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Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Suvarna Basant Malti Ras - Ingredients, Method Of Preparation & Uses


The medicine which is best used to treat chronic fever which is not treated by any other medication is suvarna basant malti ras. This medication is a classical combination of herbs and minerals which can treat many diseases as it has gold and other ingredients in it. It is a strong formulation which acts fast due to the rasaushadhi in it. It is also helpful in treating auto-immune disorders as it modulates the immune system.

Ingredients Used in Suvarna Basant Malti Ras

Following are the ingredients which are in this formulation:

  1. Swarna bhasma (Gold calx)
  2. Mukta bhasma (Pearl calx)
  3. Darada (Purified Cinnabar)
  4. Maricha (Piper nigrum)
  5. Kharpara (Zinc ore)
  6. Parada (Purified mercury)
  7. Gandhak (Purified and processed sulfur)
  8. Trikatu (Piper nigrum, piper longum, Zingiber officinalis)
  9. Tamra bhasma (Copper calx)
  10. Ayas bhasma (Iron calx)
  11. Kantakari ras (Solanum xanthocarpum)
  12. Dhattura (Datura metel)
  13. Katuki ras (Picrorhiza kurroa)

Description Of Ingredients

All the ingredients in it have many medicinal properties mentioned below:

1. Swarna bhasma

Purified gold is used for making this formulation, It acts as an antitoxin, immunomodulatory, and has antimicrobial or antiviral effects. Taste of the gold calx is sweet and astringent, also it is light to digest, unctuous or smooth in nature. Potency of the gold is cold with a sweet taste after digestion. It is the best Immunomodulatory medicine and helps in balancing all the three doshas of the body with the rejuvenating effect on the body.

2. Mukta bhasma

It is made from the pearl and is helpful in reducing the excessive burning or heat from the body, and also has a cooling effect on the body and digestive system. Helps in balancing the pitta and rakta dosha from the body so can be used in conditions like raktapitta, acidity, burning sensation etc. It has some amount of calcium in it so it is also used for people having low levels of calcium and bone disorders.

3. Darada

It is the compound of mercury and sulfur, with bitter, astringent and pungent taste. It helps in calming down the kapha and pitta dosha from the body. It helps in improving digestion and also helps in tissue growth and rejuvenation. It is very good for treating nausea, skin diseases, fever, jaundice or splenomegaly. It helps in digesting the ama dosha from the body so it removes toxins.

4. Maricha

Maricha is pungent to taste, digested easily as it is light to digest, strong and piercing in nature also sookshma properties due to which it enters the minute channels of the body. Helps in improving the taste and relieving anorexia. It helps in decreasing the sputum production and acts as a deepan pachan agent. It is used in the treatment of recurrent fever. Due to its scraping effect it helps in cleaning the intestines. Peppercorns are used for making this formulation.

5. Kharpara

It is coolant and pungent in taste, can be used for the treatment of eye disorders, anemia, diabetes, cough, sweating and non-healing wounds etc. it can be indicated in conditions such as hair fall, zinc deficiency, diarrhea, to boost the immune system. Zinc helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha from the body. It is good for strengthening lungs and the immune system.

6. Parada

Purified mercury is known as the parad, It is the most important mineral in the ras shastra. It is known as the king of the rasas. It has all the 6 tastes and helps in maintaining the balance of all the 3 doshas in the body. It strengthens the body, has a rejuvenating effect and it is known to have miraculous benefits in ayurveda when used regularly. It has been mentioned that regularly consuming mercury can make a man immortal.

7. Gandhak

It is the best uparasa available in the ayurveda as it has a pungent, bitter and astringent taste with flowy properties. Potency of the gandhak is hot and is helpful in digesting the ama dosha from the blood and purifies blood and it also acts as a rasayan (Rejuvenating agent). It is helpful in detoxifying blood so can be used in many skin conditions and auto-immune disorders also.

8. Trikatu

It is a mixture of black pepper, long pepper and ginger. These herbs in combination have been proven to have liver protection activity, have a deepana (Carminative) and pachana (Digesting) activity. It increases the pitta dosha and balances kapha dosha. It relieves anorexia, useful in ama pachan, it is good for treating respiratory tract disorders.

9. Tamra bhasma

It is bitter, astringent, pungent and sweet in taste. Resultant taste conversion after digestion is also sweet. It has mobile action, light in digestion, and has a scraping effect on the body. It can be used for the following disorders such as obesity, worm infestation, healing of wounds, pain after digestion, disorders of spleen and liver, piles, IBS etc.

10. Loh bhasma

It is bitter, sweet and astringent in taste, cool in potency, flowy, heavy to digest and drying in nature. It has a drying effect on the body, increases strength, nourishes the body, Stops aging, increases intelligence and also helps in treating anemia. It is good for balancing all the three doshas from the body. It helps in relieving the body from the accumulated pitta dosha from the hands, feet and intestines.

11. Kantakari

It is bitter, pungent in taste. Light to digest with drying in nature and piercing in nature. It undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and also has a hot potency. It is helpful in balancing the kapha and vata dosha while simultaneously increasing pitta dosha. It is really good for the treatment of respiratory tract disorders.

12. Dhatura

It is a toxic plant but when used in limited quantity and purified form it will have therapeutic properties. It has light and dry properties with bitter and pungent in taste. Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion and it is of hot potency. It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. It is good for treating chronic respiratory disorders and its application is useful in relieving fever.

13. Kutki

It is bitter in taste, and has a pungent taste conversion after digestion. It is light to digest and is drying in nature. Potency of kutki is cold which helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha. It has a great use in treating liver disorders hence improves digestion, due to its coolant nature it will help in treating bleeding disorders. It helps in treating the fever originating from pitta and kapha dosha.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is used for making this formulation:

  1. All the bhasma ad herbs are taken and grinded to form fine powder.
  2. This mixture of powder is ground with the juice extract of kantakari rasa, dhaturra rasa, katuki rasa one by one.
  3. This mixture is made into paste form and rolled into pills.

Medicinal Properties

It has the following medicinal properties:

  1. It has rejuvenating properties
  2. Has an antipyretic properties
  3. It is aphrodisiac
  4. Analgesic
  5. Anti-inflammatory
  6. It is a very good antitoxin
  7. It can cause modulations in immune system
  8. It is a good nerve tonic
  9. It has a neuroprotective action
  10. It has a cardioprotective action
  11. Has hepatoprotective action
  12. It is a powerful antioxidant as it reduce the oxidative stress of a person
  13. It helps in treating paralysis
  14. It helps in digesting ama dosha from the body
  15. Acts as antitussive
  16. Acts as an expectorant
  17. Nourishes the body
  18. Increases red blood cells

Dosha Karma

It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha

  1. Taste - Pungent and sour
  2. Smell - Rasayan gandhi
  3. Color - Reddish


It can be taken in the dose of 1-2 tablets in a day or as recommended by ayurvedic doctor

Classical Indications

According to bhaishajya ratnavali it can treat conditions such as:

  1. Chronic fever
  2. Intermittent fever
  3. Cough
  4. Cold
  5. Dyspnoea
  6. Tuberculosis
  7. Emaciation


This medicine can be indicated to treat chronic fever, cough, cold, tuberculosis, emaciation, typhoid, chronic fever, malaria, bleeding disorders, generalized weakness, Anemia. It is effective in treating disorders related to the lymphatic system, spleen and liver disorders, diseases of the uterus mainly infections of the uterus. It can also be used to treat goiter.

Suvarna Basant Malti Ras

Side Effects

  • It does not have any side effects known for now but if used in purified form it can cause nausea, vomiting, gastritis etc.
  • Always use after consulting an expert ayurvedic doctor.


This is a medication which is made from gold calx with other ingredients, it helps in maintaining the health of a person and is also good for treating conditions such as chronic fever, general debility, TB etc. medicine is provided by the Planet ayurveda and is really effective as all the ingredients in it are pure and authentic. All the ingredients are purified and processed to give the best results.

Note :- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Swarn Makshik Bhasma - Ingredients, Method Of Preparation & Uses


Swarna makshik is made from a mixture of copper and iron ore. Both the elements are very necessary for the body functions like formation of blood cells, keeping nerves and the immune system healthy. These both elements in combination are very beneficial for the body as copper helps in better absorption of iron. It is used in bhasma form which is purified and processed so that it is easily absorbed by the body. It can be used in many disorders which we will mention below.

Ingredients Used in Swarn Makshik Bhasma

IIt has the following ingredients which are mentioned below:-

  1. Shuddha makshik (Chalcopyrite)
  2. Hingul (Compound of sulfur and mercury)
  3. Lemon (Citrus limon)

Ref. Ayurvedic Text - [ Rastarangini 11/23-25 ]

Description Of Ingredients

All the ingredients have special medicinal properties which are mentioned below:

1. Shuddha makshik

It is sweet in taste, bitter and astringent in taste and has a hot property so it can help in pacifying the vata dosha. It is light to digest and can travel in the minute channels of the body so it will act as a catalyst for other medications or food for the easy transportation and absorption which increases the immunity and strength of the body. This bhasma has a rasayan effect which causes cell rejuvenation so it can be used when there is depletion of the body tissue due to tuberculosis, weight loss etc.

2. Hingul

Combination of mercury with sulfur which is known as the hingul and it can be converted in the powder form as pure mercury is in the liquid form. It is yogavahi, which means it is able to go into the minute channels of the body and acts as a catalyst for other medications and herbs. It is helpful in digesting the aama dosha of the body which is also known as the toxins of the digestive system which are transported to the other parts of the body.

3. Lemon

It is sour in taste and hot in potency. As it is light to digest it will increase the absorption of the other ingredients. It is helpful in relieving the excessive accumulation of kapha in the stomach, excessive thirst, treats ama dosha and bad breath. Helps in promoting digestion and relieves bad breath.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is used for making this formulation:

  1. Hingul and pure swarn makshik is mixed.
  2. This mixture is than grounded with the lemon juice.
  3. Cakes of this mixture are made and heated in a furnace without.
  4. air.

Medicinal Properties

It has the following medicinal properties which are mentioned below:

  1. It increases the levels of Hemoglobin
  2. Decreases inflammation
  3. Helps in formation of RBC
  4. Acts as an Antacid
  5. Anti-depressant
  6. Helps in reducing fever

Dosha Karma

It helps in pacifying all the three doshas of the body but mainly helps in pacifying the pitta dosha and then kapha dosha.


It can be taken in the dose of 125 mg to 375 mg per day.

Classical Indications

Classically it can be indicated in:

  1. Prameha
  2. Emaciation
  3. Low digestive fire
  4. Anemia
  5. Bleeding disorders
  6. Vertigo
  7. Fever with chills
  8. Spleenomegaly


It can be indicated in many conditions related to heart and blood such as anemia, palpitations and high blood pressure. Calms the mind so treats conditions such as Insomnia, headache, anxiety, headache, depression etc. It is very good for digestive health such as hyperacidity, chronic gastritis, heartburn, hepatitis, jaundice, mouth ulcer, nausea, vomiting, ulcerative colitis etc. women's health issues like white discharge, dysmenorrhea, Burning sensation of the body, low grade fever, Bleeding piles and itching.

Swarn Makshik Bhasma

Side Effects

It does not have any side effects in purified form but it should be taken under the guidance of an expert ayurvedic doctor.


Swarn makshik bhasma is a formulation which has been made from the compound of iron and copper and it can be used instead of gold as it also has therapeutic effects like gold but in low potency. It is provided by the planet ayurveda which has been passed through the quality check of the product to provide the 100% benefit of the medicine.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Gustatory Rhinitis With Herbal Remedies


Gustatory rhinitis is a condition in which a person gets sneezing or a runny nose after eating something spicy or hot. In this you get a nose inflammation but not of allergic origin. There is almost immediate discharge from the nose soon after a person eats the trigger food. Sneezing and watering of eyes is also present in some cases but without any itching or other symptoms of allergic rhinitis. There is no specific food which causes it and any food item can trigger this condition, however the hot and spicy foods are the most common culprits. Symptoms are usually relieved as soon you stop eating the particular food item. In this article you'll get to know all about gustatory rhinitis and its herbal treatment.

Gustatory Rhinitis

Introduction To Gustatory Rhinitis

Gustatory rhinitis is a non allergic rhinitis characterized by bilateral or unilateral rhinorrhea where there occurs watery nose and eyes after ingesting hot or spicy liquid or solid food. This usually begins immediately after eating the trigger food. In gustatory rhinitis there is no sneezing, pruritus, facial pain or nasal congestion. This is a non-immunological reaction and is caused due to trigeminal sensory nerve endings stimulations. Gustatory rhinitis can be of different types like post-traumatic stress disorder, age related, associated with cranial nerve neuropathy and postsurgical.

Ayurvedic Aspect Of Gustatory Rhinitis

Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine according to which health is maintained by three doshas, i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and any imbalance in these doshas lead to diseases or ailments. In gustatory rhinitis Pitta and Kapha doshas are vitiated predominantly, leading to the signs and symptoms of the condition.

Signs And Symptoms Of Gustatory Rhinitis

Signs and symptoms of gustatory rhinitis starts immediately after eating the trigger food and those are:

  • Watery or runny nose
  • Posnasal drip, i.e. dripping down of mucus in the back of throat
  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy nose

Causes Of Gustatory Rhinitis

Rhinitis is generally used for the condition which results in swelling and inflammation of the nose. Usually the mucous membrane of the nose is swollen and inflamed. Generally the allergies are known to cause it but there are also different types of rhinitis which are caused due to exaggerated immune responses. These types of rhinitis are called non allergic rhinitis and usually the infection is caused here but in case of gustatory rhinitis the cause is an irritant food which triggers the immune reaction of the body. Any type of food can cause it but the most common one found to cause it are spicy and hot foods like curry, black pepper, chili powder, hot sauce, onions, and hot peppers.

Diagnosis Of Gustatory Rhinitis

As there are many conditions which can result in a runny nose, your doctor will enquire about the history of allergies and signs and symptoms. In diagnosis here it is necessary to rule out allergic rhinitis, or any kind of food allergy. Further your doctor can recommend certain allergy tests, like skin prick test or Immunoglobulin E (IgE) test.

Treatment For Gustatory Rhinitis

As gustatory rhinitis is non allergic in type, hence antihistamines are not given in this. Conventionally ipratropium bromide nasal spray is given to relieve the signs and symptoms. It is usually advised to spray one or two times in both the nostrils about an hour before taking trigger food. Also certain decongestants like Sudafed are given.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Gustatory Rhinitis

There are many herbs in nature which possess natural qualities to treat gustatory rhinitis effectively. These herbs are used to prepare herbal remedies which are then used for people suffering from ailment. These herbal remedies act by restoring the balancing of tridoshas and treating gustatory rhinitis naturally.

Herbal Remedies From Planet Ayurveda For Gustatory Rhinitis

Planet Ayurveda is very well known for the authentic and effective herbal remedies and products that are prepared using pure herbs. Quality of these herbs is evaluated with certain standardization products. Planet Ayurveda is a herbal pharmaceutical company that indulges in the production of herbal products and remedies that are further prescribed to patients as per ailments. These herbal remedies are free from any kind of chemicals, additives, preservatives, colors, additives, dye or yeast. This quality makes them more effective and safe than other similar remedies present in the market. All the herbal remedies are prepared under the strict supervision of expert MD Ayurveda doctors as per the Ayurvedic principles. For gustatory rhinitis, Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal remedies.

Products List

  1. Aller-G Care
  2. Chitrak Haritaki
  3. Pitta Balance
Ayurvedic Treatment For Gustatory Rhinitis

Products Description

1. Aller-G Care

Herbs like Haridra (Curcuma longa), Shirish (Albizia lubbock), Neem (Azadirachta indica), and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) are used in the preparation of Aller-G care capsules. These capsules help in preventing inflammatory reaction and treat the symptoms like runny nose, sneezing and post nasal drip.

Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.

2. Chitrak Haritaki

It is a famous classical preparation of Ayurveda that is prepared used various herbs like Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Trikatu (Pepper, long pepper and ginger), Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), Patra (Cinnamomum tamala), jaggery, honey etc. Chitrak haritaki helps in treating digestive as well as respiratory tract ailments, hence it is a best remedy to treat gustatory rhinitis.

Dosage: Take one teaspoon with milk after meal once a day.

3. Pitta Balance

As in gustatory rhinitis Pitta dosha is vitiated leading to the signs and symptoms. This herbal formulation pacifies the Pitta dosha and helps in treating gustatory rhinitis naturally. Pitta balance capsules are prepared using Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Pippali (Piper longum), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Tejaptra (Cinnamomum tamala) etc.

Dosage: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.


Gustatory rhinitis can seem to be a minor problem but getting triggered again and again with certain food substances can cause trouble and be problematic. Hence it is right to get it diagnosed correctly and treat it using the herbal remedies mentioned above.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Shwas Kuthar Ras - Ingredients, Method Of Preparation & Its Uses


According to ayurveda breath is known as prana vayu which is really important as this vayu is responsible for performing various functions such as it is responsible for controlling functions related to brain, heart, chewing and swallowing of food, helps in process of salivation, sneezing and process of breathing. Breathing is the main function of pranavayu as breath is the synonym of prana and the medicine which is responsible for the treatment of all the breathing disorders and works wonders for the lungs in treating the disorders which are even chronic.


Following are the ingredients in shwas kuthar ras:

  1. Shuddha Parada (Purified mercury)
  2. Shuddha Gandhak (Purified sulfur)
  3. Shuddha Vatsanabha (Purified Aconitum ferox)
  4. Tankan Bhasma (Borax calx)
  5. Manashila (Arsenic disulphide)
  6. Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis)
  7. Pippali (Piper longum)
  8. Maricha (Piper nigrum)

Ref. Ayurvedic Text - [ Ayurveda saar sangraha ]


All the ingredients in this formulation have a special medicinal benefits which are mentioned below:-

  1. Shuddha parada - It is known as the rasendra raj i.e King of the minerals in ras shastra as it has many benefits on the body as it can be given in any type of disorders due to its yogavahi nature i.e it will help in better absorption of any medications or herbs with which it is administered. It has all the 6 tastes, and has a rejuvenating effect on the body. It helps in balancing all the doshas in the body, hot in potency with unctuous or oily in nature. It helps in clearing the channels of the body and also it will act as an expectorant.
  2. Shuddha gandhak - It is known as the purified sulfur and which is made from the purified sulfur which has pungent, bitter and astringent taste, flowy in nature so it is easy to transport in minute channels of the body, potency of sulfur if hot, Vipaka (Taste conversion after digestion is sweet. It helps in igniting the digestive fire due to hot potency, pungent and bitter taste will help in treating the infection and cleansing or detoxifying the blood. It has been said that there is no uprasa more efficacious than gandhak in rasashastra.
  3. Shuddha vatsanabha - It is a type of planet based poison but when used in purified form will have a therapeutic effect on the body. It has a sweet, pungent, bitter and astringent taste. Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. Potency of the vatsnabh is hot and helps in balancing all the three doshas from the body. It is helpful in balancing vata and kapha dosha from the body, due to its bitter, pungent and astringent in taste it will act as a catalyst for the other herbs in it. Due to its piercing and teekshna nature it will help in treating cough.
  4. Tankan bhasma - Tankan bhasma is pungent in taste with hot in nature, which helps in balancing the vata dosha from the body. It is very useful in the treatment of productive cough, bronchitis, wheezing, asthma, congestion etc. Borax is purified and processed to form the tankan bhasma and is also very useful for scanty menstrual flow like or in the amenorrhea as it increases the menstrual flow.
  5. Manashila - It is pungent and astringent in nature. Hot in potency with unctuous in nature. Arsenic helps in balancing the kapha and pitta dosha from the body. It is very useful in conditions like cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma etc due to its hot potency. It is also very useful in skin infections such as syphilis, gout, herpes etc.
  6. Shunthi - Dried ginger is used for making this formulation. It is pungent in taste and hot in potency. Sunthi is light to digest drying in nature with strong and piercing properties. It undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion and has a hot potency. As it balances kapha so it will be helpful in treating lung diseases. It is a very good appetizer and improves digestion.
  7. Pippali - It is also known as long pepper which helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body. Acharya charak has classified this herb in the following subgroups such as deepniya (Herbs improving digestion), kanthya (Herbs good for throat disorders), Asthapanopaga (Herbs useful in decoction enema), sheetprashmana (Herbs used to suppress cold, cough), kasahara (Herbs used to treat cough) etc. Due to the hot potency it will treat the respiratory disorders.
  8. Maricha - Maricha will act as a deepniya (Increases digestive fire), Shulaprashmana (Analgesic), krumi ghana (Anti parasitic). It has sharp properties and light to digest with the pungent taste. Marich is hot in potency. Maricha is the best herb to reverse the sluggishness of the pranavaha srotas (Respiratory channels) and also reduce the secretion of the mucus. It helps in opening the channels of the body so facilitates the action of all the ingredients of the chitrak haritaki i.e. it acts as a catalyst.


Following method of preparation is used for making this formulation which is mentioned below:-

  1. First make the kajjali of parad and gandhak in mortar and pestle.
  2. After that add all other ingredients in it and mix them.
  3. Put little water in this mixture and mix it for some time until it achieves the consistency of a fine paste.
  4. Make tablets of 1-1 ratti and store it.


This medicine posses certain medicinal properties which are mentioned below:

  1. It helps in digestion
  2. It helps in igniting the digestive fire
  3. It helps in anorexia
  4. It acts as an antitussive
  5. It acts as an expectorant
  6. Acts as an anti inflammatory


It helps in balancing the vata and kapha dosha from the body.


It can be taken in the dose of 125-250 mg twice a day before or after the food.


Classically this medicine is used both for ingesting and inhaling

  1. When inhaled it has the potential to wake a faint person, in the condition of epilepsy, hysteria etc.
  2. It is helpful in treating all types of kaas shwas i.e breathing difficulties or cough.
  3. Vataj-kapaj head diseases.
  4. Cold
  5. Swar bhed (Hoarseness of voice)
  6. Emaciation


This medicine can be indicated in disorders such as:

It is helpful in treating cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, anorexia and indigestion. It is also helpful in treating the inflammation of the lungs. It can also be used for the treatment of hysteria, epilepsy or fainting. It is also a good rejuvenating agent so it helps in forming new tissues. It will improve the quality of voice so it helps in treating hoarseness. It will treat conditions like COPD, emphysema, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, cystic fibrosis, pleural effusion etc.

Shwas Kuthar Ras


Usually it does not have any side effects but it should only be taken after consulting an expert ayurvedic doctor.


Shwas kuthar ras is a classical ayurvedic medicine which is really very effective for treating many respiratory conditions which can be acute or chronic also. This medicine comes in tablet form which is provided by planet ayurveda. Planet ayurveda's medicines are made from pure and authentic herbs also made under the guidance of expert ayurvedic doctors. To treat respiratory conditions, planet ayurveda's shwas kuthar ras is very effective.

Sphatika Bhasma - Ingredients, Method Of Preparation & Uses


We have been using alum from our childhood for washing wounds or seen elders using it as an after shave. Sphatika is an ayurvedic mineral compound which has many medicinal properties when used in pure and purified form. In ayurveda alum is used in the form of sphatika bhasma.

Ingredients Used in Sphatika Bhasma

It has only one ingredient-

  1. Sphatika (Alum)

Ref. Ayurvedic Text - [ Ayurveda saar sangraha ]

Descriptions Of Ingredient

Following is the medicinal property of sphatika

1. Sphatika

It is astringent, bitter, sour and sweet in taste. Heavy to digest, also unctuous in nature and hot in potency.

Method Of Preparation

Following method of preparation is used for making this formulation:

  1. Sphatika is powdered and put in a pan.
  2. This pan is heated till sphatika gets soft and fluffy and all the water in it gets evaporated.

Medicinal Properties

It has the following medicinal properties:

  1. It is good for throat
  2. Good for hairs
  3. Anti-toxic
  4. Helps in healing of wounds
  5. Purifies blood
  6. Have scraping effect
  7. Absorbent
  8. Mucolytic
  9. Haemostatic
  10. Cleanses wounds

Dosha Karma

  • Dosha - It helps in balancing the vata and pitta dosha.
  • Rasa - Astringent, sweet and sour in taste.
  • Karma - Lekhana.

Classical Indications

Classically it has been indicated in the disorders related to the

  1. Skin disorders like shvitra
  2. Eye disorders
  3. Wounds
  4. Bleeding disorders
  5. Treats oral disorders


It can be indicated in disorders such as whooping cough, chest pain which is caused by pneumonia, bronchitis, vomiting related to tuberculosis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bleeding piles, blood in vomiting, blood in stools, bleeding piles, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, parasitic infections, malaria, wounds skin disorders, leucorrhea or the discharge from the ears.

Sphatika Bhasma

Side Effects

If taken by the prescription of an doctor it does not cause any side effects, But high dosages or long term use can cause:

  1. Mouth dryness
  2. Gastritis
  3. Ulcers
  4. Nausea and vomiting etc.


It is a very easily available medicine which is provided by planet Ayurveda made from the purest form of sphatika. It has immense benefits so it should be used by the people who are suffering from the above mentioned problems.planet ayurveda's sphatika bhasma is the best and most authentic.