on this. Researchers found that the neglect of children on the basis of emotional, physical, and supervision by parents and society plays a bigger role in Paranoid Personality Disorder. This occurs in adolescence and early adulthood. There is also a possibility of a genetic link between schizophrenia and Paranoid Personality Disorder but later on, they found that this isn't strong.


Paranoid Personality Disorder is very difficult to diagnose because the individual suffering from this disorder doesn't accept that there is a problem with their thinking.

The mental health professional suspects someone with Paranoid Personality Disorder, they often ask broad, general questions that won't create a defensive response. They ask the questions focused on:-

  1. Past family history
  2. Relationship
  3. Work history
  4. Reality testing
  5. Impulse control

On diagnosis, it is also found that there are other medical conditions also associated with Paranoid Personality Disorder. Approximately 75% of cases are seen to be associated with it. It includes Avoidant Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder.


We cannot directly correlate Paranoid Personality Disorder with any disease mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts but on the basis of symptoms, it could be correlated with Atatvabhinivesha. Punarvasu Atreya described Atatvabhinivesha as a maha gada. There is a false interpretation of truth and the present object. This disorder is known to be Paranoid Personality Disorder. Which is a mental illness also known as psychosis. Atatvabhinivesha is made up of two words Atatva means false (non-elementary) and Abhinivesha means interpretation. It is a false and erroneous belief in something which is not correct. It is because of the dushti of Mana. Satva, Rajas, and Tama are the three doshas of mind. When Rajas and Tamsic dosha are elevated then this condition is supposed to happen.

The general principle of manas Roga in Ayurveda is stated as the root cause of any mental disorder is the non-achievement of desired outcomes while receiving undesired out things.


The best remedy for Psychic disorders is to counsel the patient and to make him realise his true identity and reality with the help of philosophy. The treatment modalities in manas Roga include:-

  1. Satavajaya Chikitsa (Mental upliftment)
  2. Yuktivyapashrya Chikitsa (Medicinal treatment)
  3. Daivapashrya Chikitsa (Divine therapy)

1. Satavajaya Chikitsa

This measure can be used in isolation. This can be done with the help of showing sympathy, mental counselling, Onkar sadhana, meditation, Atma parikshan, and vipassana. Satavajya means victory over the mind. It aims to control the mind by restraining the mind from desires.

Importance of Satvajaya Chikitsa:-

  • Non Medicinal approach to treating serious medical concerns
  • Helps in analysing thoughts and ideas
  • It polishes the objectives by concentrating on it
  • Increases the decision-making compatibility
  • Channelling the presumption with logical reasoning

2. Yuktivyapashrya Chikitsa

This is popularly done with the help of panchkarma. In this sarvanga snehan and swedana, shirodhara, shirobasti and nasya is done.

In medicinal preparations, these kalpas are proven to be very effective:-

  1. Brahmi Ghrit
  2. Shankhpushpi syrup
  3. Brahmi sidha tail for shirodhara
  4. Mahakalyanak Ghrit
  5. Sarasvata Ghrit
  6. Unmad Gaja Kesari Rasa
  7. Manas Mitra Vatkam
  8. Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa

3. Daivapashrya Chikitsa

Daivapashrya Chikitsa is ayurvedic astrology. In Ayurveda brain actions related to emotions are denoted as originating from the heart and by the heart, it is meant Atma and Manas adhisthan. Thus it can be said that Atatvabhinivesh is a disease of malfunctioning of neurochemistry in the brain. It is the mantra, mani chikitsa. It is done by reciting Vedic mantras and attaining Mani on the body.


Planet Ayurveda is a GMP Certified company offering pure herbal products worldwide. All the products are prepared under the supervision of MD Ayurveda experts. All the products are strictly based on ancient ayurvedic texts. These all are safe and devoid of any kind of preservatives and dyes. Here are a few remedies mentioned below:-



Herbal Remedies For Paranoid Personality Disorders

Paranoid Personality Disorder, PPD, Ayurvedic Treatment For PPD, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


1. Brahmi Capsules

Planet Ayurveda's Brahmi Capsules are made using a standardised extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Brahmi is the herb that is enriched with cold potency. Helpful in anxiety and stress disorders. It is one of the four medhya rasayan as per Acharya Charak. Brahmi itself means Balvardhak, thus very helpful in managing this psychological condition.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Arjuna Capsules

Arjuna capsules by Planet Ayurveda are an amazing formulation for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. It is prepared by a standardised extract of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). This herb balances pitta and Kapha dosha. It also acts on Mana as it's supposed to be in Heart.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

3. Neurogenie Capsules

Neurogenie capsule is a unique formulation by Planet Ayurveda. It contains two ingredients: Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Both herbs' standardised extract is used in this product. It helps in reducing anxiety. It is the best product for all personality disorders.

Dosage - 2 capsules twice daily with lukewarm water after meals.

4. Saraswatarisht

Saraswatarisht is a classical Ayurvedic preparation. It is an alcoholic preparation prepared by using wonderful herbs. Classically it is indicated for medhya and to be used for unmaad and apasmaar. It contains ingredients like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa), Harad (Terminalia chebula), etc.

Dosage - Have 2 tablets two times daily with water.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


The diagnosis of Paranoid Personality Disorder involves rigorous assessment. Given the condition's prevalence, and the potential for loss of quality of life of the patient as well as violence towards others. Optimal management of this disorder will be good for the patient but for society as well. Future research is needed for the diagnosis and management of this disease. Hence, Ayurveda has given the best results so far.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

What Is Myositis & Its Treatment In Ayurveda With Herbal Medications


Myositis is a chronic progressive inflammatory condition of the muscles. It is also associated with other symptoms that can be common to severe. Myositis can affect both children and adult males or females and tends to affect people over 5o years of age. In this article, we will discuss various causes, symptoms, and diagnostic methods of Myositis, along with its management with ayurvedic drugs.

Myositis, What Is Myositis, Herbal Medications For Myositis, Herbal Remedies For Myositis, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


Myositis is an auto-immune disorder that refers to inflammation of the muscles. It is a group of rare conditions. The immune system attacks its muscles causing inflammation in the muscles. It mainly affects the muscles of the shoulders, hips, and thighs. The symptoms appear rapidly or gradually with time. Along with muscle inflammation, some of the Myositis types are associated with skin rashes.

The five types of Myositis are-

  • Dermato Myositis - associated with purple-red rashes on the skin. 
  • Inclusion body Myositis - more common in males than females. 
  • Juvenile Myositis - occurs in children under the age of 18 years.
  • Poly-Myositis - associated with fever, weight loss
  • Toxic Myositis - caused due to side effects of certain prescribed medications.

The condition symptoms usually get worse over time and can affect the skin, lungs, and heart. Untreated Myositis can cause significant disabilities and even death.


In Ayurveda, muscles are known as Mamsa. Mams is the third dhatu from the seven dhatus of the human body. Impairments like inflammation, pain, and stiffness of muscles occur due to aggravation of Vata dosha. Destruction of mams dhatu leads to a subsequent loss of the following five dhatus (Meda, asthi, majja, shukra dhatus) and impairment of body areas connected to them. Ayurvedic management works by nourishing the muscles and overcoming the progression of the disease to the chronic stage. Myositis symptoms are managed with Ayurveda, which helps in recovering the muscles. The detailed treatment is explained further in the article.


Causes for Myositis include-

  • Injury
  • Infection - Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections such as the common cold, flu, human immunodeficiency virus, etc.
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Inflammatory conditions such as –
    1. Lupus
    2. Polymyositis
    3. Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Myositis can also occur due to adverse effects of certain drugs such as-
    1. Cocaine
    2. Alcohol
    3. Statins


The main symptoms of Myositis are-

  • Pain in muscles (very first sign)
  • Weak muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Muscles pain
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness and person may fall while standing or walking
  • Runny nose, fever, diarrhea, sore throat in Myositis due to infection

Symptoms in severe conditions also include-

  • Difficult breathing
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Skin problems like rashes
  • Heart problems


Various diagnostic methods are used to confirm the diagnosis-

  • Blood tests- can detect muscle enzymes and certain antibodies.
  • MRI
  • EMG
  • Skin/muscle biopsy


There is no cure for Myositis, but symptomatic treatment is done to reduce the inflammation and overcome muscle weakness.

  • Immunosuppressant drugs
  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Injections
  • Physical therapy


Myositis needs to be differentiated from other conditions such as-

  • Cervical myelopathy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Toxoplasmosis infection

Treatment modalities for myositis in Ayurveda include certain therapies, yoga, and herbal medications.

  • Panchkarma TherapiesPanchkarma therapies include abhyanga, Sweden, serving dhara along with nasya. These therapies are done with various medicated oils and herbs, prescribed by the ayurvedic doctor after considering many factors regarding the patient. These therapies are done by experts under the guidance of an Ayurveda doctor and help in strengthening the muscles and delaying the further progression of the disease.
  • Yoga – Yoga Asanas also strengthen muscles and can be practiced easily at home. Yoga is a very effective therapy for the betterment of the condition of the person. It just involves your dedication and hard work. Some of the yoga asanas you can do are – Vakrasana, Tadasana, Pranayam, etc, according to the recommendation of your ayurvedic doctor.


Planet Ayurveda is an ayurvedic manufacturing company in India. For 2 decades it has been preparing many medicines which are successfully managing many diseases worldwide. Their preparations are 100% pure and natural and also free from any kind of chemical, or preservative. Anti Ovarian Cyst Pack is one of their herbal formulations which is non-invasive and chemical-free. Certain medications used for the management of myositis are-


  1. RumoGin 5 Capsules
  2. Boswellia Curcumin
  3. Musli Strength
  4. Yograj Guggul
  5. Aamvatantak Churna

Herbal Medications For Myositis

Myositis, What Is Myositis, Herbal Medications For Myositis, Herbal Remedies For Myositis, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


1. RumoGin 5 Capsules

These herbal capsules are made from Haridra (Curcuma longa), Sonth (Zingiber officinalis), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Maricha (Piper nigrum), and Pippali (Piper longum). Each capsule has rejuvenating properties that heal the muscles naturally. It relieves the pain and swelling in the muscles and joints.

Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily.

2. Boswellia Curcumin

These capsules are a combination of Curcumin (Curcuma longa) and Shallaki (Boswellia serrata). These herbs increase immunity and act as antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce swelling. Boswellic acid and curcuminoids present in these capsules work by inhibiting topoisomerase and reducing edema, which helps release brain relaxants and reduce tension because of muscle pain. These capsules help maintain healthy blood composition and will improve blood circulation in the whole body which promotes joint, brain, and muscle health. These capsules ease symptoms of muscle and joint deformities.

Dosage - Eat 1 capsule twice daily with water.

3. Musli Strength

These capsules are prepared with standard extracts of Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), and Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). These capsules increase the strength of the body giving excellent results for many disabilities. It helps improve stamina, and confidence in men and women. These capsules generate energy in the body and maintain blood circulation. It boosts the immune system and manages myositis.

Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily.

4. Yograj Guggul

This is a polyherbal preparation of Vidang (Embelia Ribes), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), etc. Yograj guggul has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help to pacify Vata dosha and helps in relieving pain and swelling in muscles. It also works on muscle spasms. Thus offers free movement of the body.

Dosage - Have 2 tablets two times daily with water.

5. Aamvatantak Churna

This classical preparation is composed of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Methi (Trigonella foenum graecum), Haridra (Curcuma longa), etc. The churna will eliminate aam (toxins) from the body along with balancing Vata dosha disturbance. This will maintain gut health and will not let the doshas aggravate which will ultimately reduce symptoms and improve the condition of myositis.

Dosage - Eat 1 tablespoon full twice daily 10 minutes before a meal.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Ayurveda has confirmed possible recovery and has been authenticated to be the most effective treatment for Myositis without any side effects. Visit our clinics for better recovery from such a disease. Our talented doctors are treating various patients very effectively. For any query kindly visit

Ayurvedic Treatment For Trigeminal Cephalalgia With Herbal Remedies


Headache is a very common disorder that is felt by each one of us one day or another. But the group of conditions that may cause severe long-term headaches associated with some disorders are necessary to diagnose and treat. Trigeminal Cephalalgia is a disorder that initiates unilateral headaches with cluster attacks that may be severe to deal with. The prevalence of Trigeminal Cephalalgia is up to 0.1%. Males are three times more prone to be affected by Trigeminal Cephalalgia. Though it can begin at any stage of life but mostly begins in the third and fourth decade of life. In this article, we will get to know various causes and symptoms along with the ayurvedic management of Trigeminal Cephalalgia.

Trigeminal Cephalalgia, Ayurvedic Treatment For Trigeminal Cephalalgia, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


Trigeminal Cephalalgia or Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia is a group of disorders characterized by a headache that are unilateral and are associated with prominent ipsilateral cranial autonomic features. This is a rare condition but is clinically well-defined.

The Group of disorders classified under Trigeminal Cephalalgia are-

  • Cluster headache [CH]
  • Paroxysmal hemicranias [PH],
  • [SUNA]- Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic symptoms
  • Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival autonomic symptoms [SUNCT].
  • Long-lasting autonomic symptoms with hemicranias [LASH].

These types differ in frequency and duration of the pain. Cephalalgia can be defined as any type of pain in the head, face, and neck regions. There can be hundreds of types of pain but simply they must be categorized as primary and secondary headaches. Alcohol and narcotics consumption may trigger the syndrome.


According to Ayurveda Shira-shoola, headaches can occur due to an imbalance of doshas in the body that impacts the brain. According to the aggravation of a particular dosha the type of headache is determined as Vataj Shira-shoola, Pittaj Shira-shoola, Kaphaj Shira-shoola, dwandaj Shira-shoola, or tridoshaj Shira-shoola. We can classify all these types under trigeminal cephalalgia. The symptoms are the same that cause moderate to severe headaches that can also cause restlessness and irritability. The doshas are aggravated due to improper lifestyle and Virudh aahar. The ayurvedic remedies work on doshas pacification that will ultimately ease the symptoms and manage the overall condition.


The exact cause of this disorder is not known but is assumed to occur due to-

  • Compression of Trigeminal nerve due to any cause including direct trauma.
  • Also due to multiple sclerosis
  • While it can be triggered by
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Taking Histamines

According to Ayurveda-

  • Stress is also known to trigger Shira-shoola (headache) due to the aggravation of Vata dosha.
  • Along with it Vata vardhak Virudh aahar and ratrijagran are also causative factors of Shira-shoola.


Symptoms of Trigeminal Cephalalgia may include-

  • Headache on one side of the head
  • Eye-watering 
  • Restlessness
  • Aggressiveness
  • Red eyes
  • Drooping of eyes


Diagnosis is made entirely based on the-

  • Clinical history
  • MRI scan

The history and whole examination are done to rule out the exact type of trigeminal cephalalgia, and treatment is prescribed according to it.


Treatment of Trigeminal Cephalalgia varies according to the exact type. A few medications that are prescribed are-

  • Drug Indomethacin is mostly used in LASH
  • Oxygen
  • Analgesics (painkillers)
  • Steroids
  • Conventional pharmacological therapy
  • Surgery

Treatment modalities for the management of such disorders include Shirodhara, meditation for refreshing the mind, and some herbal medications.

  • Shirodhara - Brain is calmed and given strength in a calm and peaceful environment with medicated herbs oil. This procedure is done under the guidance of an ayurvedic doctor by an expert.
  • Yoga and Meditation - Doing yoga and meditation regularly by managing time from the busy day schedule implies one cares for their body. They help by enhancing body fitness physically and relaxing the mind.


Along with these therapies, certain herbal medicines are prescribed to the patient that has been doing wonders in stress relieving. These medicines are patent products of Planet Ayurveda which is a leading manufacturing company in India. All its medicines are 100% vegetarian and free of any kind of chemicals, preservatives, and adulteration. The basic treatment includes the following medicines -


  1. Neurogenie Capsules
  2. Neuro Plan Syrup
  3. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
  4. Boswellia Curcumin

Herbal Remedies For Trigeminal Cephalalgia

Trigeminal Cephalalgia, Ayurvedic Treatment For Trigeminal Cephalalgia, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


1. Neurogenie Capsules

These wonderful capsules are made with Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), and roots of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These herbs are very efficient in treating brain disorders. In Trigeminal Cephalalgia patients these capsules work to control the pain by nourishing nerves and giving strength to the brain. They can help the person to fight against such disorders by giving mental and physical strength to the person.

Dosage - Have 2 capsules two times daily with water.

2. Neuro Plan Syrup

The syrup contains herbs such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Sonth (Zingiber officinalis), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), etc. This is a brain tonic for patients suffering from neurological conditions. It can very effectively ease the symptoms of Trigeminal Cephalalgia by overcoming the general weakness of the nerves and strengthening them.

Dosage - Take 2 teaspoons full twice daily.

3. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras

This ayurvedic medicine is made up of Swaran bhasma (Gold ash), Rajat bhasma (Silver ash), Prawal (Coral calcium), etc. These are dietary supplements manufactured to maintain normal mental and physical health. Primarily this medicine is indicated in paralytic patients, epilepsy, psychosis, etc condition.

Dosage - Chew 1 supplement daily.

4. Boswellia Curcumin

These wonderful capsules are prepared with a combination of two herbs Curcumin (Curcuma longa) and Shallaki (Boswellia serrata). These herbs increase immunity and act as an antioxidant. Its anti-inflammatory herbs reduce symptoms of pain by reducing swelling. Boswellic acid and curcuminoids present in these capsules work by inhibiting topoisomerase and reducing brain edema, which helps release brain relaxants and reduce tension because of pain. These capsules will improve blood circulation in the brain, face, and neck region, which will promote the easing of disorder symptoms.

Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


The headache can be controlled with these herbal medications. However, the person with high symptoms may need a full treatment plan along with diet plans and other therapies including Shirodhara, and meditation. The whole treatment process is safe. In case of any query kindly visit

Esophageal Motility Disorder (EMD) & Its Ayurvedic Treatment With Herbal Remedies


The esophagus is an important part of our digestive system. It carries food and other food products that you eat to the stomach. Any disorder in between this pathway can from mouth to stomach indicates esophageal dysfunctions. Esophageal Motility Disorder is a rare disorder of the esophagus that causes swelling and many associated problems that make it difficult for the person to swallow and feel normal. The prevalence is more common in males and females above the age of 50 years. In this article, we are going to discuss various symptoms and their causes along with ayurvedic management of Esophageal Motility Disorder.

Esophageal Motility Disorder, EMD, Ayurvedic Treatment For EMD, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


Esophageal Motility Disorder is a disorder of the esophagus that causes swallowing difficulties, pain, and regurgitation of food. Esophageal Motility Disorder includes Achalasia, Diffuse esophageal spasm, Non-specific esophageal motility, Secondary esophageal motility, and many more. When food travels through the esophagus the food when it reaches the end of the esophagus the entry into the stomach is controlled by a muscular valve known as the lower esophageal sphincter. This sphincter is the main organ to allow the entry of food into the stomach and the prevention of stomach contents to regurgitate into the esophagus. Any disruption in this process causes Esophageal Motility Disorders.


According to ayurvedic texts, excess Acid (amal) production occurs due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha in the body. The imbalanced tridosha with aggravated Pitta dosha will directly act on your digestive system. Along with some beej dushti vyadhis (congenital malformations), the esophagus cannot work properly and the imbalance of the doshas can trigger the symptoms, worsening the condition. Pain and swelling-like symptoms are due to Vata dosha imbalance. It is tridoshaj vyadhi that will cause malformation and malfunctioning of the digestive tract, that includes the esophagus. Treatment focuses on balancing tridosha and pacifying pitta dosha to manage overproduction of acid. The diet is also managed in these cases. Detailed ayurvedic management is explained further in this article.


Causes of Esophageal Motility Disorder are not known but Risk factors include-

  • High blood pressure
  • Unhealthy eating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


The symptoms of Esophageal Motility Disorder may include the following-

  • Regurgitation of Acid
  • Pain in the esophageal tube
  • Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)
  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • Feeling of choking
  • Malnutrition
  • Weight loss
  • Recurrent pneumonia infection
  • Food impaction


The diagnostic methods include-

  • Endoscopy
  • Barium swallow
  • Pharyngeal manometry
  • pH monitoring
  • Esophageal impedance test


Treatment is aimed to treat the cause of Esophageal Motility Disorder, however symptomatic treatment is mainly performed for the management of the disorder.

  • Invasive esophageal therapies
  • Medications-
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Nitrates
  • Radiation oncology
  • Surgery


The recovery of Esophageal Motility Disorder is possible with various herbal medicines and dietary modifications-

  • Pathya-apathya - The dietary foods that will increase the Pitta dosha in the body will be excluded or minimized depending upon the prakriti and severity of motility disorders. Proper diet plans are described individually to the patients that are very effective in the timely recovery of such esophageal motility disorders.


Planet Ayurveda is a leading manufacturing company of various herbal medications with the best overall result for 20 years. Their products are 100% pure and vegetarian and are made from standardized extracts of various potential medicinal plants by expert ayurvedic physicians. It has been preparing several herbal medicines that are successfully treating several diseases worldwide. They strictly follow government guidelines for making their products the best. Their preparations are 100% pure and also free from any kind of preservatives. The herbal medications used in the management of Esophageal Motility Disorder are-


  1. Avipattikar Churna
  2. Mahashankh Vati
  3. Acido Plan Syrup
  4. Digestion Support

Herbal Remedies For Esophageal Motility Disorder

Esophageal Motility Disorder, EMD, Ayurvedic Treatment For EMD, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


1. Avipattikar Churna

This classical formulation is made with a combination of herbs like – Baheda (Terminalia bellirica), Peepal (Ficus religiosa), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Tejpatta (Laurus nobilis), Green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), Nisoth (Operculina turpethum), etc. This herbal mixture is mostly used to balance Pitta dosha in the body. It acts as a strong antacid so is also helpful in throat and esophageal conditions. That includes acid regurgitation and excess acid formation. Consuming a good quantity of this churna can ease symptoms of Esophageal Motility Disorder.

Dosage - Eat 1 teaspoon two times daily with water.

2. Mahashankh Vati

This Polyherbal medication is prepared with Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), Marich (Piper nigrum), Shudha Vatsnabh (Purified aconitum ferox), Shankh Bhasma (Conch shell ash), Hingu (Ferula asafetida), Rasa (mercury in purified form), etc. The vati is known for its antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-rheumatic effects. It pacifies Vata and Pitta doshas. This vati reduces acidity production and strengthens the body by enhancing the absorption of nutrients in the body. It works in indigestion and controls acid formation, chest pain, and bloating due to its digestive, and appetizer properties.

Dosage - Take 2 tablets twice daily.

3. Acido Plan Syrup

This syrup contains extracts of herbs such as Patola (Trichosanthes dioica), Sajjikshar (Soda bicarbonate), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Haritki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Amalaki (Embelia officinalis), Pitta Papada (Fumaria indica), etc. Consuming the syrup will ease the symptoms of Acidity and heartburn by improving digestion. This syrup will control the quantized amount of production of acid in the body. This in turn improves the overall acidity problem resulting in an acid disorder-free digestive system. It will ultimately reduce heartburn and food-impaction-like symptoms.

Dosage - Have 2 teaspoons twice daily.

4. Digestion Support Capsules

These pure herbal capsules are prepared with herbs such as Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Pippali (Piper longum), Dhania (Coriander sativum), Jeerak (Cyminum cuminum). These herbs maintain the natural pH balance in the stomach, which help in digesting food properly. The digestion support capsules improve digestion by strengthening the whole digestive system including the walls of the esophagus and the sphincters, which will not let the food regurgitate into the esophagus.

Dosage - Eat 1 capsule two times daily.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Heal yourself with Ayurveda as Ayurveda provides safe management for Esophageal Motility Disorder. Do not delay the treatment if you have any one of these symptoms because early treatment can reverse the chances of the disease's severity. Our talented Ayurvedic doctors are constantly working on the management of such diseases and have been successful to a large extent. The efforts provide relief to the patients without any side effects. In case of any query kindly visit

Monday, September 18, 2023

Ayurvedic Treatment For Managing C-Reactive Protein In PCOS With Herbal Remedies


Women are such dedicated creatures. Always busy taking care of someone. Firstly a mother takes care of her daughter and teaches her the same thing, then a daughter takes care of her whole family, understanding their wants and needs. Then she takes care of someone else's family and someone's son, whom she accepts as a husband, then her own children. But between this all she is ignoring something which is very precious to each and every being on this earth and that is her health. She ignores her urges, she tolerates the talks, she forgets her pain and finally develops the undesirable. The undesirable can be anything, it might be mental, it might be physical or both. Such undesirables are because of the lifestyle that a female is forced to follow by circumstances or may by her own will or laziness but conclusion remains the same, "Development of lifestyle disorders". One of such lifestyle disorders is PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. In this article we will discuss the same and also discuss the raised CRP levels associated with this condition.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS, C-Reactive Protein In PCOS, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


Firstly, discussing Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS, as mentioned above, it's a lifestyle disorder and like other lifestyle disorders it can have a massive impact on the body of a Female. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age and is characterised by the presence of multiple cysts in either one ovary or in both of the ovaries. These cysts are the result of inability to ovulate due lack of hormones and these cysts are responsible for releasing androgens in the body causing symptoms like unwanted hair growth on chest, neck, chin and back region. These high levels of androgens also results in lowering the already depleting capacity to ovulate thus enhances chances to develop infertility in future. Also, in addition this condition is also responsible for High levels of CRP in the body. CRP is C- reactive protein and is a type of protein that is produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. The high levels of CRP in the body along with PCOS is suggestive of risk for Cardiovascular disease.


The common signs of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are as follows:

  • Abnormal Hair growth: The excess of facial hair growth is seen. It is known as hirsutism. This might affect other parts of the body as well. It affects almost 70% of females suffering from Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Acne: With polycystic ovarian syndrome acne problem is purely associated. Acne over face especially on checks, chin and forehead is noticed along with many other parts of the body.
  • Baldness: Male pattern of baldness or thinning of hairs is seen.
  • Small pieces of excess skin over neck and armpits. These are called skin tags.
  • Dark and thick skin patches on the back of neck, in the armpits and under breasts

Symptoms regarding the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:

  • Irregular Periods: Abnormal menstruation or missed periods is the most common sign of Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Abnormal Bleeding: The abnormal bleeding can include scanty bleeding or heavy bleeding during periods. Bleeding between two consecutive cycles may also be noticed.
  • Not able to conceive even after a long time of trying (Suggestive of secondary infertility)
  • Weight Gain: Which is especially around the belly or abdomen.

On ultrasonography enlarged ovaries are noticed because of multiple cyst formation and blood tests are usually suggestive of high levels of androgens. High glucose levels may also be seen.

Now let's discuss the most important part of this article and that is the link between High C- reactive protein and Poly cystic ovarian syndrome.


As mentioned before C- reactive protein is an inflammatory marker in the body that is released from the liver. The elevation of CRP in PCOS is because of the inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin- 6 and interleukin -18 along with increase in the levels of leukocytes count. This is because of the low grade chronic inflammation in polycystic ovarian syndrome.

The elevated levels of C- reactive protein is suggestive of risk for Cardiovascular disease. The chances of or risk of cardiovascular disease increases with increase in atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is laying down of cholesterol in the artery causing buildup of plaque. Atherosclerosis is mostly related to obesity. Obesity results in altered blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profile and systemic inflammation as well.


Ayurveda has suggested Polycystic ovarian syndrome and other lifestyle disorders as something which is because of the vitiation of doshas. In lifestyle disorders the first and foremost disturbance is seen in Agni or digestion power. When the digestion disturbed it causes products of ama, understood as endotoxins in modern language. These endotoxins then coagulate the srotas or microchannels. These srotas or microchannels are required in the body for free flow of vata dosha along with bodily fluids and when they get clogged, firstly vitiation of vata dosha or kinetic energy takes place which then vitiates kapha and pitta as well. The cycle of polycystic ovarian syndrome can be understood as follows:

  • Due to vitiation of tridosha severe abnormalities in the menstrual cycle of a female is observed. This results in untimely bleeding, excessive, scanty or no per vaginal bleeding.
  • The vitiation of doshas result in hormonal imbalance as initially there is involvement of vata dosha.
  • Then due to hormonal imbalance and vitiated vata dosha, kapha dosha gets involved thus resulting in formation of cysts in the ovary or ovaries.
  • The cyst then releases androgens like testosterone that increases the heat in the body as testosterone is an anabolic steroid and is responsible for regulating body temperature and male features as well. This results in excessive heat production in the body, excessive hair growth on the body, too much sweating and many other symptoms related to Polycystic ovarian syndrome. 
  • Blocked channels and menstrual irregularities keep on vitiating the already vitiated doshas and then slowly results in obesity.
  • Obesity then, as mentioned above is responible for high chances for altering C-reactive protein values thus suggests the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The Nidan or causative factors in this case of PCOS are very common like deranged sleep patterns, faulty eating habits, not working out, stress etc. In short, this happens when someone usually refuses to take care of themselves. Maybe the aforementioned sentence pinches at heart but deep inside we know where we are wrong and what is to be corrected.

Now if we discuss the Ayurveda treatment for the same, then there are many herbs which can be used in this conditions are as follows:

First and foremost thing is to correct ourselves. If we don't then things can never get better. Better things to opt for are healthy food, home made meals, preferring proper meals over junk food, exercise (you need to do hard work to get better) and take time to understand things instead of instantly stressing yourself.

Secondly herbs like kanchnaar, guggul, Arjun, Lodhra, shatavari, Ashok, brahmi, jatamansi, yashtimadhu, ashwagandha etc will help in this condition impressively. Moreover, minerals like Abhrak, tankan, Loha, mandur etc also give impressive results in case of PCOS. With such herbs and minerals, herbal, herbo mineral and mineral formulations are prepared which result in PCOS along with the alterations in lifestyle and diet style.


Planet Ayurveda is a herbal products manufacturing company. It is making both Ayurveda classical products as well as its patent products. The company has been in the market for the last 20 years and the products give benefits in various conditions including PCOS and high CRP levels as well. The formulations manufactured or prepared by the company are totally herbal and don't have any side effects. These products don't have any type of adulterants, fillers, additives, flavouring agents etc. and are prepared with the methods foretold in the Ayurveda classics. For High CRP in PCOS following are the formulations which are offered by Planet Ayurveda:



Herbal Remedies For Managing High C-Reactive Protein In PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS, C-Reactive Protein In PCOS, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


1. Kanchnaar Guggul

Kanchnaar guggul is a classical preparation which has kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata), guggul (Commiphora mukul), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala) and many others. The formulation has a very impressive impact in various types of conditions especially related to over growths. In this case also cyst formation is a sign of overgrowth. That's why kanchnaar guggul is helpful in this case. In addition, this formulation helps in the pacification of vata and kapha dosha as well. The ingredients of this formulation are having antioxidant effects and thus give impressive results. Kanchnaar guggul is the first thing prescribed to Polycystic ovarian syndrome patients.

Dosage - Two tablets twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

2. Chandraprabha Vati

Chanderprabha vati is also a classical preparation and is quite famous for its multiple effects on the body. The name of the formulation suggests Chandra which is the moon and prabha which is translated as glow. This formulation has ingredients like Shilajit (Asphaltum), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), sharkara (Sugar), karpoor (Cinnamomum camphora), vacha (Acorus calamus), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus) and many others. Chanderprabha vati helps in getting moon glow like effect on the body. But more than that it helps in cleansing the entire reproductive system of the female, strengthens the uterus, nourishes the body, helps in cutting down extra fat, helps in urinary tract infections, deals with high blood glucose and also has an impact on inflammation in the body. Thus gives results in lowering raised CRP values.

Dosage - Two tablets twice a day with lukewarm water after meals .

3. Punarnava Mandur

The Punarnava Mandur is also a Classical formulation. As the name of the formulation suggests, it has two for sure ingredients and that are punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and mandur (Ferric oxide calx). Other than these two there are more ingredients like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Haridra (Curcuma longa) and many others. This formulation acts as a source of iron and also helps in PCOS associated with hypothyroidism. Due to the presence of mandur this formulation also gives uterus cleansing effect. It helps in providing energy to the body and also helps with the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Dosage - Two tablet twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

4. Pradrantak Churna

Pradrantak Churna is a patent herbal formulation which is used in the conditions related to female reproductive health. The formulation has ingredients like lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), ashoka (Saraca indica), udumbur (Ficus glomerata) and arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). The combination in this formulation helps with the irregularities of the menstrual cycle. This churna helps in cleansing the entire uterus and also opens the blocked microchannels as well. In addition, this formulation has a fantastic effect in supporting the entire female reproductive system. This formulation is the modification of classics mentioned in pushyanug churna. Pradrantak churna along with other medication helps in poly cystic ovarian syndrome very well.

Dosage - One tsp twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

5. Kumari Saar

Kumari saar is also a patent formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda. This formulation has only one ingredient and that is Ghrit-kumari (Aloe barbadensis). Kumari saar has an effect in betterment of digestion and also has its effect on the menstrual cycle. It is a natural antioxidant and plays a good role in many symptoms related to Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Overall this herbal juice improves digestion, strengthens the intestine, cleanses Gastrointestinal tract, increases the secretion of digestive bile, forms ahara rasa, increases physical strength and regulates the formation of all blood components. Due to such effects it enhances the entire metabolism and thus cleanses the blocked micro channels.

Dosage: Two tsp twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

6. Vriddhivadhika Vati

Vriddhivadhika vati is a classical preparation which has many mineral ingredients. The formulation has ingredients like Shuddha parada (Purified Mercury), Shuddha gandhak (Purified Sulphur), Loha bhasma (Iron calx), Vanga bhasma (Tin calx), Tamra bhasma (Copper calx), Kansya bhasma (Bronze calx), Shuddha hartal (Purified arsenic), Shuddha tutha (Purified copper sulphate), Shankh bhasma (Pearl calx) and many others. The formulation helps in pacification of vata and kapha dosha. It also helps in the enhancement of the immune system and thus helps with various types of inflammations as well. This formulation is explained in rasashastra in Ayurveda, thus the formulation contains ingredients which can travel through microchannels and also can help in the cleansing of the same. Due to these impressive ingredients it can help in any type of overgrowth in the body. It is not having its impact on overgrowth only but also has its impact on the strengthening of various systems of the body including the reproductive system as well.

Dosage: One tablet twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

7. Arjuna Capsules

Arjun capsules are one of the best potent herbal formulations. The capsules have standardised extract of only arjun (Terminalia arjuna). As the high C-reactive protein is related to the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases thus arjun plays a very important role here. It helps in keeping the heart health intact and while other medications have their effect in lowering the inflammation and thus stabilising c-reactive protein. Arjun capsules support the musculature of the heart, have the effect on its pumping and also help with anxiety or palpitations which may be present in the patient. In addition, arjuna is famous for its healing effect on the entire body.

Dosage: Two capsules twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

8. Guggul Capsules

The Guggul capsules are the patent product of Planet ayurveda. The capsules have guggul (Commiphora guggul) as its only ingredient. The guggul capsules are very effective when it comes to opening the blocked channels. Due to the hot potency of guggul the toxins in the micro channels are melted and digested away. In addition, it also helps in reducing inflammation in the body and reduces risk of cardiovascular disease in this case. Guggul is very well known to regulate menses as well and is a very good agent when it comes to weight loss. Guggul also helps in managing high blood sugar in this case.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day with lukewarm water after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a lifestyle disorder which has become very common in Females, in India and abroad. A female of reproductive age, ageing between 13-42 years can develop these conditions and thus suffers a lot. Sometimes this condition causes obesity, sometimes obesity causes this condition but the initiation in both of the cases remains the same and that is blocking of microchannels due to production of endotoxins. These endotoxins not only cause one thing but can cause a lot of troubles which might cause one after the other disturbance of the body. That's why it is mentioned in Ayurveda that taking care of "Agni" or "Digestive Power" is equal to taking care of your entire body. In case of any query kindly visit

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Treatment of Chylous Ascites in Ayurveda with Herbal Remedies


Chylous Ascites is a rare form of Ascites. This occurs when the chyle (milky fluid) forms in the intestine during the digestion process and it collects in the peritoneal or retroperitoneal cavity. It occurs when there is a rupture or trauma in the lymphatic system of the body. The chyle is milky in appearance due to the presence of triglyceride in the fluid. As water and fluid accumulate in the peritoneal cavity it leads to ascites. The liver secretes fluid in the body and when it secretes in large amounts the excess fluid is stored in the peritoneal cavity. As a result of chylous ascites various symptoms form and affect the normal functioning of the body.

Chylous Ascites


As we know it is a form of ascites where milky fluid chyle collects in the peritoneal cavity and leads to lymphatic disorder. As a result of high venous pressure, and lymphatic injuries it leads to lymphatic flow disorder. As the fluid leakage is there it may go to the chest, abdomen, and other cavities of the body and show various symptoms such as electrolyte imbalance, abdominal dissension, and dehydration.  When it is left untreated it may lead to stomach distension, difficulty in eating, abdominal distension, and difficulty in breathing and leads to lymphatic disorder in the body. As lymph vessels carry the lymph fluid, the lymph fluid goes to the blood and plays the functioning of the immune system and the transportation of fat and protein in the body.


The Chylous ascites show various symptoms such as-

  • Injury to the lymphatic system
  • Benign and malignant cause
  • Congenital syndrome such as Turner syndrome
  • Obstruction in vessel
  • Inflammation
  • Portal hypertension
  • Systemic disease
  • Hepatic cirrhosis
  • Systemic disease


The chylous ascites have the following symptoms-

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Difficulty in eating
  • Malnutrition
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Dehydration
  • Anorexia
  • Edema
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Big belly as a result of fluid stored in the cavity
  • Anorexia
  • Lymph vessels are enlarged
  • Increase in weight
  • Increased abdominal pressure
  • Night sweat


As per the clinical examination and medical history taken by the physician. The following tests are done for chylous ascites-

  • Blood test
  • Cytology to assess malignant ascites
  • Abdominal paracentesis
  • Ascetic fluid examination to assess triglyceride in fluid
  • Peritoneal biopsy to detect cancer cells in fluid
  • CT (Computerized tomography) to detect the fluid
  • MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) to detect malignancy
  • Lymphangiography to reveal oozing of contrast in the abdominal cavity
  • USG of the Abdomen to confirm the ascites easily
  • Lipoprotein electrophoresis to check the presence of chylomicrons in fluid
  • Lymphoscintigraphy to detect leakage of fluid


  • Diet
  • Take a low-fat and protein-rich diet
  • Paracentesis
  • Lymph angiography
  • Removal of fluid with the help of a surgical needle
  • Surgical treatment


As we know Chylous Ascites is a rare type of ascites. As Acharya Charak described च.चि.१३ chylous ascites are considered under Jalodar rog which is one type of Udar rog. It is the result of vitiation of tridoshas that are vata, pitta, and kapha. Udar Rog is described under astamahagada. It occurs due to low digestive fire and an increase in mala. Due to Vikruti of prana vayu and apana vayu, it leads to dusti of sweda vaha and ambuvaha srotas.


च.चि.१३ Jalodar is described as an accumulation of fluid in the skin and the tissue that causes distension in the abdomen is known as jalodar. It is due to vikruti of Prana vayu and apan vayu.


  • Due to the intake of excessive water
  • Intake of more salt
  • Improper diet
  • Pancreatitis
  • More sitting posture
  • Low digestive fire
  • Taking more oily food
  • Intake of more packaged food
  • Infections
  • Kidney failure


च.चि.१३।४५-४६ Acharya describes the pathophysiology of Jalodar-

As a person intakes oleation therapy and after this intakes more water as a result their digestive fire becomes low and the vessels are filled by air. As an obstruction in the lymphatic system, it prevents the absorption of fluid and protein in the cavity and fluid stored in the abdominal cavity.

Symptoms Of Chylous Ascites

The following are the clinical features of chylous ascites-

  • Anorexia (loss of appetite)
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Everted umbilicus
  • Abdominal distension
  • Swelling in abdomen
  • Weight gain
  • Edema
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of strength


  • Hepatorenal syndrome due to obstruction of channels
  • Intestinal perforation due to infection
  • Hepatic encephalopathy


  • Intake of kshara medicine such as cow urine
  • Intake of milk
  • Fasting
  • Intake of medicated ghee with rock salt
  • Shastra Karma (Surgical treatment)


Planet Ayurveda provides an herbal medicine to cure the disease. The herbal medicines are 100% pure and safe as they are free from any adulterants, preservatives, yeast, fillers, or chemicals. In modern treatment, after drainage of fluid, there are chances of recurrence but in Ayurveda, after taking herbal medicine there is no recurrence of fluid in the cavity.  For the treatment of Chylous Ascites, Planet Ayurveda provides herbal medicines that are easy to use and have no side effects. The list is described below-


  1. Punarnava Capsules
  2. Shothari Mandoor
  3. Tribulus Powder
  4. Indian Echinacea
  5. Yakrit Plihantak Churna

Herbal Remedies For Chylous Ascites

Herbal Remedies For Chylous Ascites


1. Punarnava Capsules

The Punarnava Capsules are made up of a single drug extraction of punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa). It helps to reduce fluid from the cavity and edema. As it removes excess fluid from the body the size of the spleen is decreased. As size is reduced it reduces swelling, inflammation, and bacteria in the body. The liver is affected in ascites; it protects the liver from damage. Punarnava acts as a diuretic; it regulates kidney functions and reduces urinary retention and digestion of fat.

Dosage- 2 capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

2. Shothari Mandoor

It is a classical formulation formed by the mixture of many drugs. It contains Mandoor bhasma (Calx of iron), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Chavya (Piper chaba), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Gomutra (cows urine), Madhu (Honey), and many other herbs. It pacifies all three doshas. It reduces the edema, Inflammation, and swelling of the abdomen. As fluid is excess in the abdomen the digestive fire will become slow so It helps in digestion and improves the metabolism of the body. It stimulates liver function so it is helpful in the loss of appetite. It is the best source of iron so helpful in treating anaemia.

Dosage- 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

3. Tribulus Powder

It is a capsule-form formulation that is prepared by standardised extraction of  Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura). It pacifies all three doshas. As Gokshura is sweet in taste and has cold potency, It is useful in increasing patient strength and reducing swelling. It helps to treat renal problems, edema, and urinary problems. It is a natural diuretic so helps in removing excess fluid.

Dosage- 1 capsule twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

4. Indian Echinacea

These capsules are made from Indian Echinacea (Andrographis paniculata). The capsules are made up of natural herbs without any type of adulterant. Kalmegh has hepatoprotective properties so it helps to maintain a healthy liver. It improves digestion as it has laxative properties. Due to excess fluid, the digestive fire will become low as Kalmega balances the vitiated pitta and kapha dosha which increase the low digestive fire and improve appetite.

Dosage- 1 capsule twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

5. Yakrit Plihantak Churna

Yakrit Plihantak Churna is made up of a combination of drugs such as Bhringraj (Eclipta alba), Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea), Kalmegha (Andrographis paniculata), and Kaasni (Cichorium intybus). It is helpful in liver and spleen disorders. It helps to remove toxins from the liver so improves liver function. It generates liver cells so helpful in liver inflammation and enlargement. The Giloy element helps to correct liver metabolism, as it acts as an immunomodulator.

Dosage- 1 teaspoonful twice daily, with plain water, after meals.


As we studied in this article liver disease is the cause of Chylous Ascites. With the help of proper diet and proper medicine, it is possible to cure. In modern treatments such as tapping and fluid removal by needle, after this, there is a higher chance of recurrence. In Ayurveda, this condition is correlated with Jaloder which is a type of udar rog. In which vata dosha is vitiated. Usually, treatment is based on the symptoms and severity of the disease. The formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda such as Punarnava capsules, Shothari mandoor, Tribulus powder, Indian echinacea, and Yakrit plihantak churna are effective in curing Chylous Ascites.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Glutathione IV Drip Therapy – How the results can be maintained with Ayurveda


The 21st century has the solution to each and everything which is happening around the world. If you want to survive in this century, then you need to develop a skill. A skill of learning and developing more skills. More skills means more knowledge and more knowledge means solutions to each and everything the world is facing, you are facing. Even Indian Prime minister Mr. Narender modi has also said, "21st century is the century of knowledge". Knowledge and science have the power to embrace and strengthen the entire universe. Humans are surviving this 21st century due to their art of learning new things, new skills. Though you might believe that we humans are the strongest, that's why we survive or we are the most intelligent ones that's why we are surviving but the truth is humans are the most adaptable ones that's why they are surviving. We as humans are adapting to new ways of living even when the Planet is polluted and running out of resources. Earlier it was mentioned that the 21st century has the solution to each and every thing. It has solutions for body ageing, skin ageing and also for the toxins in the body which the body itself cannot eliminate. In this article we discuss the solution of skin ageing and how the body can be detoxified at a rapid rate in the 21st century. The solution is Glutathione. In addition, we will also discuss the importance of Ayurveda for maintaining the same.

Glutathione, Glutathione IV Drip Therapy, Benefits Of Glutathione, Bad Effects Of Glutathione, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


Now let's discuss the solution. Aforementioned, the Solution is Glutathione. Glutathione is something which is naturally found in the human body. The glutathione is made with certain amino acids like glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. This is produced by the liver and is involved in various bodily processes. This Glutathione is responsible for tissue building and repairing, making chemicals essentials for bodily processes and also for making proteins needed to the body. It also helps in better functioning of the immune system. It is recommended in many diseases and also tends to give results in the same. It's an impressive solution but does this solution only have benefits or it has some hidden bad effects as well?

That is something we will discuss in the article below.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant. This is a protein which is found in every cell of the body and is made with three types of molecules called as amino acids. These are glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. These amino acids combine in the body in various patterns to form different types of proteins. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which is made by the liver and this is the most unique thing about this protein. The most amazing benefits of this protein are listed below:

  • It helps in the formation and repair of DNA. DNA is basically the building blocks of proteins and cells.
  • Supports the entire immune system and thus makes the body stronger.
  • Helps with low sperm count
  • As an antioxidant it helps in protecting the body from the damage done by free radicals.
  • Also help with certain enzyme functioning
  • Glutathione supports the regeneration of Vitamin E and C
  • It also helps in transporting mercury out of the brain
  • Supports the liver and gallbladder functioning so that fat metabolism can be maintained.
  • This also helps in rejuvenation of cells and also with regular over apoptosis (this is a process understood as programmed cell death)
  • In some liver and heart diseases this can help in improving the condition
  • It also help with fine lines and wrinkles which are common to develop with the age
  • It also helps in preventing cancer
  • The insulin resistance in Diabetes type 2 can also be managed with this as insulin resistance tends to lower the levels of glutathione. But its IV administration will help in lowering the insulin receptor resistance in the cells.  
  • The glutathione also has nerve cells regenerating affect thus have impact in parkinsons too
  • Surprisingly, the damage to the colon in ulcerative colitis can get a little better with its use.
  • In autism spectrum disorders (ASD), the children have low amounts of glutathione so its administration can help in various systems related to ASD (autism spectrum disorders)

That's why, due to the above mentioned benefits, the IV (Intravenous) drip therapy of glutathione is gaining more and more popularity.

But are there any bad effects of this on the body?

Keep Reading And you will find out…………….


With the usage of Glutathione, the bad effects can knock on the door as well. They can have very general bad effects which can make you worry. These effects are as following:

  • General bad effects of glutathione are nausea, headaches, lightheadedness, body aches, chills, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, abdominal cramping and loose stools.
  • In rare cases, skin rashes may develop. Stevens johnson syndrome is one another rare side effect of this. Toxic epidermal necrolysis can also happen along with thyroid or kidney dysfunction.

Now comes the most important part of the article and that is how the levels of the Glutathione can be maintained naturally or the IV glutathione which is administered, how its levels can be prevented from falling down once again?

Seems like a tough question but has very simple answers and that is Ayurveda and Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurveda, as we know, is a holistic science and is around 5000 years old. Even being Old science, it has its impact on conditions which developed in the human race due to modernisation. Ayurveda herbs are not less than elixirs and these elixirs are foretold in Ayurveda texts. The combination of these elixirs or herbs not only boost glutathione levels but also helps the body to make glutathione on its own. Now, moving forward in Article, let's see what Ayurveda has to offer.


Planet Ayurveda is a herbal product manufacturing company which has its resellers in many parts of the world. In India also, the company has its resellers in many states and cities. The formulations prepared by Planet Ayurveda are totally herbal and do not have any type of adulterant, additives, flavouring agents, fillers, dyes etc. The formulations are prepared with pure herbs or herbal extracts. They can be given in any age and in any gender. The company follows the strict adherence to ancient Ayurveda for manufacturing of its products. Planet Ayurveda has following formulations for boosting and supporting glutathione levels:



Herbal Remedies For Boosting And Maintaining Glutathione Levels

Glutathione, Glutathione IV Drip Therapy, Benefits Of Glutathione, Bad Effects Of Glutathione, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment, Causes, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Herbal Remedies


1. Amalaki Rasayan

Amalaki rasayan is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda. This formulation is in capsule form and has standardised extract of one single herb. The ingredient of this formulation is Amalaki or dhatari (Emblica officinalis). The amalaki rasayan is an impressive antioxidant and is having amazing properties which also helps in maintaining digestion. It is a good source of vitamin C. The formulation has its impact in promoting healthy circulation and tonifies the muscles of the heart. In addition, amalaki also has a good impact in detoxification of liver and thus its helps in better production of better glutathione.

Dosage - One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

2. Liver Detox Formula

Liver detox Formula, as its name suggests, is a formulation for detoxification of liver. The Liver detox formula has ingredients like Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Makoy (Solanum nigrum), Biranjasipha (Achillea millefolium-Yarrow), Jhavuka (Tamarix Gallica), Himsra (capparis spinosa) and many others. The formulation helps in detoxification of the liver and thus enhances the production of glutathione. It helps in better fat metabolism and thus protects the liver from slowing down along with built up of fat in it. Its ingredients make sure that there is proper circulation of bile and maintains gallbladder health as well.

Dosage - One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

3. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak Rasayan is the most potent formulation which can effectively boost the glutathione levels in the body. Gandhak rasayan is mentioned in the classics as well and has benefits on multiple conditions. The formulation has only purified sulphur as its ingredient. Sulphur in purified form has the capacity to travel within the micro channels of the body and also help in cleansing of these channels as well. It's a very good formulation and helps very effectively in boosting glutathione levels in the body. It's a rejuvenating preparation.

Dosage - Two tablets twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

4. Green Essentials

Green Essentials is the patent formulation by Planet Ayurveda. As its name suggests it is having all green things like Grape seed (vitis vinifera), wheat grass (Triticulum Aestivum), Spirulina (Spirulina Platensis), Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) and amla (Emblica officinalis). All these ingredients help in detoxification of the body and also help in naturally maintaining the glutathione levels. In addition, these capsules are prepared from the standardised extract of the herbs and do not have any side effects. It can also be given in males and females and in both genders as well.

Dosage - One capsule twice a day after meals with lukewarm water.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


As mentioned before, The Glutathione is a protein which is produced by the body and is made up of three amino acids. Liver is the one who is responsible for its production and glutathione has the capacity or ability to regulate a lot of functions in the body. Apart from its bad effects it has many positive effects in the body but obviously what's natural is natural. That's why herbal formulations by PLanet ayurveda are mentioned above so that recurrent glutathione administration can be avoided and naturally the body can help itself to make sufficient glutathione. Ayurveda surely is the science of Elixirs and such elixirs can do wonders in the world. In case of any query kindly visit