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Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda)

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Changeri (Oxalis corniculata) - Uses, Benefits, and Dosages


Changeri botanical name is Oxalis corniculata with Oxalidaceae family also known as Changeri Kula. Changeri is explained in Shaak Varg of dravyas. As the name suggests changeri means Rochana. It is explained in the old age content of Ayurveda. It has a sour taste and is used in various disorders of the body. Leaf, fruit, or whole fruit of changeri should be used. As it is rich in potassium, oxalic acid, and vitamins B and C it is very effective in liver and stomach problems. The herb is rich in protein, fat, water, iron, calcium, niacin, beta-carotene, and phosphorus. It has major constituents like vitamin C and oxalic acid and other chemical compounds such as phenol, fatty acids, flavonoids, phytosterols, and tannins.


Changeri is explained in different parts of Samhita. Changeri is Sour and Astringent in Taste, Light, and Dry in nature, hot in potency, sour in the metabolic property after digestion, balances the vata and kapha dosha, and acts as a Deepaniya and Ruchya in the body. It acts as an appetiser and improves the digestive fire and metabolism of the body. It helps to treat the vata and kapha disorders of the body such as in Grahani, Arsha (Hemorrhoids), and Atisar (Diarrhoea) as leaves are bitter and astringent in taste. The flower has self-pollinating properties which help to grow it fast. It acts as an Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiulcer, Antifungal, Antimicrobial, Antinociceptive, Anti-cancer, Anti-diabetic, Anticonvulsant, Hypolipidemic, wound healing, Hepatoprotective, Antihelminthic, Febrifuge, Stomachic, Astringent, and Relaxant properties.

Changeri, Oxalis corniculata, Uses, Benefits, Dosages, Synonyms, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Formulation

Geographical Distribution Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

It is a delicate and slow-growing herb that grows in warm parts and in all temperate and tropical climates and grows up to an elevation of 3000 metres in the northwest Himalayas. It is found in the tropical regions of America, India, China, Taiwan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia, and in India it is mostly present in mountains, rivers, open gardens, roadsides, riversides, wastelands, and grasslands.

Morphology Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

It forms lata (bael) on the ground and gives rise to a new plant.It contains the creeping perennial herb which contains alternate, trifoliate with long petiole and has yellow flowered. Fruits are in the form of capsules with many black seeds present in it. It contains a yellow flower and the entire plant is edible and rich in vitamin C. Flowering is present from July to December of the month. Changeri plant is branched and fibrous covered with tiny hairs.

How To Identify A Changeri (Oxalis Corniculata)

  • Leaves - Leaves are alternate and trifoliate in nature and it is broadly obcordate (heart-shaped is attached to the stalk at a pointed end), base cuneate (leave base that has a narrow and wedge-shaped with straight sides that taper to the base), and petioles (it is a stalk that attaches a leaf to the stem of the plant) are 1.5 to 3 cm long.
  • Fruit - Fruit is in the form of a capsule which is linear and puberulous outside.
  • Seeds - Seeds are many, minute in size and brown in colour.
  • Flower - The flower is bisexual and contains 10 stamina and it is solitary or in axillary umbels in size. Flowers are usually yellow in colour. Pedicles are 0.5 to 1 cm Peduncles are 4 to 10 cm long, and bracts are 3-4 mm long and have linear-lanceolate.

Different Names Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri) According To Languages

  1. Hindi Name - Teen Pattia (As three leaves structure is there)
  2. Tamil Name - Paliakiri
  3. English Name - Indian Sorrel, Yellow Wood sorrel
  4. Bengali Name - Amrul
  5. Arabic Name - Hamdi
  6. Urdu Name - Teen Pattia
  7. Gujarati Name - Ambolee
  8. French Name - Oxalis cornicluee
  9. Telugu Name - Pulichinta
  10. Marathi Name - Ambutee
  11. Kannada Name - Sivargee, Pullamouradi
  12. Spanish Name - Vinagrera, Acederilla
  13. Sweden's Name - Krpoxalis
  14. Portuguese Name - Erva-azedo, Azedinha
  15. Italian Name - Ossalide corniculata
  16. Fiji's Name - Matakonikoni
  17. German Name - Gehornter sauerklee
  18. Nepalese Name - Caremalaa
  19. Chinese Name - Cu-jinag-cao
  20. Brazil Name - Trevo-azedo
  21. Turkish Name - Eksi yonca
  22. Philippines Name - Kanapa, Salamagi

Synonyms Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • Teen Patiya - As three leaves structure is there
  • Amal Patrika - As leaves are sour in taste
  • Dantasatha - It produces a tingling sensation in the teeth
  • Sunishannachada - As leaves resemble the Sunishannaka
  • Lonika

Rasa, Guna, Virya, And Vipaka Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • Rasa (Taste) - Amla (Sour), Ksahaya (Astringent)
  • Guna (Physical property) - Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)
  • Virya (Potency) - Ushna (Hot)
  • Vipaka (Metabolic property after digestion) - Amla (Sour)
  • Prabhava (Effect) - Deepaniya, Ruchya, and Atisarahara
  • Dosha - Vata and Kapha Dosha
  • Other - Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antipyretics, anti-bacterial

Changeri (Oxalis Corniculata) Relation With Doshas

As it is sour and astringent in taste it helps to pacify the vata and kapha dosha of the body.

Mode Of Propagation And How To Cultivate Changeri (Oxalis Corniculata)

Mode of propagation will be through seeds. It can be grown in a shady area and cultivated by seed and roots along with the stem and it can be available throughout the year.

Kingdom Classification Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • Kingdom - Plantae
  • Order - Oxalidales
  • Class - Oxalidaceae
  • Botanical Name - Oxalis corniculata
  • Rank - Kingdom
  • Genus - Oxalis
  • Species - O. corniculata
  • Botanical Name - Oxalis corniculata Linn.
  • Higher Classification - Archaeplastida (Large and diverse group of photosynthetic organisms such as land plants)
  • Eaten by - Silvisaurus (who eats plants)
  • Clade - Diaphoretickes (a large group of eukaryotic organisms that carry photosynthetic)
  • Domain - Eukaryota

Explanation Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri) In Different Sthana Of Samhita

  1. In च.सू. २।१९ explained under Pachani and Grahi Peya in Apamarga Tundleya chapter
  2. दधित्थबिल्वचाङ्गेरीतक्रदाडिमसाधिता|
    पाचनी ग्राहिणी, पेया सवाते पाञ्चमूलिकी||

    In Pachani and Grahi Peya, there are Dadhith (Dahi), bilva (Aegle marmelos), changeri (Oxalis corniculata), Takra (Buttermilk), and Dadima (Punica granatum) help to pacify the vata dosha in the body.

  3. In च.सू. २७। ९३ explained under Shaak varga in Annapaanvidhi chapter
  4. दीपनी चोष्णवीर्या च ग्राहिणी कफमारुते ||
    प्रशस्यतेऽम्लचाङ्गेरी ग्रहण्यर्शोहिता च सा ||

    It is Deepaniya, hot potency, pacified kapha, used in grahani, arsha.

  5. In च.वि.८।१४० explained under Amal Skandha in the Rogabhishagjitiya chapter
  6. पत्राणि चाम्रातकाश्मन्तकचाङ्गेरीणां चतुर्विधानां चाम्लिकानां द्वयोश्च
    कोलयोश्चामशुष्कयोर्द्वयोश्चैव शुष्काम्लिकयोर्ग्राम्यारण्ययोः

    Aamrantank, Asmanthak (A type of Kanchnar), four types of Imli, two types of ber (Berries), dry aam, four types of Imli (dry, wet, Gramya, and Jangal)

  7. In च.चि. ३। २६७ explained in Agurvadi taila
  8. च.चि.८।१३१ explained under the diet and drink in diarrhoea and Rajayakshma in Rajayakshma chapter
  9. चाङ्गेर्याश्चुक्रिकायाश्च दुग्धिकायाश्च कारयेत् |
    खडान्दधिसरोपेतान् ससर्पिष्कान्सदाडिमान् ||

    Leaves of changeri, leaves of Imli, leaves of Dhudiya take swaras or kwath all of this and cook with daal and then in Yush add the dahi, ghee, and Dhadim extract and use it as a khand. Its acts are mala Sangrahak.

  10. In च.चि.१४।१२२ explained under shaka paryoga in arsha roga
  11. त्रिवृद्दन्तीपलाशानां चाङ्गेर्याश्चित्रकस्य च |
    यमके भर्जितं दद्याच्छाकं दधिसमन्वितम् ||

    Leaves of white Nisoth, leaves of Danti, leaves of Palash, leaves of changeri, and leaves of chitrak are used in equal amounts, and then an equal part of ghee is in them and fried with them and mixed with curd.

  12. In च.चि.१९।४३ explained under Changeri ghrita in Atisar chapter
  13. चाङ्गेरीकोलदध्यम्लनागरक्षारसंयुतम् |
    घृतमुत्क्वथितं पेयं गुदभ्रंशरुजापहम् ||

    Ghrit, changeri extract, kwath of berries, the water of dahi, Sonth, Yavkshara, and cook it as a Ghritapaka. Stored in a clean and air-tight container and used in rectal prolapse.

Chemical Constituent Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • Citric acid
  • Tartaric acid
  • Isovitexin
  • Malic acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannins
  • Vitexin
  • Volatile oils
  • Vitamins - A, C, B9
  • Phenol
  • Phytosterol
  • Calcium, iron, proteins, phosphorus, beta-carotene, water, fat

Parts Used Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

The fruits, leaves, or whole plant should be used. The dosage is according to the part used.

Dose Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • If juice is used - 10-20 ml
  • If powder is used - 3-6 gm

Nutritional Components Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin c
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

The Specific Action Of Changeri (Oxalis Corniculata)

  • Hridya
  • Daha shamaka
  • Arshogna
  • Grahi
  • Deepana
  • Pachana
  • Jwaragna

Benefits Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  • Kaphahita - Use in the treatment of kapha disorders
  • Kapha vata Marutghan - Use in vata and kapha disorders
  • Pittakrut - Increase the pitta dosha
  • Agni Deepana - Increase digestive fire (due to deepaniya in nature)
  • Pachana - Helps in digestion
  • Rochana - Stimulate appetite
  • Ushan veerya - Hot in potency
  • Kinchit kashaya - Slightly astringent in taste
  • Balya - Improves muscle strength
  • Varnya - Improves complexion
  • Medhya - Improves intelligence
  • Kanthya - Improves voice

Indication Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri)

  1. Mehahara - Treat the urinary tract disorders
  2. Vayasthapana - Prevents ageing
  3. Grahi - Absorbent in nature
  4. Arsha - Helps to treat piles
  5. Grahani - Helps to treat malabsorption syndrome
  6. Atisar Hanti - Helps to treat diarrhoea
  7. Kustha Nashani - In skin disease
  8. Javara - Useful in fever
  9. Amahara - Treats indigestion
  10. Kasahara - Relieves cough
  11. Shwasha - Relieves breathing difficulties
  12. Anulomana - Improve breathing
  13. Hikkanigrahana - Controls hiccups
  14. Kanthya - Relieves sore throat
  15. Chakushya - Treats eye problems
  16. Kricha - Treats painful micturition
  17. Shonitasthapana - Prevents bleeding
  18. Trutahara - Relieves excessive thirst
  19. Dahahara - Relieves burning sensation
  20. Gulmajit - Useful in abdominal tumours
  21. Pandu - Treats anaemia
  22. Raktamandala - Treats ringworm infections
  23. Kamala - Treat jaundice
  24. Krimihara - Relieves intestinal worms

Can Changeri (Oxalis Corniculata) Used As A Food

It can be used as a food the leaves are eaten. The leaves are eaten in the form of salad or in the form of cooked vegetables.

Changeri - In Classical Texts

  1. Kaidev nighantu in aushadhi varga
  2. Nighantu Adarsha in Changeriyadi varga
  3. Shodhal Nighantu in Amradi varga
  4. Bhavprakash Nighantu in Shak varga
  5. Madanpal Nighantu in Shak varga

Changeri Action As Per Classical Texts

  1. In Kaidev Nighantu - Deepan, Kapha Vata Nashak
  2. In Nighantu Adarsha - Kapha Vata Nashak
  3. In Shodhal Nighantu - Deepan and arshogan
  4. In Bhavprakash Nighantu - Deepan, Ruchya, Kapha Vata Nashak, grahni, kushtha, Atisar
  5. In Madan Pal Nighantu - It is deepan, Ruchya, Kapha Vata Nashak

Systemic Action Of Changeri On The Body

  • Scraping effect on Dhatu - So given in eye disease such as inflammatory disease of sclera, Pterygium (Arma)
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic
  • Headache
  • Inflammatory wounds

The Internal Action Of Changeri On The Body

1. On Digestive System

It is Digestive, appetiser and also Given in anorexia, loss of can also be used in various diseases such as Grahani, Arsha, Diarrhoea, Rectal prolapse and also in bleeding disorder.

2. On Nervous System

Given in intoxication and helps to regain consciousness.

Acts as anti-poisonous action and used in case of datura poisoning.

4. Tapakarma

It has a cold in touch and is indicated in Chaturthaka Jawara (Quaternary type of fever), and helps to relieve the burning sensation.

5. Skin Disease

As it is rich in antioxidants it helps to eliminate the free radicals from the body and helps in skin diseases like eczema, sunburn, and bioactive compounds prevent worm infestation and also improve the healing process in the body.

6. Piles

It has hemostatic action on the body which helps to treat piles as it proves the cooling and calming effects on the affected area.

7. Insomnia

It reduces the cortisol level in the body which is a stress hormone that helps to improve the quality duration of sleep. Changeri helps to calm the mind and acts on nerve tonic which helps to strengthen the nerve.

8. Diarrhoea

It contains an antimicrobial property that helps to kill microorganisms from the intestine, eliminate toxins from the body, and reduce the frequency of stools.

9. Digestion

It acts as an appetiser. It is a carminative that helps to break down the food particles in the stomach and helps to increase the amount of digestive juice in the stomach, boosting the absorption process of nutrients through the intestines. So it is useful in digestive disorders like flatulence, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhoea.

10. Bad Breath

As leaves are a source of antiseptic and anti-microbial properties it helps to prevent infection as it prevents the growth of microbes. Just chewing some leaves of changeri helps to cure bad breath and also helps in bleeding gums, swelling in the gums, and gingivitis.

11. Anorexia

As it is a natural appetiser and deepaniya properties in it it helps to improve the appetite and increase the digestive fire which helps to improve the metabolism of the body. As the body increases the demand for food it works as a nervous tonic which helps to improve mental health.

Benefits According To Modern

  • Appetising property - It acts as an appetiser and increases the digestive fire that helps to improve the metabolism of the body and leads to the healthy functioning of the body.
  • Anti-fungal property - As changeri contain anti-fungal properties, they help to treat a fungal infection like Aspergillosis, tinea infection.
  • Anti-allergic - As it helps to remove the aam (toxins) from the body which helps to improve metabolism and stimulate the white blood cells that help to treat the allergy.
  • Antiviral - It helps to treat viral infections such as HIV, HPV, and many other.
  • Immunomodulator - As changeri is rich in vitamin C it helps to improve the immune system system of the body so it is given in immunocompromised patients.
  • Acts as a cardiac tonic - As it is rich in vitamin C and potassium.

Indications According To Modern

  • Skin Disease - It helps to treat the viral corns, warts, and boils
  • Eyes Disease - It is helpful in the early stage of cataract
  • Nausea - As it helps to relieve nausea and burping symptoms

Who Cannot Take Changeri?

Oxalic acid is present in the leaves of changeri and has a sharp flavour that helps bind the supply of calcium in the body so the person who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and hyperacidity should take precautions while taking this.

Ayurvedic Formulation Of Changeri

  • Changeri ghrita - used in malabsorption syndrome, diarrhea, and bloating
  • Jivantayadi ghrita - used in the early stage of cataract
  • Nagaradhi ghrita
  • Charngeryadi gulika
  • Changeriyadi churna
  • Sunshinaka changeri Ghrita
  • Changeri swaras
  • Changeri capsules

Planet Ayurveda Products

1. Kukutandtwak Bhasma

Home Remedies With Changeri

  • In Mouth stench (Bad breath) - Wash some leaves of changeri and chew it
  • In Headachen - Grind the leaves and onion (Allium cepa)and drink it
  • In Migraine - Roast the changeri leaves in ghee (clarified butter) and mix with curd (a fermented milk product)
  • In Insanity - Mix changeri leaves juice with sour gruel (made up from the fermentation of rice) and jaggery powder (unrefined sugar made up from sugarcane)
  • In Skin disorders - Such as inflammation, boils, burns, warts, insect bites- drink the juice of leaf extract
  • In Diarrhoea - As it contains anti-diarrheal properties it helps to remove the microbes from the intestine and helps to cure symptoms
  • In Stomach ache - Use the extract of leaves as it contains analgesic properties
  • In Datura visha - Has anti-poisonous activity it helps to cure datura (Datura stramonium) metal poisoning
  • In inflammation - Make a paste of changeri Oxalis corniculata) leaves and apply it externally on the affected area
  • In Arsha (Hemorrhoids) - Use changeri (Oxalis corniculata) paste with rice gruel (boiling the rice with water or milk) and jaggery (unrefined sugar made up from sugarcane)
  • In Hypoglycemia - Use the extract of changeri leaves with Haridra (Curcuma longa) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) which helps to balance the sugar level in the body
  • In Fever -Make the decoction of changeri (Oxalis corniculata) leaves and drink it it helps to cure the symptoms of fever
  • In Bacterial infection - Drink the extract of changeri leaves along with the Haridra (Curcuma longa) as it has antibacterial properties. Juice should be taken internally for two weeks. It helps to reduce the symptoms of bacterial infection.
  • In Duodenum or irritable bowel syndrome - Cook the Pippalyadi gana, curd, extract of changeri leaves, and ghee. Another method is to use changeri Ghrita with Takra.
  • In Diarrhoea - Drinking the extract of changeri with buttermilk, and Dadim juice is helpful to control diarrhoea in an effective way.
  • In Visuchika or cholera - Consume the extract of changeri and add black pepper to it. It is beneficial in cholera.
  • In Indigestion - Mix an equal quantity of extract of changeri leaves and extract of mint leaves with salt, and black pepper in it. It improves digestion by improving the metabolism of the body.
  • In Bladder inflammation - Mix the extractor changeri leaves with sugar and drink it to get relief from bladder inflammation.
  •  In Skin disease - Mix the extract of changeri leaves with the black marigold powder and ghee. It helps with skin disease as it is caused by bile.
  • In Pore inflammation - Simply apply the paste of changeri on the affected area
  • In Inflammation of ulcers - Grinding the whole changeri and applying it to the ulcer or affected part it helps to reduce the pain and inflammation of the ulcer.
  • In Angina pectoris - Just apply the paste of changeri leaves on the chest
  • In Garjoorka - Mix the changeri leaves paste with the rock salt and apply it on the spot of the sting.


As we studied in this article the changeri is a small herb that we can grow in our house as it has many beneficial effects on various types of disease. Changeri is sour and astringent in taste, light and dry in nature, hot in potency, and after digestion sour in metabolic properties. Due to these properties, it helps to balance the vata and kapha dosha of the body. It also improves digestion by increasing the pitta dosha of the body which helps to improve metabolism and leads to healthy functioning of the body and improves quality of life. Changeri is helpful in treating various health problems like indigestion, diarrhoea, cholera, headache, skin disease, and many others.

Reference Of Oxalis Corniculata (Changeri) In Ayurveda Text

  1. In च.सू. २।१९
  2. In च.सू. २७। ९३
  3. In च.वि.८।१४०
  4. In च.चि. ३। २६७
  5. च.चि.८।१३१
  6. In च.चि.१४।१२२
  7. In च.चि.१९।४३
  8. In classical texts
    • Kaidev nighantu in aushadhi varga
    • Nighantu Adarsha in Changeriyadi varga
    • Shodhal Nighantu in Amradi varga
    • Bhavprakash Nighantu in Shak varga
    • Madanpal Nighantu in Shak varga

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

CCF Tea (Cumin, Coriander & Fennel) - Ayurvedic Miracle Tea for Healthy Digestion, Detoxification & Weight Loss


Tea-drinking is one of the easiest Ayurvedic rituals for health and well-being because it allows you to slow down, appreciate the present, and connect with the magic of plants. The health advantages of tea can be savoured all day long—and all year long as well! It can be savoured as part of your morning ritual, a peaceful break in the middle of a hectic day, or a method to wind down and relax in the evening. CCF Tea, the well-known Ayurvedic blend of cumin, coriander, and fennel that is frequently used to promote robust digestion, is one of our favourite teas.

CCF TEA, Ayurvedic Tea, Miracle Tea, Dosha Balancing, Benefits Of Curcumin, Coriander, Fennel, Benefits of CCF Tea


This tea will radically change your digestive system. This tea, which is prepared by combining three typical cooking spices (cumin, coriander, and fennel), promotes mineral absorption and activates the lymphatic system. Fennel, coriander, and cumin are shortened to CCF, the product's ingredients. These seeds are probably already well known to you because of their ability to improve food flavor. Many curry mixtures and spice blends that enhance flavor and facilitate better digestion require them. However, you may take advantage of the digestive advantages of fennel, coriander, and cumin without even eating if you prepare this easy Ayurvedic tea. The tea grounds and nourishes the body at the same time. It has a gorgeous golden color and a little nutty flavor. A newly made cup of CCF Tea, with its mild stimulation of agni, lightens the stomach fire without being too hot. Because it helps the body break down ama in the GI tract and promotes a mild detoxification, CCF Tea is a crucial part of many Ayurvedic cleaning facilities. Still, this tried-and-true method is useful for more than just cleaning. According to Ayurveda, the keys to optimum health are a robust digestive fire and a healthy agni. CCF Tea truly aids in the feeding and maintenance of all physiological systems, from proper urination and weight control to mental clarity and the absorption of nutrients from food, by promoting healthy digestion and eliminating toxins.


India has been using turmeric for thousands of years as a spice and herb. It has been described as titka (bitter) and katu (pungent), laghu (light), ruksha (dry) and ushna (hot). Turmeric alleviates kapha and vata. It possesses following properties:

  1. Digestion
  2. Used as astringent
  3. Anti diabetic
  4. Helpful in blood formulation
  5. Also described as varnya (good for skin)

In addition to an abundance of carbohydrates, protein, minerals, volatile oils, and vitamin A are all present in turmeric. Its main constituent is curcumin which has many therapeutic effects like

  • Anti bacterial
  • Anti allergic
  • Carminative
  • Diuretic and Anti oxidant effects.

It is applied to several illnesses, such as

  • Acne
  • Blemishes
  • Burns
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Liver diseases

Turmeric is being evaluated for its anti cancer properties also.

Turmeric is used both externally and internally.

It is used on household prescriptions also. It is an important ingredient in herbal cosmetics like in ubtans or facepacks. It is also beneficial in improving the complexion. It can reduce blood clotting also.


In addition to pepper, turmeric, ginger, and many other common kitchen ingredients, coriander is another herb that is often used in food because of its numerous restorative and curative therapeutic benefits in addition to its pleasant aroma. It is commonly known as dhania and dhanyaka in sanskrit. It is used in two forms- as a fresh tiny leafy plant and also as a dry seed. It tastes both sweet and bitter, and its texture is soft and velvety. Coriander green plants are regarded as cool, but dry seeds are said to be semi-hot.

Coriander alleviates vata, pitta and kapha. It has some properties like Anti pyretic Anti flatulence, diuretics, carminative, digestive, anti diarrhoeal and a killer of intestinal worms. It is used in many different diseases like

  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headaches
  • Piles
  • Fever
  • Migraine and Cystitis.

Coriander also controls non specific excessive menstrual discharge.

It is also used as medicine to control hyper sexual excitability in both males and females.

Ancient ayurvedic texts describe dhanya panchak kwatha which is very useful in chronic colitis.


In Sanskrit, it is called mishreya, but in ordinary usage, saunf. It tastes sweet, strong, and bitter, and its effect is cold, sharp, and light.

Protein, lipids, minerals, fiber, and carbs are also present.

In addition to being a digestive, tasty, and invigorating help, it balances the vata and kapha energies.

It is made up of carminative, digestive, and aromatic ingredients.



  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • Half a teaspoon of fennel seeds
  • A tiny pinch of coriander powder
  • Quatersfulls of water
  • Step 1: Place a stainless steel saucepan over high heat and fill it with water.
  • Step 2: Sow the seeds. Depending on the level of strength you choose, let the tea steep for five to 10 minutes.
  • Step 3: Pour the seeds into an insulated thermos that is covered, and drink throughout the day.


  • Ease bloating
  • Diminish flatulence (hurrah!)
  • Calm stomach cramps
  • Reduce stomach ache
  • Boost your appetite
  • Reduce nauseous vomiting.

All three of them are utilised in Ayurvedic medicine to keep your agni (Digestive fire) in balance without causing heat or discomfort. The body breaks down ama, or stored poisons, and absorbs and assimilates nutrients from meals more efficiently when the digestive fire is strong.


Many Ayurvedic cleaning centres employ CCF Tea as a mainstay due to its ability to aid the body in breaking down ama in the GI tract and encourage a moderate detoxification. But this beloved, traditional recipe isn't just for cleaning. Ayurveda says that the basis of good health is a strong digestive fire and a healthy agni. CCF Tea really contributes to the nourishment and maintenance of all body systems, including mental clarity, vitamin absorption in diet, proper digestion, weight control, and toxin clearance. CCF Tea is a great Ayurvedic choice whether you're trying to support Agni and maintain your health or if you're actively cleansing.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Effects Of Low-Level Laser Therapy In Ayurveda


It is a non-invasive procedure that is commonly used in today's era to break the excess fat in the body. It is also called red light therapy, and photobiomodulation. It is a body configuration procedure that treats the hips, thigh, and waist. It is a cost-effective treatment for weight loss. Red light therapy delivers light to the body in the wavelength ranges from 660 to 850 Nanometer as the light goes through the skin, deep tissues, and cells of the body. It is a natural way and non-invasive procedure to change the body look that decreases the waist and tightens the thighs and hips part of the body so it helps in contouring the body. It burns the fat of the upper layer which is a subcutaneous layer of skin as a result of a lack of collagen in the body part so red light stimulates the collagen production in that part. As collagen production increases in the body, the skin gets firm and stronger and regains elasticity, making the skin soft in texture and the person seen as attractive.

Low-Level Laser Therapy, Effects Of Low-Level Laser Therapy, Low-Level Laser Therapy In Ayurveda, Red Light Therapy, Benefits Of Red Light Therapy, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Products


It is a safe and effective method to reduce the excess fat in the body. Due to metabolic dysfunction, there is an increase in the weight of the body whereas red light helps to reduce inflammation so cells work properly and the body becomes energetic. Red light improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the body so near-infrared light causes the rupture of fat cells so waste comes outside the cells it is the best way to reduce the weight in an effective way. Some benefits include not taking so much time, being non-invasive, painless, contouring the body, and loss of less tissue.


It is a non-invasive producer that removes the excess fat from the body without any surgery or cuts to the skin. The wavelength of light is set to a particular point and produced on the subcutaneous layer of the skin which goes into deep tissue and cells of the body and as a result helps remove the excess fat of the body and tighten the skin, hips, and thigh part of the body.



  • Acne
  • Wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Redness
  • Ageing sign
  • Reduce fine lines
  • Blemished skin


  • Insensitive to light
  • History of skin cancer
  • History of  inherited eye disease
  • Acne cyst
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads


  • Clean the face
  • Wear safety goggles on the eye to protect the eye from harmful radiation
  • The patient lay on a bed in the supine position
  • The light 6 inches away from the patient
  • The optimal time is 10 minutes per area
  • For symptomatic areas 15- 20 minutes per area
  • Most of the time, the three sessions per day can be given according to the condition
  • It reduces inflammation, increases the amount of collagen in the body, regains the elasticity in the skin, and looks younger


  • After proper treatment, there is no restriction to regular activities
  • Stay away from the sun for some days
  • Apply more sunscreen to the affected area


Red light therapy includes the following risks-

  • Increased swelling
  • Increased inflammation
  • Redness
  • Rash
  • Pain
  • Hives


  • Improve skin complexion
  • Reduce wrinkles and scar
  • Reduce the chronic pain
  • Reduce acne and swelling
  • Heal the injuries


Planet Ayurveda provides 100% natural herbs without any side effects to the body. It is GMP-Certified and products are made under the guidance of an M.D. Ayurveda experts. The herbs are devoid of any type of adulterant, fillers, binders, preservatives, and chemicals. All the herbs are explained in ayurveda ancient texts. Planet Ayurveda provides an herbal remedy to cure weight loss the formulations are-



Thinner You Pack

Liver Health, Healthy Liver, Benefits Of A Healthy Liver, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Products


1. Trim Support

The Trim support capsules are made of a combination of Triphala (the myrobalans), Vrikshamla (Garcinia cambogia), and Mustak (Cyperus rotundus). Triphala improves the digestion of the body as a result there is improvement in metabolism. Vrikshamla improves the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat which helps in fat loss. It also improves the serotonin level in the body which helps in reducing the appetite and overeating habits. It reduces the level of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body which helps in managing weight. Mustak contains the anti-obesity property which helps in reducing appetite and overeating.

Dosage - 1 teaspoon twice daily.

2. Stholyantak Churna

It is made up of a combination of various herbs such as Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Vidang (Embelia ribes), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), and many more herbs. Mustak helps in reducing appetite. Vidang helps in the burning of fat as a result improves the metabolism of the body and dries the moist part of fat cells. Chitrak contains Deepan and Pachan properties which help in the reduction of fat accumulation in the body. Cinnamon helps in balancing the blood glucose level and reduces the bad effects of high-fat food. Sonth contains thermogenic effects in the body which help in fat burning and improve the metabolism of the body.

Dosage - 1 teaspoon twice daily.

3. Garcinia Capsules

The capsules are made of a single extraction of Garcinia cambogia (Garcinia). Garcinia helps in increasing digestive fire in mamsa dhatu which helps in protein metabolism. It contains the organic acid HCA, which helps in decreasing the fat amount and appetite. It opens the channels of the body which helps in removing aam from the body and boosts the immune system. It helps in fat burning and improving serotonin levels in the body which helps in decreasing appetite.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily.

4. Guggul Capsules

The capsules are made up of a single drug extraction of Commiphora mukul (Guggul). It helps in increasing digestive fire by removing the aam from the body which helps in improving the metabolism of the body and control over weight. It pacifies all three dosha of the body which helps in improving the healthy functioning of the body. It contains deepan properties which help in digestion. It also contains the Lekhaniya properties which helps in scrapping the excess fat of the body.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


As skin problems and ageing is the most common problem in today's era, red light therapy has become an alternative popular method to get rid of skin problems. Sun is the best way to get vitamin D but it includes many problems such as skin irritation and damage, redness, wrinkles, and inflammation in the body. Red light therapy is effective in the management of skin issues but it also has side effects on the body. With the help of Ayurveda, there is a cure for weight loss without any side effects on the body. Planet Ayurveda provides a Thinner You Pack to manage weight loss in an effective way. Thinner You Pack includes the Trim support, Stholyantak churna, Garcinia capsules, and Guggul capsules.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy and Strong With Ayurveda


Liver health is important because it is a vital part of the human body. The liver is located in the right upper abdomen, on top of the stomach, beneath the diaphragm, and protected by the right lower ribs. It is the second largest organ in the body which is conical in shape dark reddish brown in colour and 1500 gm in weight. It contains a portal vein and hepatic artery. As food is taken the bile juice works on it and helps in the digestion process. Bile juice plays an important role in liver health as it helps in the digestion of fat, removes extra bilirubin and cholesterol, helps in liver regeneration, absorbs fat and fat-soluble vitamins, and neutralises the acidic pH of the chyme.

Liver Health, Healthy Liver, Benefits Of A Healthy Liver, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Products


The liver secretes bile juice which helps in the digestion of fat which is converted into energy provides healthy functioning of the body and improves quality of life. If the liver is unhealthy it leads to very serious health issues. Due to the deposition of fat in the liver, there is swelling and inflammation in the liver as a result the liver does not work properly. To maintain a healthy liver, maintain a healthy weight of the body, eat a rich fibre diet, avoid alcohol and coffee, and do physical activities.


The liver is a vital part of our body that works on 500 vital functions to keep the body healthy. As the liver is the second largest organ of the body it helps to remove the toxins from the body. The liver processes the bile juice which helps in the digestion of food and maintains the blood sugar levels of the body. It removes the sugar from the bloodstream and stores it in the form of glycogen. It helps in processing the food, storing and utilising the nutrients, producing bile juice, and providing energy to the body.


  • Clear the toxins from the body
  • Helps in the metabolism of drugs
  • Helps in the digestion of food
  • Responsible for blood clotting
  • Cleansing of chemicals
  • Production of bile
  • Clearance of bilirubin
  • Remove old red blood cells
  • Remove bacteria from the bloodstream helps to prevent infections
  • Production of protein and cholesterol that carry the fat in the body


The ITP includes the following symptoms-

  • Improve the overall health of the body
  • Enhance energy in the body
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Improve digestion
  • Maintain oral health
  • Maintain hormonal balance
  • Slow ageing
  • Reduces the chances of allergy
  • Maintain healthy skin and hair
  • Weight loss as the liver burns the fat


  • Hepatitis
  • Liver cancer
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Fatty liver
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Hemochromatosis (too much iron deposition in the body )
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis (inflammation and scarring of bile ducts)
  • Wilson disease (too much copper deposition in the body)
  • Primary biliary cholangitis (inflammation and destruction of small bile duct of the liver)


  • Alcohol
  • Environmental factors
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Avoid excess sugar and salt
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Improper diet and activities
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Drinking
  • Overweight
  • Maintain poor hygiene


  • Jaundice
  • Low blood pressure
  • Itching in skin
  • Tremors
  • Lack of concentration
  • Ascites
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of balance


  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Avoid exposure to toxins
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle 


  • Aloe vera juice
  • Turmeric extract
  • Triphala juice
  • Bhumi amla
  • Punarnava
  • Garlic
  • Whole grain
  • Nuts


  • Pranayam - Kapalbhati, Anulom vilom
  • Dhanuraasana
  • Gomukhasana


Planet Ayurveda provides natural and pure products that are free from any type of preservatives, fillers, chemicals, or adulterants. Products are made under the guidance of M.D. Ayurveda experts with a pure vegetarian formula. It contains age-old herbs described in ayurveda ancient texts. The formulation offered by Planet Ayurveda for a healthy liver-



Liver Care Pack

Liver Health, Healthy Liver, Benefits Of A Healthy Liver, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention, Herbal Remedies, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Products


1. Yakrit Plihantak Churna

The churna is made by mixing of various herbs like Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh), Tephrosia purpurea (Sharpunkha), and many more herbs. Bhumi amla contains protective, anti-viral, and antioxidant properties which protect the liver from damage. Bhringraj balances the pitta dosha of the body which helps in the proper flowing of bile in the body and manages liver problems. Kalmegh regulates the liver enzymes which help in the distribution of bile. It also contains deepan and pachan properties which help in digestion and improve the functioning of the liver.

Dosage - 1 teaspoon twice daily.

2. Phyllanthus Niruri

Phyllanthus niruri capsules are made up of extraction of Phyllanthus niruri (Bhumiamla). It removes toxins from the liver and produces regenerative properties. It improves digestive power and increases appetite. It increases the bile secretion which helps in maintaining a healthy liver.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily.

3. Indian Echinacea

The Indian echinacea capsules are made up of a single extraction of Andrographis paniculata (Indian Echinacea). Kalmegh stimulates the liver enzymes and regulates the flow of bile and the production of bile which helps in maintaining liver health. It has deepan and pachan properties which increase the appetite and help in digestion. It fights with the infection and inflammation of the liver.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily.

4. Liver Detox Formula

The liver detox formula capsules contain the Makoy (Solanum nigrum), Himsra (Capparis spinosa), Jhavuka (Tamarix gallica), and other herbs. Katuki has hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties which reduce the free radicals that harm the liver cells. Punarnava contains purification and diuretic properties which helps to remove the toxins from the body and maintain the proper functioning of the liver. It also contains a deepan property that helps to increase the digestive fire. Haritaki helps to eliminate the toxins from the body. Himsra also contains hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties which help protect liver cells that are damaged by free radicals and oxidative stress.

Dosage - 1 capsule twice daily.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


As we studied in this article, liver health plays a significant role in our health. Liver health depends on our day-to-day life activities. Some of the Ayurveda herbs are there which protect the liver from damage. These help in improving the immune system and support the metabolism, removing the toxins from the body and helping in digestion and vitamin storage. Planet Ayurveda offers herbal remedies that are effective in maintaining a healthy liver and products are free from adulterants, preservatives, or chemicals and safe to use as they have no side effects on the body. The formulations are Yakrit Plihantak churna, Phyllanthus niruri, Indian Echinacea, Liver detox formula.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Mud Therapy & Health Benefits Of Mud Therapy In Ayurveda


Can having fun in the mud improve your health? Don't believe it? Let's have a look at it! Naturopathy was discovered by Dr. Benedict Lust and came into existence in the 18th and 19th centuries and it just grew out of the electrical system of healing. This system of medicine was influenced by the philosophy given by Hippocrates in which he used the Latin term "Vismedicatrix naturae" which meant "the healing power of nature". The term naturopathy was coined by John Scheel in 1895. The main objective of this pathy was to get rid of toxins out of the body by any means of nature but not medicines and one such means that is widely used all over the world and is trending these days is "Mud therapy" also known as Kayakalpa therapy. In this article, we will learn about mud therapy, its introduction, its origin, its types, its ayurvedic and scientific viewpoint, its advantages and disadvantages, and much more.

Mud Therapy, What is Mud Therapy, Health Benefits Of Mud Therapy, Types of Mud Therapy, Health Benefits, Ayurvedic remedies, Herbal remedies, Ayurvedic treatment


Our earth is made up of multiple compounds that are rich in minerals and that are known to boost the immunity of an individual. One such compound is clay or mud which has evolved out of lava and is rich with minerals and is believed in many religions to have healing properties for multiple health issues and have almost zero side effects. Mud therapy comprises the use of mud which is a combination of 95% clay and 5% algae, bacteria, and protozoa that are macerated and put into specific tanks also known as maturation tanks for about 50 to 60 days with a stream of spa mineral water that flows constantly at a temperature of 60 degrees celsius to create thermophilic and non-pathogenic communities inside that mud that enriches the mud with active principles (due to chemical and physical changes in soil) that has various health benefits. Mud therapy has been here since ancient times and has religious as well as spiritual beliefs in its application. No matter it is the mud festivals in Korea or the Dead Sea mud baths, people are aware of the fact that mud has numerous benefits and can be used for many health issues but before diving deep into this topic we shall be discussing the origin of mud therapy.


Mud therapy also known as fango therapy, involves mud application on the body and was discovered by Ancient Romes who discovered the healing powers of this procedure in Borneo, Italy about 2000 years ago. The benefits of mud or earth are extensively discussed in the Vedas. The Vedas define several approaches and therapies for the sick and one of the oldest and most effective treatments has always been mud. Mud Therapy became trending and was once again used as a beneficial therapeutic tool in current times. German therapist Emanuel Felke, known by the nickname "Clay Pastor," attempted to revive mud therapy. One of the pioneers of natural medicine, Adolph Just, felt that if sleeping and laying on the ground at night could become normal, all ailments would be healed. Europe saw a rise in the popularity of mud treatment from the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries. Pharmacology made advances in the second part of the 20th century, which led to the notion of mud therapy being thought of as an alternative treatment. Additionally, the current backlash against synthetic medical treatments and the increased demand for natural health and wellness practices support the revival of the spa treatment concept which exclusively includes mud therapy. The usage of Dead Sea mud in Israel dates back millions of years, and everyone from Roman Caesars to contemporary visitors has lauded its healing properties. The best frequency, temperature, and length of treatments were determined via several tests, but no one could ever fully understand how mud therapy works to heal.


Mud therapy is known to work on some principles and these are as follows: -

  1. Mud can absorb toxins, which are then expelled from the body through the skin.
  2. Mud softens hard tissues by reducing their stiffness.
  3. Mud can be employed because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties in a wound, acne, arthritic condition, etc.


It might seem to look like mud therapy involves the use of mud that can be any kind of mind found in our gardens or backyards after rain showers and wherever but this is not true. The type of mud used in the process of mud therapy is not ordinary mud but it is mud with loads of benefits and is prepared specifically with different processes for different health issues. Mud therapy is usually given to an individual at mud spa centres after much interrogation regarding the history of the issue that an individual is facing and based on that mud is chosen. Apart from that, the qualities of mud also vary from place to place. The mud used in this therapy also possesses the following qualities:-

  • It increases the rehydration volume,
  • It increases thermo insulating capacity.
  • In the case of osteoporosis, mud therapy helps to restore balance in cellular activity in the process of remodelling bones restoring its balance,
  • Mud therapy boosts bone mineral density in cases of menopausal osteoporosis when given in combination with calcium supplements,
  • Mud therapy increases serum antioxidant defences in arthrosis patients,
  • Mud therapy is known to influence chondrocyte activities,
  • Mud therapy possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-degrading properties.

The mud used in mud therapy is collected from beneath the earth with a depth of usually 120cms to 150cms with proper removal of bacteria, viruses, pollutants, chemicals, and other impurities followed by putting it under the sun or heating up to 60 degrees Celsius for mineral activation and this mud is known to be detoxifying and rejuvenating in nature and helps to restore the pH balance of the skin and remove the dead cells.


The mechanism behind the mud therapy application and working can be discussed under four points: -

  1. Mud's dark color aids in absorbing the spectrum of sunlight's colors and transferring them into the body, providing them medicinal effects.
  2. Second, because the mud holds onto moisture for a long period, it has a cooling effect when applied to the body.
  3. Thirdly, it is simple to apply since its form and consistency can be modified as per the requirements by simply adding water.
  4. Mud therapy is easily available and is lighter on pockets.

When we discuss the mode of action of mud therapy, we divide it into four aspects i.e. chemical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical effects (that includes physiological and pathological effects) of mud on the body. These can be examined as follows: -

  1. Thermal effect of mud therapy on the body - The effect of the desired temperature over the desired body may be anticipated via the use of mud or mud packs since mud has the potential to keep the temperature [hot and cold] for a long period. Temperature perception is carried by thermoreceptors on the skin. Hot packs are used to stimulate sweat, circulation, and oxygenation, and to flush toxins back into the bloodstream for cleansing, and in the majority of Raktaja and Pittaja vyadhi, cold packs are utilised.
  2. The mechanical effect of mud therapy on the body - Pathological products melt and dissolve as a result of osmotic changes in the skin and the pressure of the mud on the body's surface.
  3. Chemical effect of mud therapy on the body - Minerals found in the mud help to produce this effect and getting this therapeutic effect involves -
    • Copper (Cu) - for Allergic situations
    • Zinc (Zn) - for Fungi
    • Iodine (I) - Adhesion Treatment
    • Edema - Magnesium (Mg)
  4. Electrical effect - This includes the following effects:-
    • Pain and muscle spasm relief are the physiological effects
    • Psychiatric Impact includes direct pressure and touch to lessen the signs and symptoms


The characteristics of mud vary depending upon the part of the world where it is found. Depending on where it originated, its properties and indications changed. First off, the type of rocks present in the location and the method used to create the soil influence the mud's mineral composition. The type of local fauna and plants also has an impact on mud properties. To properly use mud, it is crucial to understand its characteristics there are a variety of muds that are found worldwide that are used very commonly and all of them have the following properties and uses-

  • Moor Mud - Organic residue collected from flowers, herbs, and grass leads to the formation of this mud, and due to that this mud is rich in fulvic acid, amino acids, plant hormones, vitamins, and humic acids that are safe for the human body and absorbed easily by the human body. This mud has a very beneficial effect on arthritis and sports injuries as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects.
  • Black Mud - Black mud is the mud that is taken from dark cotton soil after its purification and is known to have an adequate amount of greasiness which is very beneficial for skin. This mud is rich in minerals and also holds moisture for a long time.
  • Dead sea mud - Being rich in more than 20 types of minerals and salts this mud is very useful in treating skin ailments. His mask is rich in silicates which helps to improve the texture of the skin making it soft and clean. It also helps to improve the blood circulation in the arteries of the face and enhances the glow.

There are also various kinds of other muds with multiple health benefits and these are as follows -

  • Red mud is useful for paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, and abdominal pain
  • Yellow mud is beneficial in digestive issues, abdominal diseases, diabetes, liver issues, and spleen issues,
  • Black mud can be used in cases of poisoning and skin ailments,
  • Sandy mud found near rivers is of much use in snake bites, cholera, and gastroenteritis,
  • White mud can be considered in the cases of liver and brain ailments.

Mud therapy is mostly given in spas and resorts and is often given after proper history taking of the patient. The choice of mud is purely based on symptoms and the present condition of the patient. Mud therapy sessions in India can cost anything from INR 1250 and INR 3000.

The cost is influenced by the practitioner's pay and the center's reputation. Many famous spa centers offer this therapy treatment in India some of which are -

  1. Riddhi Siddhi Yoga & Wellness Center - This Delhi-based institute offers therapists who are proficient in several yoga styles.
  2. National Institute Of Naturopathy - This facility, which is in Pune, provides several therapies, including mud baths.
  3. Natural Healz - This facility provides a holistic solution to mental and physical health issues.
  4. Haritha Ayurveda School - This school, which is in Rishikesh, provides a five-day mud therapy program.
  5. Sandhya Hot Spring Health Care
  6. Delhi Institute For Naturopathy
  7. Yugrishi Ayurveda Panchakarma Center
  8. Sampoorna Health Care Centre
  9. Santosh Biodynamic Naturecure & Yoga

These days a rise in the use of dead sea mud near the dead sea can be seen trending over the internet due to its immense benefits mentioned above. People are often seen applying mud near the seashore and enjoying the sunbathing.


Typically, mud is obtained from plain hills or riverbeds. Doctors who follow natural ways of treatment frequently employ mud therapy to treat a variety of illnesses. Mud therapy falls into one of two distinct groups -

  1. Mud Baths - Applying mud to the entire body while sitting or lying down is known as a "mud bath." Mud baths cover a wider portion of the body than mud packs, which is the sole distinction between the two. They cover the sheet with paste before wrapping the body in it. The body is covered in mud for 45 to 60 minutes, ideally with periodic exposure to sunshine. You must then take a hot bath and then a cold shower. This enhances blood flow and revitalises the skin tissues. Regular mud baths can help improve skin tone and reduce spots and patches that may be caused by skin disorders like chickenpox or smallpox. This makes regular mud baths a potential natural beauty therapy. Mud baths are beneficial for treating a variety of skin disorders, including psoriasis, urticaria, leprosy, and other skin issues.
  2. Mud Packs - Mud packs are done for local application or only treating the affected part of the body. Warm water is used to smooth out the earthen clay once it has been extracted. It is spread over a strip of fabric after being given time to cool. Whichever portion of the body the mud pack is to be applied to determines the size of the cloth. The area of the body that needs treatment is covered with a mud-coated cloth. Then a layer of protection, like flannel, is placed over it. After 10 to 30 minutes, the mud pack is removed. The mud pack has various uses for different parts of the body as follows: -
    • Mud pack for eyes - A thick layer of mud that has been soaked in water is spread over the eyes for 20 to 30 minutes. An eye mud pack aids in eye relaxation and is especially beneficial for individuals who must spend extended periods in front of a computer. Therapeutically, it lessens itchiness, irritation, or other allergic problems such as conjunctivitis and eyeball hemorrhage. Additionally, it aids in resolving refractive issues including short- and long-sightedness. It also reduces eyeball strain in glaucoma.
    • Mud pack for head - Typically, a head mud pack is a wide, thick band. When placed across the front of the head, it instantly reduces pain and aids in the treatment of congestive headaches.
    • Mud pack for face - For the face, a smooth paste is first created using cold water and fine dirt. Apply this paste evenly on your face, then give it 30 minutes to dry. One must properly wash their face with cold water after 30 minutes. It aids in enhancing the skin's complexion. It helps with acne by removing extra oils and pollutants from the skin. Additionally, it aids in lightening under-eye circles.
    • Mudpack for Abdomen - Apply a mud pack to the abdomen for 20 to 30 minutes. If the mud pack is administered during chilly weather, the body and the blanket should be covered. Any form of dyspepsia is helped with an abdominal mud pack. It greatly aids in reducing intestinal heat while promoting peristalsis.

Mud therapy falls into one of two distinct groups:

Hot and Cold Mud Therapy is another technique used in mud therapy. This therapy is useful for relieving lumbago, intestinal cramps, and persistent discomfort. The Hot and Cold Mud Therapy also treats various inflammatory disorders with bacterial origin, such as amoebiasis, colitis, enteritis, and others.


The patient's needs are taken into consideration while selecting the mud, which is then chilled before being placed onto a strip of fabric to form a bandage. The damaged part of the body is coated with this and covered in a protective material, such as flannel. The mud pack can be around 20 X 10 X 2.5 cm in size for people. Depending on the demands of the patients, the mud therapy cloth's proportions should change. Thus, the area of the body that has to be treated must first be fomented for roughly 5 to 10 minutes until it is sufficiently heated. Following that, mud is administered directly to the afflicted region for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the severity and required results.


The finest course of action for any problem is nature! It can address a wide range of issues at its source without having the negative side effects that many drugs have. The earth is abundant in vitamins, minerals, and other substances that may help us live healthier lives and repair our bodies holistically. Mud therapy is one such fantastic treatment that may be used to treat a wide range of illnesses. Mud treatment, which is slowly gaining popularity across the world, may benefit an individual's skin, help them get rid of rashes, and even keep them healthy throughout the rainy season. It has many other benefits that are undiscovered by many and these are as follows -

  • Mud therapy for skin issues - Mud therapy makes skin look clear by taking off all the dead skin from the face and body. It also helps in preventing clogging of the pores which helps to prevent acne and breakouts and also mud the pray helps in lightening the acne spots. It is also known to Enhance the formation of collagen in the skin and tone the skin while retaining the body moisture for a long time. It also increases the capacity for sweating and toxin elimination.
  • Mud therapy helps to improve digestion and boost metabolism - Mud tends to absorb all the toxins out of the body leading to indigestion and other gastric issues. The mud also helps to boost the metabolism by cleaning the whole body thus improving digestion.
  • Mud therapy helps to manage fever and headaches - Due to its rich mineral content and thermal qualities, mud treatment can also aid with aches and pains in the muscles. Mud has anti-inflammatory properties when administered to the body. Applying mud packs to the belly region can help reduce internal body heat and cool the body down. Additionally, it offers faster recovery from heat stroke.
  • Mud therapy helps to manage stress in life - Since mud is naturally cooling, naturopaths and other alternative healers frequently recommend this therapy to treat nervous system issues like stress, sleep disturbances, anxiety, sciatica, and post-traumatic disorders. It removes clogged or tight channels around the brain and absorbs harmful poisons from the surface.
  • Mud therapy for joints - Mud therapy helps manage ailments such as arthritis, periarthritis, gout, muscle swelling, and joint pain. It relaxes the muscles and eases the body's movements.
  • Mud therapy for eye issues - It has long been thought that rejuvenating the eyes by merely applying a cooling layer or strolling barefoot in dirt can improve eye health. In addition to reducing stress, it can aid in the treatment of allergies and infections. Mud baths are said to reduce the chance of acquiring glaucoma as you age, according to studies.
  • Other benefits - Mud also aids in the removal of black spots from the face, is beneficial for those with heat exhaustion or heartburn, and is effective in the treatment of diseases like psoriasis, leucoderma, and even leprosy. The Mud Application may be used to heal injuries as well as conditions like rheumatic discomfort.

Those with colds, coughs, the flu, or sinusitis should stay away from it during that period. Women should refrain from counselling during their periods. Before undergoing mud therapy, see your doctor if you have scars or blemishes on your face. Additionally, people who have had surgery should see their doctor before undergoing mud therapy.


Just like Naturopathy Ayurvedic system of medicine is also focused on the body's ability to health itself. Both are holistic systems of medicine and include diet and regimen, lifestyle counseling, and the use of natural methods for treating the disease. As per Ayurveda, the human body is a composition of five elements or the "Pancha Mahabhuta'' that includes the earth, air, water, fire, and sky, and out of these five, the earth has a major role in the healing of the ill. Mud is known from ancient times to boost immunity and children who used to play in mud were believed to attain great immunity. Mud applications have also been mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts for beauty purposes and were used over the whole body and face to enhance skin texture and complexion.

Panch Bhautik Chikitsa, a branch of Ayurveda, includes mud therapy. The use of mud packs and mud baths, also known as mud therapy or Prithvi Chikitsa, is a relatively straightforward and efficient kind of treatment. Mud therapy is also termed in Ayurveda as "Mrittika Chikitsa" and has been used for hundreds of years. It is a particular treatment that Ayurveda suggests using to manage illnesses. Both inwardly and externally, the treatment is effective. Mud therapy in Ayurveda can be compared with "Lepa" a term used in the ancient field of Ayurveda, is characterized as the Chikitsa of many different illness situations as well as for beauty. The topical medications known as lepa preparations are designed to be applied externally to the skin or mucous membrane. The process includes the application of various types of pastes of herbs mixed with different components as per the patient's complaints and are applied either all over the body or locally on the affected areas.

In Ayurveda, the process of Lepa does not have similar mud or herbal paste application for everyone. Different types of lepas are done based on the Prakriti of the patient and the dosha involved in the ailment similarly different muds are used for different ailments. For example, if the skin is of Pitta type or sensitive type then the application of Bentonite clay is usually done as it helps to get rid of toxins and calms down the inflamed and irritated skin, whereas for Kapha or oily skin or we can say the acne prone skin the French green clay is usually advised as it helps to control the sebum production and tones the pores and when we talk about the Vata skin or the dry skin then we advise Rhassoul or the red Moroccan clay as it will help to get rid of the flaky and dry skin and enhance the moisture content in the skin resulting in plump hydrated skin. Ayurveda has classified the Mrittika into five types i.e. Krishna Mrittika (Black) [which is helpful in vata pitta-type disorders of the body like Kshata (injury/wound/bruises), Daaha (burning sensation), Raktpradar (excessive menstrual bleeding), Shotha (swelling), and Shoola (pain)], Rakta Mrittika (Red), Sita Mrittika (White), Pita Mrittika (Yellow) and Nila Mrittika (blue).

Maharishi Sushruta has also mentioned that the lepa potency shall be selected based on the Prakriti of the patient. For example, for Rakta and Pitta type patients the lepa shall be of cold potency, and for those with kapha and vata type the lepa shall be of hot potency herbs. It has been mentioned in the Charaksamhita clearly that if one has Rakta, Vata, and Pitta-type health issues then that individual shall be applying ghee for lepa. There is also some light thrown on seasonal variations of the choice of lepas.


Mud therapy has multiple benefits but it is also known to have multiple side effects that can not be ignored at all. Mud therapy should always be taken after seeking proper guidance from a dermatologist as there are some conditions under which it is not advisable and those conditions are as follows -

  1. Pregnancy,
  2. Excessive alcohol intake,
  3. Skin cuts or abrasions,
  4. Psoriasis,
  5. Eczema,
  6. Hypertension,
  7. Chronic medication intake.

There is also a possibility that the spa centres where you visit for mud therapy are not maintaining proper hygiene like they do not change their mud timely or they do not clean their equipment properly. All of this can lead to infection which can be fatal in some cases if not treated on time. Mud therapy can also cause flare-ups of acne, eczema, and psoriasis which can be stressful for the patients. Mud getting into the eyes, ears, and nose is also a big issue as it can travel inside the body and cause multiple health issues.


Mud therapy is a process involving the application of mineral-rich mud and salts to the various body parts as per the condition of the patient and based on the above-mentioned information, it is concluded that mud therapy is a significant treatment widely used in naturopathy and Ayurveda and effectively manages a variety of diseases. Various institutes have been opened up in different places of the world for the patient to take mud therapy for their ailments. Mud therapy can also be combined with various other methods to get better results in a particular ailment. However, as we have seen, it is equally significant in modern times, though more scientific research is needed to confirm its efficacy and usefulness in treating a variety of health issues.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Clinical Aspect Of Basti & Its Mode Of Action In Ayurveda


Panchkarma is an essential component of Ayurvedic Holistic Healing. It is based on cleansing the body's biological triads Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in order to maintain optimal physiological balance. Ayurveda believes that the balance of biological triads promotes health and longevity. Upakarma are Panchkarma-related treatments that are used to bring out the best in the body's healing powers. Sarvang Abhyanga revitalizes the entire body by transporting the oxygen to all parts. Shirodhara brings peace to the mind by aligning the Mind-Body-Soul. Nasya is used to cleanse the biological triads of the Brain, head and neck. Rakta-mokshana or Bloodletting is intended for those aggravated doshas that have spread throughout the body. Today in this article we are going to discuss in detail about the Basti procedure or medicated enema.

Use Of Basti, Basti In The Management Of UC, Role Of Basti In UC, Basti Treatment, Ayurvedic treatment, Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment For UC, Diagnosis, Ayurvedic Herbs, Panchkarma Therapy, Clinical Aspect Of Basti


Basti is a Panchakarma process in which decoction or medicated oil is administered into garbhashaya (vaginal route), pakvashya (Anal route) or mutrashaya (Urinary route) by the help of yantra called basti yantra. Role of Basti is very special in Panchkarma treatment in management of various disorders. The site of action of Basti is considered as “अपाद मस्तक” which means from head to toe. One more Sanskrit verse for Basti is “बस्ति वातहरनं श्रेष्ठम'' which means Basti is one of the best treatments for all types of Vata Vyadhi. It is not only considered as the best treatment for Vata vyadhi but also for Pitta and kaphaj vyadhis. On the other hand Basti helps in promoting longevity, delaying the aging process, provides strength to mind and body, and acts as aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. Let’s discuss this amazing treatment more in a further article.


बस्तिना दीयते इति बास्तिः।” According to Acharya Vaghbhata (As. Hr. su. 1/19), the medicine which is administered by using the urinary bladder (vasti) is known as Basti. बास्तिभिः दीयते यस्मात् तस्मात् वसतिः इति समृतः। (Sharangdhar uttar Khand 5/1) which means administered medicines through anal route or vaginal route is known as Basti.


In ancient times sterilized and cleaned animal’s urinary bladder was used as an equipment for enema or Basti. The Sanskrit terminology for urinary bladder is basti that why this treatment is termed as Basti Treatment. Before using the urinary bladder of the animal they are sterilized by keeping in the medicated decoction. After that this sterilized basti kept open from one end (the bladder end) and the urethral end made leak proof with the help of leaves. Then this end connected to the pipe and inserted into the anal opening. The bladder squeezed by both hands and the medicine flows through the pipe and reaches to the intestines.


On the basis of site

  • Pakvashya Gata (From anal route)
  • Mutrashaya Gata (From urethral route)
  • Garbhashya Gata (From vaginal route)
  • Vrangata (From route of wound)

On the basis of liquid used:

  • Niruha Basti - Medicated Decoction is used
  • Anuvasana Basti - Medicated oil is used

On the basis of Karma (Action):

  • Shodhan Basti - To expel out vitiated dosha from the body.
  • Lekhana Basti - To eliminate dosha by scraping.
  • Snehana Basti - To provide lubrication to the body.
  • Brihmana Basti - For nourishing bodily tissues.

On the basis of number of basti administered:

  • Karma Basti - In this total 30 Basti is to be administered, first basti is Anuvasana, then 12 Niruha, 12 anuvasana one by one and at last 5 Anuvasana is given.
  • Kaal Basti - Total basti given in Kaal Basti is 16. First basti is anuvasana, then 6 nirhua and 6 anuvasana one by one and at last 3 anuvasana.
  • Yog Basti - Total basti given in Yog Basti is 8. First basti is anuvasana, then 3 nirhua and 3 anuvasana one by one and at last 1 anuvasana.


Basti is administered through three routes anal, urethral and vaginal. Basti administers through the urethral route to manage the disorders of Uro-genital tract. Second route is the vaginal route, basti administered through this route is to manage the disorders of female reproductive disorders. The last one is the Anal route, this route is used to balance the Vata Dosha.


Administration method of Basti is divided into three parts that includes Poorva Karma (Preliminary measures), Pradhan Karma (Administration procedure) and Pashchaat Karma (Post Administration Measures).

1. Poorva Karma (Preliminary Measures)

  • First of all Dosha Analysis is to be done which means we have to evaluate whether the doshas are increased, decreased, lodged in dhatus (bodily tissues), moving upwards, moving downwards, moving towards limbs. On the basis of Dosha analysis, the type of Basti is to be selected.
  • On the basis of Dravya Bheda there are two types of Basti and all the other types of Basti lie under these types and given as per the method how we administer both these Bastis. After the 7th day of Virechana (Medicinal Purgation) Niruha Basti (Medicated Decoction enema) is administered and the Anuvasana Basti is administered after the 9th day of Virechana (Medicinal Purgation).

2. Pradhan Karma (Administration procedure)

  • Best time for administration of Basti is Early morning and the evening time that is considered as the time of Vata. the stomach must be empty at the time of Basti administration, as mentioned above it should be given after 3 hours of eating.
  • Materials needed during the administration of Basti include enema bad, syringe, stove, measuring cup, oil or herbal decoction and towels. Enema bags are to be filled with the herbal oil or herbal decoction, allowing the air to pass from the tube.
  • Make the person lie on the left side with left leg extended and flexed right knee. 
  • Lubricate the syringe tip and the anal orifice, slowly insert the tip of the syringe into the anal orifice, slowly release the clip of enema bag  and allow the fluid to enter the colon. While allowing the fluid to enter the colon, massage it from outside in a counterclockwise direction.

3. Pashchaat Karma (Post Administration Measures)

  • After that wait for the fluid to come out, the maximum time of fluid coming out is considered as 48 minutes (for Niruha Basti) and 12 hours for anuvasana basti.  
  • Then a person is to be prescribed with Pathya Diet (Diet suitable for him) which includes following things and known as samsarjana krama: 
  • After the expulsion of Basti Dravya (liquid), the next 7 days give a light diet to the patient. This includes peya (gruel of rice) and vilepi (gruel of red rice). Yush which includes akrita yush (Soup of green gram and horse gram) and Krita yush (soup of green gram and horse gram consisting of salt, ghee and spices like ginger, black pepper, etc). Other than that Akrit Mamsa ras and krita mamsa ras is given (meat soup with or without added salt, black pepper, ginger, etc).
  • Peya served in 1st, 2nd and 3rd diet timings
  • Vilepi served in 4th, 5th and 6th diet timings
  • Yush  is given in 7th, 8th and 9th diet timings
  • Mamsa Ras served in 10th, 11th and 12th diet timings
  • Normal diet can be given to the patient at the dinner time of the seventh day


शाखागताः कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा मर्मोधर्व सर्वावयववाङ्गजाश्च।
ये सन्ति तेषां न हि कश्चिदन्यो वायोः परं जन्मनि हेतुरस्ति।।
विण मुत्रपित्तादिमलाष्यानां विक्षेपसंघातकरः स यस्मात्।
तस्याति वृध्दस्य शमाय नान्यद्वस्तिं विना भेष्जमस्ति किञ्चित।।
तमाचिकित्सार्धमिति ब्रुवन्ति सर्वां चिकित्सामपि बस्तिमेके।(च.सि १/३८-४०)

According to the above sanskrit phrase by Acharya Charaka, in this phrase it is mentioned that all diseases whether it is Shakhagata (in limbs), Koshtagata (in abdomen), margata (in vitals), urdhvagata (above clavicle), sarvanga (in all body parts), ekanga (in one body part), all these occur due to Vata Dosha. Vikshepa (deflates) and sanghata (bind) of Mala (body waste), Mutra (urine), Shleshma (kapha) and Pitta is also done by Vata. There is no other best treatment than Basti, so Basti is called Ardha Chikitsa which means half of the management of any disease is done by Basti only.


1. Nirhuha Basti

Samyaka Yoga:

प्रसृष्टविण्मूत्रस्मीरणत्वं रुच्याग्नि रुच्याग्निवृध्दयाशयलाघवानि।
रोगोपशान्तिः प्रकृतिस्थता च बलं च तत् स्यात् सुनिरूढलिङ्गम्।।” (च.सि १/४१)

According to Acharya Charaka Samyaka Yoga (Symptoms of proper administration) of Niruha Basti are unforced excretion of stools, urine, flatus in the order of stools, then pitta, then kapha and then at last vayu. It causes lightness in the body, improves interest in eating food, kindles the digestive fire, clears the intestines, eliminates the disease for which Niruha Basti was administered, helps in regaining health and increasing strength.  


स्याद् रूक्छिरोहृद्गुदबस्तिलिङ्गे शोफः प्रतिष्यायविकर्तिके च।।
हृल्लासिका मारूतमूत्रसङ्गः श्वासो न सम्यक् च निरुहिते स्युः। (च.सि १/४२)

Acharya Charaka explained Ayoga (Symptoms of inadequate administration) of Niruha Basti as Pain and swelling in Head, heart, anus, urinary bladder, penis and vagina. Stuffy nose, cutting pain in anal region, excessive salivation, obstruction of vayu and urine, and the last symptom is shortness of breath.


Atiyoga (Excessive) of niruha Basti includes following symptoms: 

  • Throbbing or pricking pain in body
  • Pain like somebody is hitting
  • Tiredness
  • Tremors
  • Sleep
  • Weakness
  • Darkness in forepart of eyes
  • Insanity
  • Hiccough

2. Anuvasana Basti

Samyaka Yoga:

प्रत्येत्यसक्तं सशकृच्च तैलं रक्तादि बुद्धीन्द्रिय सम्प्रसादः। (च.सि  १/४४)

According to Acharya Charaka if Anuvasana Basti is administered properly then it shows following symptoms:

  • Elimination of Sakrit (Stools) and taila (medicated oil).
  • Purification of Rakta Dhatu (Blood components), improves Buddhi (Intellect) and promotes indriya (sense organs) to perform their action.
  • Induce sound sleep.
  • Cause strength and lightness in the body.
  • Normal expulsion of natural urges without any hindrance.


अधः शरीरोदर बाहुपृष्टपार्श्वेषु रूग् रुक्षखरं च गात्रम्।
ग्रहश्च विण्मूत्रसमीरणानाम सम्यगेतान्यनुवासिते स्युः।।” (च.सि १/४५)

If Anuvasana Basti is administered improperly it causes pain in following regions:

  • Lower part of body
  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Side and back of chest

Other than that it causes roughness and dryness in the body and leads to obstruction in the passage of urine, stools and flatus.


हृल्लासमोहक्लमसादमूर्छा विकार्तिका चात्यनुवासितस्य।(च.सि १/४५)

If the Anuvana Basti is excessively administered then the Basti leads to following issues

  • Nausea
  • Unconsciousness
  • Mental fatigue
  • Exhaustion
  • Fainting
  • Griping


    • Ingredients: Madhu 20 ml (honey), Tila Tail 20 ml (Sesame Oil), Powder of fennel 10 gm (Foeniculum vulgare), Saindhava Lavana 10 gm (Rock Salt), Madanphal Powder 10 gm (Randia dumetorum) and Erandmool Kwath (Decoction of root of Ricinus communis).
    • Method Of Preparation: Make a decoction of Erand Mool powder by adding 50 gm of it in 100ml of water. Firstly add saindhava lavan into pestle, then add fennel and madanphal churna. Mix it well with the help of mortar by adding honey and sesame oil and at last mix well with Erand Mool Kwath.
    • Indications: In Vataj Disorders, as a rejuvenator, diabetes, piles, hernia, worm infestation, skin conditions, improves strength and improves appetite, nourishes body and improves vigour.
    • Ingredients: Cow milk 500 ml, Sesame Oil 50 ml, Tamarind 50 gm, Jaggery 20 gm and Rock Salt 10 gm.
    • Method Of Preparation: Take 50 gm of tamarind and 20 gm of jaggery, boil it in 50 ml of water. Once it becomes lukewarm, strain it. Then mix it in boiled 500 ml of cow milk. Firstly add rock salt in the pestle then sesame oil and then the rest of liquid, mix it well and use it.
    • Indications: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sciatica, any type of pains, Constipation, All Vataj disorders.
    • Ingredients: Mochras (Bombax malabaricum) 80 gm, Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) 20 gm, Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) 10 gm, Cow milk 50 ml and Cow ghee 10 ml.
    • Method Of Preparation: Take Mochras (Bombax malabaricum) 80 gm, Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) 20 gm and Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) 10 gm, add all of these in 800 ml of water, boil it until it becomes 200 ml. Now add Cow milk 50 ml and Cow Ghee 10 ml and mix well with the help of pestle and mortar.
    • Indications: Bloody Diarrhoea.
    • Ingredients: Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) 500 gm, Cow's Ghee 20 ml, Sesame oil 20 ml and Honey 20 ml.
    • Method Of Preparation: Take Shatavari 500 gm, add 100 ml of Cow's milk and 100 ml of water, boil it till it remains 100 ml. Then add Cow's ghee 20 ml, sesame oil 20 ml and honey 20 ml.
    • Indications: Hyperacidity and for increasing strength.
    • Ingredients: Ashwagandha powder 50 gm (Withania somnifera), Cow’s milk 50 ml, Honey 20 ml, Sesame oil 20 ml, Cow’s ghee 20 ml and rock salt 5 gm.
    • Method Of Preparation: Take Ashwagandha churna 50 gm and add in 800 ml of water, boil it till it gets reduced to 100 ml. Then add Cow’s milk, Honey, Cow’s ghee, Sesame oil and rock salt.
    • Indications: For increasing Sperm Production and or increasing strength.
    • Ingredients: Erand Mool 50 gm (Ricinus communis), Honey 20ml, Sesame Oil 10 ml, Vacha 10 gm (Acorus calamus), Pippali 10gm (Piper longum), Madanphal 10 gm (Randia dumetorum) and rock salt 10 gm.
    • Method Of Preparation: Take Erandmool powder 50 gm, add 1000 ml of water in it, boil it until it is reduced to 100 ml. Add rock salt, then Pippali, vacha, madanphal, mix it well. After that add honey, sesame oil and erand mool decoction.
    • Indications: Rejuvenator and Vataj Vyadhi hara.
    • Ingredients: Triphala Kwath 100ml, Vidang churna 10gm (Embelia ribes), Nagarmotha 10 gm (Cyperus scariosus), Shigru Churna 10 gm (Moringa oleifera)  and Madanphal Churna (Randia Dumetorum) 10 gm.
    • Method Of Preparation: Make Triphala kwath and add all the powders in it, mix it well and use as Basti.
    • Indications: In case of Worm infestation.
    • Ingredients: Triphala Kwath, Cow’s Urine, Honey and Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare)
    • Method Of Preparation: Make Triphala Decoction and mix all the ingredients well.
    • Indications: It helps in scraping of doshas and helps in obesity.
    • Ingredients: Madhu 20 ml (honey), Tila Tail 20 ml (Sesame Oil), Powder of fennel 10 gm (Foeniculum vulgare), Saindhava Lavana 10 gm (Rock Salt), Madanphal Powder 10 gm (Randia dumetorum), Erandmool Kwath (Decoction of root of Ricinus communis) and Yashthimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 30 gm.
    • Method Of Preparation: Make a decoction of Erand Mool powder by adding 50 gm of it in 100ml of water. Firstly add saindhava lavan into pestle, then add fennel and madanphal churna and mulethi churna. Mix it well with the help of mortar by adding honey and sesame oil and at last mix well with Erand Mool Kwath.
    • Indications: Eye Disorders, to improve vision.
    • Ingredients: Decoction of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Pashaanbhed (Bergenia ligulata), Yashthimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and Mishri (Rock sugar).
    • Method Of Preparation: Make Decoction of Gokshura and add all other ingredients into it.
    • Indications: Urinary Obstruction and Difficulty Urine.
    • Ingredients: Gairika (Red Ochre) 10 gm and Water 25 ml.
    • Method Of Preparation: Take 25 ml of water and add Gairika into it.
    • Indications: For Vataj and Pittaj Diseases.
    • Ingredients: In this Basti Rakta (Blood) is used as a Basti ingredient, it can be of Ajadi gana rakta (goat, sheep, cow, elephant, camel, horse, donkey, buffalo) or Rakta of human.
    • Indications: Increasing HB.
    • For Conception: Phal Kalyan Ghrit - 150 ml 
    • For Miscarraige: Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), cow’s ghee.
    • For Uterine Prolapse and Vaginal Prolapse: Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Mochras (Bombax malabaricum), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Panchvalkal Kwath - Vata (Ficus bengalensis), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Plaksha (Ficus infectoria), Ashwatta (Ficus religiosa) and Parisha (Thespesia populnea).
    • Indications: For Vataj and Pittaj Diseases.
    • For conception: Phal Kalyan Ghrit - 150 ml.
    • For Miscarraige: Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), cow’s ghee.
    • Indications: For Vataj and Pittaj Diseases.
    • For Uterine Prolapse and Vaginal Prolapse: Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Mochras (Bombax malabaricum), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Panchvalkal Kwath - Vata (Ficus bengalensis), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Plaksha (Ficus infectoria), Ashwatta (Ficus religiosa) and Parisha (Thespesia populnea).
    • Ingredients: Dhanwantharam Oil.
    • Method Of Preparation: In this basti a basti yantra (lethera head cap) is fitted over the head and oil is filled in that for a particular period of time.
    • Indications: Chronic headache or all types of diseases of head, Facial paralysis.

As you read earlier above there is the use of powders of various herbs in preparation of all 14 types of Basti. For this you can use Planet Ayurveda’s single herbal powders for better results. Advantage of using these powders is that they are free from any kind of added preservatives, fillers, resins, starch, colour, gum, etc. These powders are prepared under the guidance of M.D. Ayurveda doctors in the proper way, so use Planet Ayurveda’s Single herbal powders for better efficacy.


Basti is a Panchakarma process in which decoction or medicated oil is administered into garbhashaya (vaginal route), pakvashya (Anal route) or mutrashaya (Urinary route) by the help of yantra called basti yantra. It is one of the best treatments for all kinds of Vataj Disorders. So if somebody is suffering from any kind of Vataj disorders they must approach basti as the first line of treatment. In the above article all about Basti is explained including what kind of procedure it is, what different kinds of Basti Yoga (compositions) are used in case of particular health conditions. So you can take Basti if you are suffering from any kind of conditions mentioned above.