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Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda)

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Alternative Treatment For Infective Endocarditis (Bacterial Endocarditis) - Ayurvedic Treatment

Infective Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart chambers and heart valves. It occurs when bacteria or fungi from another part of the body such as mouth spread through the bloodstream and attached to the damaged areas of the heart. This condition should be treated quickly as it may destroy the valves of the heart and can lead to life-threatening complications.

Infective Endocarditis, Bacterial Endocarditis

It may develop suddenly or slowly depending upon the type of bacteria or fungi that are causing infection and also depends on any underlying heart problem.


The signs and symptoms of infective endocarditis may vary from person to person.

Common Signs And Symptoms Are:-

  • There is flu like symptoms such as chills and fever.
  • Fatigue
  • Aching in muscles and joints
  • Change in a heart murmur, which is the heart sounds made by blood rushing through the heart.
  • Chest pain while breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in legs, feet or abdomen


Usually the immune system destroys the harmful bacteria that enter into the bloodstream. Even if bacteria reach the heart, it may pass through without causing any infection. But, sometimes bacteria that live in mouth, throat, gut, skin can cause serious infections such as endocarditis. They can enter the blood stream through:

  • Medical conditions such as gum disease, sexually transmitted infection, inflammatory bowel disease, skin sore etc. can give an opportunity to enter the blood stream.
  • Certain dental procedures that can cut the gums may allow the bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
  • Every day oral activities such as brushing teeth, bleeding from the gums allow the bacteria to enter the bloodstream especially when the teeth and gums are not healthy.
  • Use of contaminated needles and syringes is also the cause of concern for people who use intravenous (IV) drugs such as cocaine or heroin.
  • People with faulty, damaged or diseased valves are more likely to develop infective endocarditis.
  • If the endocardium (lining of the heart) is rough, then bacteria can more easily attach to the lining of the heart.


Master Charak has described that due to the intake of ushna, tikshana, kshara, vidahi, amal, lavan ras, alcoholic beverages, spicy and oily foods, there is a vitiation of Pitta dosha. The vitiated Pitta dosha ultimately causes Raktadushti. Due to this, there are symptoms such as fever, excessive thirst, heartburn, giddiness, burning sensation, perspiration etc. all over the body. It is known as Pittaj Hridroga in Ayurveda.

We can co-relate this condition with infective endocarditis and other inflammatory conditions of the heart.


The diagnosis of infective endocarditis is done on the basis of the medical history of the patient and several tests that include blood tests, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram (ECG), X-ray of the chest etc.

Modern medicine prescribes antibiotics for this condition. Sometimes, surgery is also recommended to fix the damaged heart valves and to clean up any remaining signs of the infection.


Planet Ayurveda offers various herbal remedies which are effective in repairing the damaged heart valves and therefore reduces the chances of infection.

Herbal Remedies For Infective Endocarditis By Planet Ayurveda Include:-

  1. Total Heart Support Capsules
  2. Kaishore Guggul
  3. Arjuna Capsules
  4. Brahmi Capsules

Herbal Remedies For Infective Endocarditis

herbal remedies, infective endocarditis, bacterial endocarditis, alternative treatment, ayurvedic treatment
herbal remedies, infective endocarditis, bacterial endocarditis, alternative treatment, ayurvedic treatment

1. Total Heart Support

The prime ingredient of total heart support capsules is arjuna along with the extracts of other herbs. These capsules improve the overall heart functions and balance the disturbed Vata and Pitta dosha.

Ingredients Of Total Heart Support Capsules Are:-

Sr. No.

Herb Used

Botanical Name




Terminalia arjuna

200 mg



Withania somnifera

100 mg



Bacopa monnieri

100 mg



Convolvulus pluricaulis

100 mg

Dose: Take 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Kaishore Guggul

Kaishore Guggul is an Ayurvedic guggul formulation useful in inflammatory conditions, blood infections etc. It has anti-biotic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties make it a good remedy for treating infections. Therefore, these tablets are quite useful in the treatment of infective endocarditis.

Dose: Take 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after taking meals.

3. Arjuna Capsules

Planet Ayurveda's Arjun Capsules are prepared using the standardized extract of the bark of Terminalia arjuna tree. This tree is a blessing to mankind due its role in cardiovascular disorders. The bark of arjuna reduces ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR), improves E/A ratio and reduces anginal frequency. It makes the heart muscles stronger and as a result, heart can pump better.

Dose: Take 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after taking meals.

Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Vatadi Varg, Shlok No. 27

Reference: Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Vatadi Varg, Shlok No. 27

Meaning: According to this shloka, arjuna herb is astringent in taste with cool potency. It is a boon for heart disorders. It is used to heal injuries, improves general weakness and works as an antidote. It is also useful in blood and lymph disorders, diabetes or wounds related to diabetes. It pacifies kapha and pitta doshas.

4. Brahmi Capsules

Planet Ayurveda's Brahmi Capsules contain the standardized extract of the herb Bacopa monnieri. Mostly, arjuna is combined with brahmi for heart disorders as it acts as a heart tonic and reduces the day to day stress on the brain, heart and overall health. Therefore, these capsules act as adaptogen. It is also useful in high blood pressure and improve the heart's health.

Dose: 1 capsule twice daily after taking meals.

These Ayurvedic preparations are helpful in treating, preventing and relieving the symptoms and protecting the valves from further damage.


  • Seek medical help if there are symptoms such as unexplained fatigue, fever that won't go away.
  • If there is any skin infection, cuts or open sores that don't heal properly, take medical advice.
  • Avoid procedures that lead to skin infections such as tattoos, body piercing etc.
  • Go for regular dental check-ups and pay special attention to dental health such as brushing and flossing the teeth and gums often.


  • Eliminate foods that cause allergies such as wheat (gluten), soy, preservatives, chemical food additives etc.
  • Include foods that are rich in B-vitamins and iron such as dark leafy greens.
  • Reduce the intake of trans fatty acids found in baked items, cookies, cakes etc.
  • Avoid refined foods such as white bread, pasta, white sugar etc.
  • Take Vitamin C rich fruits such as amla, oranges etc. as it helps in reducing inflammation, acts as immune support and acts as anti-oxidant.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at -, Call at +91-172-5214030, Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604

Monday, April 29, 2019

What Is The Natural Treatment For Plague Bacteria (Black Death)?

Plague is a serious bacterial infection that is caused by a bacteria named Yersiniapestis. In earlier times it was also known as black death. This bacteria is mainly found inrodents, mainly rats and fleas which feed on these rats are the main modes of transmission of the infection. Humans and other animals get this infection from the bite of the infected rat or flea.

It was called black death as this infection destroyed many civilizations of Europe in ancient times. Plague affects usually people living in rural areas of Asia, Africa, and the USA. However, as compared to medieval times, its occurrence has decreased significantly. But this is a fatal disease that if not treated on time can cause the death of the patient. There are different types of Plague, most common of them is bubonic plague which affects lymph nodes of neck, groin, and armpits. Deadliest of them affects the lungs and can spread from one person to another.

Incidences and risk of plague have decreased a lot as only a few thousands of cases come into the light, throughout the world. Some factors like overcrowded rural or semi-rural areas where there are poor hygienic conditions and bad sanitation increase the risk of plague. Veterinary doctors have also a high risk of developing this disease as they might come in contact with infected dogs or other animals during their practice.

Plague if not treated timely and properly can cause many complications like gangrene, meningitis, and death.


1. Bubonic Plague

As said above it is the most common type of plague and as the name suggests swollen lymph nodes (buboes) isthe main sign of it. Common signs and symptoms of this disease are:

Swollen lymph nodes or buboes in neck, armpit or groin. They may be as big as the egg of chicken and are firm and painful to touch. There may also be some generalized symptoms like chills, fever, fatigue, weakness, headache and muscle aches.

2. Septicemic Plague

When the infectious bacteria grow and multiply in your bloodstream it causes septicemic plague presenting with signs and symptoms like chills, fever, pain in the abdomen, profound weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding under skin, from nose, mouth or rectum, shock and gangrene formation in toes, fingers, and nose.

3. Pneumonic Plague

As the name suggests this type of plague affects lungs and it is a rare one but the most dangerous. Pneumonic plague is communicable and can spread from one person to others through droplets during cough. Signs and symptoms include cough, hemoptysis (bloody sputum), nausea, vomiting, headache, high-grade fever, weakness and pain in the chest. It spreads with great speed and can infect the whole respiratory system within 2-3 days resulting in failure of the respiratory system and eventually shock. It is fatal if not treated timely.


The infecting bacteria Y.pestis is found in rodents, specifically rats and sometimes in dogs. Other animals like rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, and mice may be the source of infection. The Incidence of most of the cases of plague are caused by the bite of an infected animal or flea which fed on infected animals. Only the pneumonic plague in all of them is communicable and can be transmitted from person to person.

Other than a bite from an infected animal, broken skin of a person can cause infection when it comes in contact with the blood of an infected animal.


Plague is a bacterial infection which is first manifested by swollen lymph nodes so according to Ayurveda, the Rasdhatu (lymph) is vitiated that causes lymph nodes to be swollen, firm and tender. This rasdhatu then vitiates Vayu which carries it to various parts of the body producing various signs and symptoms.

As per Ayurveda for the treatment of plague, this vitiated dhatu and Vatadosha are to be treated. Herbal remedies, dietary and lifestyle changes are used to treat plague naturally.

Planet Ayurveda, the best clinic for Ayurvedic treatment comes up with the specific herbal remedies which help to treat this disease naturally and completely. All the natural medicines are made using the best quality of herbs, under the strict supervision of Dr.Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda), an Ayurveda expert. No any chemicals, preservatives, dyes or fillers are not added in these medicines. These are purely vegetarian and not tested on animals.

Herbal Remedies For Plague

Herbal Remedies For Plague
Herbal Remedies, Plague Bacteria, Black Death

1. Immune Booster

These herbal capsules are made from grape seeds (Vitis vinifera), Go-Piyush (Bovine colostrum), Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis). All these herbs act together to boost the immunity of a person and prevent any kind of infections. Immune booster capsules clear the toxins from the body and prevent diseases. Especially respiratory diseases are checked by these herbal capsules.

Dosage- Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.

2. Aarogyavardhini Vati

Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of these herbal tablets help to prevent and treat plague. It eliminates the toxins from the body and boosts the immune system. Various amazing herbs are used in it like Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Shuddh shilajit (Purified Asphaltum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), etc.

Dosage- Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.

3. Kachnaar Guggul

It is a combination of various herbs like Kachnaar (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Ginger (Zingiber Officinalis), etc which help to treat the swollen and tender lymph nodes or buboes in Plague. Kachnaar guggul tablets are full of herbs which have antioxidant, anti-helminthic and astringent properties. Where ever there are hard swellings, cysts or fibroids, Kachnaar works wonder.

Dosage- Take 2 tablets twice daily after meals

4. Giloy Capsules

These are the single herb capsules which are made from Giloy or Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). Giloy capsules help to relieve fever and other generalized associated symptoms like weakness, fatigue, and headache in Plague. It also possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Dosage- 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.

Bhavprakash Nighantu, Guduchiyadi Varg, Shloka no. 8 and 9

Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu, Guduchiyadi Varg, Shloka no. 8 and 9

Meaning- Sanskrit names of giloy are Chandrahasa, Vayastha, Mandali, and Devnirmita. Giloy is Pungent, bitter and astringent. It is also sweet and a rasayana, hot in potency which provides strength to the body, illuminates the digestive fire, balances the tridosha. It helps to treat ama, thirst, diabetes, cough, anemia, skin diseases, Vata and rakta diseases, fever, and worm infestation. Giloy also helps to treat breathing disorders, digestive diseases, urinary diseases, heart diseases, and Vata diseases.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at -, Call at +91-172-5214030, Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604

Friday, April 26, 2019

Watch Out For These Long-Term Effects of Chronic Stress

Mental Stress or tension is a state that arises due to adverse circumstances. Although, we know that these stress and strains are the part and parcel of our life, we suffer from this in day to day life. In limit, these stress and strains won't affect our body, but those who are not able to deal with it, they deteriorate their health and also experience a downfall in their works.

Watch Out For These Long-Term Effects of Chronic Stress

This strain impacts a great effect on our lives and on our health too. According to Ayurveda, this is concerned with Manovaha Srotas. Manovaha srotas is one which controls all the psychological and physiological functions of our body like – hormonal balance, all sensory and motor functions, etc. along with that it also affects the physical health and gives rise to many diseases like hormonal disorders – hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, PCOD, etc. Similarly, these strains affect our manovaha srotas and impair the functioning of various systems. The reason behind vitiation of Manovaha Srotas is - Vitiation of Sharirik doshas and Mansik doshas. The sharirik doshas are vata, pitta, kapha, and mansik doshas are rajas and tamas. If equilibrium is maintained in between all these doshas then the person is healthy, if there is any de-arrangement in these doshas that will lead to disease.

Stress is not contrived to decline health but when you are contingent on it for days, chronic stress causes various health ailments.


In this competitive world, mostly everybody is leading stressful life, facing family problems, financial problems, suffering from various health issues, etc. that lead to stress. Basically, all the personal and social problems are the reasons for stress.


In human beings, stress is maintained or overcome by the hormone Cortisol (produced by adrenal glands) and another hormone which can be helpful in this condition is – Serotonin (known as happy hormone that leads to happiness or mood –boosting neurotransmitter). Anything that leads to the reduction of these hormones is also considered as the causative factor. Hence, these hormones are classified among risk factors.


  • Headache
  • Frequent sickness
  • Decreased energy level
  • Decreased memory and cognitive skills
  • Insomnia
  • Appetite changes
  • Increased body movements
  • Irritable mood


As discussed earlier, stress affects various systems that include -

  1. Nervous system – The most important system that gets affected by stress is our nervous system and the person may experience various problems like – reduced memory power, reduced cognitive skills, insomnia, headache and body pains and person may end up with depression.
  2. Endocrine system – Hormones are neurotransmitters that are responsible for various actions. Any imbalance in them impairs the physiology of our body and stress is the main factor which is responsible for hormonal variation thus, it affects our endocrine system.
  3. Cardiovascular system – Our brain and mind both works and get affected synchronously. The variations in the circulatory system include - palpitation, anxiety, high blood pressure, excessive sweating. In extreme conditions, it may lead to heart attack and stroke.
  4. Lymphatic system or we can call it as an Immune system that helps us to fight against various diseases. Stress hampers the production of white blood cells antibodies in our body thus, flares up the antigen level. This is the reason behind frequent sickness.
  5. Digestive system – The first and foremost system that gets affected is our digestive system. Individual may suffer from problems like – anorexia, irregular bowel habits i.e. sometimes constipation and loose stools, gastritis, etc. These stress hormones slow down the release of digestive juices hence delay the digestion and emptiness of colon.
  6. Musculoskeletal system – Person may experience fatigue, tiredness, muscular pains, etc. 
  7. Respiratory system – Many people experience breathlessness when they are stressed. This symptom will occur during extreme stress.
  8. Reproductive system – Menstrual irregularities, a sexual abnormality such as premature ejaculation or impotence, low libido, etc. Basically, these irregularities occur due to hormonal imbalance.
  9. Other problems – Stress may worsen skin problems like – acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc. Stress may also contribute to hair fall. Stress is the main provoking factor in case of cancer. Moreover, a person may become addicted to alcohol, smoking, etc. and other bad habits to overcome stress.


There are various Ayurvedic herbs that help to manage stress and improve the higher mental functions. They are:-

  • Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) – Stabilizes the mental conditions and acts as a brain tonic. It helps to relieve cranial pressure hence, beneficial to relieve stress.
  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) – It is a Medhya drug, explained in our classics. So, it helps in boosting memory power. Brahmi counteracts the effects of stress by regulating hormones.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)– Ashwagandha reduces cortisol level in our body, as cortisol is a stress hormone. Basically, it is a rejuvenating herb.
  • Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)– It helps in boosting memory, increases intellectual power and it also improves cognitive skills.
  • Sunthi (Zingiber officinale) – It shows very good results with the combination of other brain tonics. As sunthi has tikshana property, which will help other medicines to cross blood brain barrier.
  • Tagar (Valeriana wallichii) – Tagar is the most useful medicine for treating insomnia because it calms the mind. It is also act as nervine tonic.
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus) – It is used to enhance memory and also causes a reduction in anxiety and causes a prolonged calming effect.
  • Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)– As per our classics, licorice roots are effective in managing nervous disorders because they act as catalysts.
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)– Shatavari promotes energy level and also supports the immune system.


  • For stress head massage is a good option to adopt. For this, oils that can be useful are - Brahmi taila, Himanshu taila, Ksheerbala oil, Bhringaraj oil, etc.
  • Nasya (Nasal drops) and Shirodhara are the panchakarma procedures that help to relieve stress. Balataila, Anu taila, Ksheerbala taila can be useful.

Reference - Ashtang hrudyam / Sutrasthana / Ayushkamiya adhyaye / Chapter no. 1 / Shloka no. 26

In Ayurveda, it is clearly mentioned that we can treat mano roga by balancing rajas and tamas doshas. And the best medicine is to balance them by means of -

  • Dhee – Improving intellectual power
  • Dhairya – Improving courage
  • Atmavigyanam – Self-realization


  • Modifications in diet and lifestyle are helpful. Prefer green vegetables and fresh fruits.
  • Add Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation in your daily routine as a part and parcel of your life.
  • Do head massage daily as it relaxes the mind and body.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Treatment Of Vocal Cord Cancer Through Ayurveda

Cancer is becoming a common disease nowadays. This is all due to our lifestyle changes, pollution, lack of knowledge, eating a lot of junked food, etc. In Ayurveda, it is termed as "Arbuda" but in ancient times, it is a rare disease as compared with the present time. Now it is considered as an epidemic. But in Ayurveda, we have numerous herbs and bhasmas that give good results in all types of cancers. So today we will discuss vocal cord cancer in detail with its proper treatment in Ayurveda.

In this shloka according to Acharya Shushruta "Shopha roga" is considered as "Arbuda" (cancer or tumor). The cancer develops from an imbalance of vata, pitta, kapha doshas and excessive growth of mamsa and meda dhatus.

This is shloka of "Acharya Charaka" sutra sathana chapter 18. According to this shloka "Shotha" developed at different sites from various diseases like adhimansa, Arbuda, etc.


Vocal cord is one of the two small bands of muscles within the larynx. When these muscles vibrate, they produce voice in the throat.


The cancer of the vocal cord is also known as Larynx cancer. It is a rare cancer where malignant cells grow in the voice box or larynx. The larynx is composed of three parts:

  1. The Glottis: It is the middle part of the larynx that contains the vocal cords.
  2. The Supraglottis: The tissue above the glottis.
  3. The Subglottis: These are the tissues below the glottis that connects to the trachea that takes air in the lungs.
Treatment Of Vocal Cord Cancer Through Ayurveda

Cancer can develop in any part of the larynx, but usually begins in vocal cord. In vocal cord cancer flat, scale-like squamous cells are develop in the inner walls of the larynx. This cancer may often reach the lymph nodes in the neck. These cancerous cells spread to the back of the tongue, some sections of the throat, neck, lungs, and other parts of the body.


Stage 0

When abnormal cells are found in the lining of the larynx, this is known as stage 0. These may become cancer and spread into normal tissues, then it is called as stage 0 carcinoma in situ.

Stage I

It depends on where the cancer began in the larynx:-

  1. Supraglottis: It is cancerous in Supraglottis and in this vocal cord can move normally.
  2. Glottis: Cancer cells are produced in one or both vocal cords, but the vocal cords can move normally.
  3. Subglottis: Cancer is produced in the Subglottis only.

Stage II

It depends on where cancer cells began to develop in the larynx:

  1. Supraglottis: Cancer cells develop in the Supraglottis or surrounding tissues.
  2. Glottis: Cancer cells develop in the Supraglottis, Subglottis or the vocal cords are not able to move properly.
  3. Subglottis: Cancer cells spread to the one or both vocal cords that may not move normally.

Stage III

In this condition, cancer is in the larynx only and vocal cords are not able to move as it spreads to both vocal cords. These cancer cells have spread to one lymph node on the same side of neck measuring at 3 cm or smaller.

Stage IV

It is further divided into stage IV A, stage IV B, and Stage IV C.

  1. In IV A Stage: Cancer cells spread through thyroid cartilage that has spread to tissues beyond larynx, neck, trachea, thyroid or esophagus.  The size of the tumor is 3 cm or smaller.
  2. In IV B Stage: This cancer spreads to the spinal column, carotid artery, parts of the chest as measures larger than 6 cm.
  3. In IV C Stage: In this stage, the cancer spreads to other body parts like bones, liver or lungs.

These all are the stages of vocal cord cancer.


  1. Change or loss of voice
  2. Excessive coughing with blood
  3. Breathing difficulties
  4. Swallowing difficulties
  5. Neck pain
  6. Earache
  7. Swelling in the neck
  8. Sore throat
  9. Lumps in the neck
  10. Weight loss


The mutations that damage the cells in your vocal cord are mentioned in detail given below:

  1. Having poor nutrition
  2. Consumption of excess alcohol
  3. Weak immune system
  4. Exposure to toxins such as asbestos
  5. Smoking
  6. Exposure to human papilloma virus.
  7. Tobacco
  8. Fanconi anemia may be a reason for this cancer
  9. Excessive consumption of processed food.
  10. Less consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables


It can be through physical examination like if you are having swollen lymph nodes including your mouth, cheeks, gums, tongue, throat, lips etc. You can go for biopsy including CT scan, MRI, PET scan, X Ray, bone scan etc.


As per Ayurvedic point of view, various types of cancer are known as “Arbuda”. In Ayurveda Larynx (vocal cord) is known as “Swaryantra: When there is excessive growth of cells in Swaryantra it is known as “Swaryantra Arbuda”. The involvement of all three doshas kapha, vata, and pitta is there for Arbuda formation. But basically, imbalance of vata dosha can lead to vocal cord cancer. It causes hoarseness of voice.

So for proper Ayurvedic treatment of vocal cord cancer, Planet Ayurveda contains an herbal pack known as “Crab Care Pack”. This pack comprises of six herbal products mentioned below in detail:

Crab Care Pack

ayurvedic medicines for vocal cord cancer, herbal remedies for vocal cord cancer

1. Ashwagandha Capsules

These capsules are prepared from a standardized extract of herb Withania somnifera. The capsules build proper immunity against the cancer cells and stop their growth. Ashwagandha capsules maintain all signs and symptoms associated with vocal cord cancer.

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with plain water.

2. Curcumin Capsules

These capsules contain pure extract of Curcumin that reduces inflammation, pain, and swelling condition in a vocal cord cancer patient.

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with plain water.

3. Kanchnaar Guggul

These classical herbal tablets contain many ingredients that reduce and stop the growth of malignant and benign cancer cells. Hence is beneficial for vocal cord cancer patients.

Dosage: Two tablets thrice daily with plain water.

4. Tulsi Capsules

These capsules are prepared from herb Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum). The capsules reduce cough with blood in vocal cord cancer patients. Tulsi herb possesses anti-allergic, analgesic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral etc properties.

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with plain water.

5. Guggul Capsules

Standardized extract of Commiphora mukul is used for capsule preparation. These capsules stop cancer cell production, reduces swollen lymph nodes, pain, and inflammatory condition in vocal cord cancer patients.

Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with plain water.

6. Chanderprabha Vati

These classical herbal tablets are used since ancient times for various disorders. The tablets are prepared from numerous ingredients that relieve signs and symptoms associated with vocal cord cancer.

Dosage: Two tablets thrice daily with plain water.

Along with these medicines, you can also go for some panchkarma therapies like medicated Dhumrapana, Kaval, Nasya, Shiravedha, Basti, Virechan etc. These all should be done under the proper guidance of Ayurvedic doctor.


  1. Always drink warm water and avoid cold water.
  2. Consume green vegetables and fresh fruits.
  3. Do deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation daily.
  4. Stay positive always.
  5. Avoid alcohol, smoking, tobacco, and eating processed or junk food items.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Manjishtha (Rubia Cordifolia) - Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses & Home Remedies

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) is a branched climber that grows up to 1.5 to 2 cm in height, cultivated in sub-tropical regions in moist soil and abundantly present in the Himalayan region. Manjishtha has a chemical named purpurin that makes it red and gives red colors to dye hence in ancient times it is used for dye clothes that is why synonymously called as vastraranjini. Basically, it is a raktashodhak / blood purifier, mainly acts on the circulatory system and on the skin.

Manjishtha, Rubia Cordifolia

Everybody wants to look beautiful, young and want flawless skin, manjishtha is a perfect herb that helps to achieve that goal. It helps to purify blood thus useful in all skin problems and enhances complexion. This herb is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Manjishtha is present in almost every cosmetic product because of its wide range of action in enhancing beauty and hence it is used in skin care products and hair care products. The main part that is used for preparing medicines is 'root' initially, they are sweet in taste but after drying it turns to bitter. These roots can grow upto 1 meter long, the thickness is about 12 mm and are of bright red colour.


  • Botanical name – Rubiacordifolia
  • Family – Rubiaceae
  • English name – Indian Madder
  • Hindi - Manjeeth


  • Classified by Bhavaprakasha under -‘Haritakiadivarga’
  • Charaka - Javarahar, Varnya, Vishaghana
  • Sushruta – Priyangvadi and Pittasamshamana
  • Vagbhata – Priyangvadi


Bhavaprakashanighantu / haritakiadivarga / manjishtha / shloka no. 189 - 190

Reference – Bhavaprakashanighantu / haritakiadivarga / manjishtha / shloka no. 189 - 190

Manjishta, viksa, jinghi, samanga, kalmeshika, mandukparnibhandiri, bhandi, yojnavalli, rasayani, aruna, kala, raktangi, raktyashtika, bhanditaki, gandiri, manjushsha, vastraranjini are the synonyms of manjishtha.


Bhavaprakashanighantu / haritakiadivarga / manjishtha / shloka no. 190 - 191

Reference – Bhavaprakashanighantu / haritakiadivarga / manjishtha / shloka no. 190 - 191

  • Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (sweet), tikta (bitter) and kashaya (astringent)
  • Guna (Qualities) – Guru (heavy)
  • Virya (Potency) – Ushna (hot in potency)
  • Vipaka (End product of digestion) – Katu (an end product of digestion is pungent in nature)
  • Prabhava (Special action) – Varnya (enhances complexion)
  • Action over dosha – Balance Pitta dosha and subside Kapha dosha in our body.
  • Action over dhatus – Rasa (lymph), rakta (blood) and majja (bone marrow).
  • Effects – swarya (improves voice quality), varnya (enhances complexion), raktashodhaka (blood purifier)
  • Vishasleshmashotha yoni netrakarna – It helps to manage Kapha dosha, treats diseases of eyes, ears and uterus and also manage swelling and eliminate the poison from our body.
  • Useful in raktatisaar (bleeding disorders), kushtha (skin disease), visarpa (Herpes zoster), vrana (ulcers), meha (diabetes).
  • Some other properties are mutrala (diuretic), vranaropak (heals wound), grahi (retains or absorbs)
Classical Reference of Manjishtha


It contains manjistin, garancin, alizarin, xanthine, purpurin and some glycosides. They are abundantly present in roots.


  • Bleeding disorders –
    a) ITP – Blue spots (bruises) are very common in Immune thrombocytopenic purpura the reason behind that is reduced platelet count, manjishtha acts on bone marrow and enhances the production of platelets and along with that purifies the blood. Hence, helps to regain the normal skin texture.
    b) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding – It has kashaya rasa (astringent), that helps to arrest heavy bleeding.

  • Skin problems – It is a blood purifier thus reduces acne and pimples. As per beauty concern it reduces marks, blemishes, dark circles and wrinkles thus act as an anti - aging agent by exfoliating dead skin and maintains the skin tone.
  • Rasayan – It is also a rejuvenating herb that helps to reduce wrinkles and age related degenerative changes in the body mainly our skin. Exfoliate dead skin and maintains the skin tone
  • Hoarseness of voice – It has swarya action that helps to improve voice quality.


  • For enhancing complexion – Mix 5 grams of manjishtha powder in cow milk, make a paste. You can apply this paste and wash it after drying, use twice daily. It is more effective if used along with chandan powder (sandal).
  • Bleeding disorders – Take 3-5 grams of powder with plain water preferably after meals, twice daily.
  • Joint problems – Paste of manjishtha if applied locally by adding shunthi (Dry ginger) it will reduce the swelling.
  • Skin problems – Decoction made up of manjishtha, triphala (haritaki, bhibhitaki, amlaki), giloy and haridra (curcumin) is helpful in managing all kind of skin infections. You can use this decoction internally as well as externally for washing infections and wounds.
  • Wounds – For washing wounds, you can use a decoction of manjishtha as it has vranaropaka property, aids wound healing.
  • Hoarse voice – In case of hoarseness of voice you can use manjishtha powder along with yashtimadhu (licorice) powder.
  • Blemishes - You can apply in the form of manjishtha oil.
  • Uterine disorders – It stimulates the uterine contraction hence detox the uterus and manjishtha powder is beneficial if used along with ikshu (Sugarcane) and pippali (Piper longum).
  • On swelling – It can be applied over the inflammation as a paste which is prepared from manjishtha along with Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), mulethi (licorice). 
  • Burns and scalds – Murva, chandan and go ghrita along with manjishtha if applied over burns, reduces burning sensation and pains.
  • Jaundice and calculus – As it has diuretic property, it will eliminate bile and stones.
  • In diabetes manjishtha along with amla (Indian gooseberry) and haridra (Curcumin) is considered as an efficient home remedy to control diabetes.
  • It is also beneficial in diarrhea and dysentery in the form of decoction.
  • In pleurisy, manjishtha can be applied over thorax.


  • Bleeding disorders
  • Skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, rashes, acne etc.
  • Dark circles, wrinkles and blemishes
  • Joint disorders
  • Chronic ulcers
  • It can also be indicated in diabetes, diarrhea, pleurisy etc.


Roots and stems


  • Powder – 3 to 6 gms
  • Decoction – 50 to 100 ml
  • Oil – As per requirement


This herb can be adulterated with brick powder.


This herb is available in various forms like -


While using manjishtha you may feel a tinch of redness in your urine that is natural because of purpurin (a chemical constituent present in plant).

Monday, April 22, 2019

How can Taeniasis be treated with help of Ayurveda?

Taeniasis is a parasitic infection caused by a parasite called tapeworm. The parasites are the microorganisms which attach themselves to any other living organism to survive. They get their nutrition from the other living organism on which they reside and to which they are attached are called hosts. These parasites can be found in contaminated food and water. Consuming this contaminated food or water leads to entry of these parasites in your body where they attach themselves inside any organ causing infection and producing signs and symptoms.

Taeniasis, Ayurveda, Treatment

This parasite can grow up to 12 feet in length and can live in human intestine without causing any symptoms. Segments of tapeworm attached with their bodies reproduces and form eggs.

Similarly Tareniasis is a parasitic infection affecting intestines, especially small one. Taeniasis can be caused by any of the two types of tapeworm i.e. Taenia saginata or Taenia solium. Infection can occur after eating contaminated pork (Taenia solium) or beef (Taenia saginata). Eating raw or uncooked beef or pork can cause the infection.


Usually the symptoms are absent or mild due to which patient remains unaware about the infection. But when signs and symptoms are present, it can be:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss which is usually unexplained
  • Intestinal blockage
  • Digestive troubles
  • Perianal irritation - This perianal irritation is due to the expulsion of the eggs of the parasite present in the intestines or the segments of worms itself. Seeing worm segments in stool makes one aware of the presence of parasite in their body.


As said earlier eating uncooked or not properly cooked beef or pork can cause Taeniasis. As these things are cooked properly even if the meat is infected, the larvae or worm present in it gets destroyed preventing the chances of infection.

It usually occurs in Russia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Eastern Africa as in these places uncooked and contaminated beef and pork is eaten more commonly. The areas which are much populated, cattle are in large number, have poor living conditions, and bad sanitation are most often affected by Taeniasis.

Also people with compromised immunity are more to develop taeniasis, like:

  • AIDS
  • HIV
  • Diabetes
  • Organ Transplant
  • Chemotherapy


As seeing worm eggs or segments in stool alarms the person and the patient goes to the doctor. It can be further diagnosed through:

  • Patient's history
  • Investigation about recent visit to any of the highly risk areas mentioned above
  • Evaluation of signs and symptoms
  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Stool examination


In conventional system of medicine, certain antihelmintic medicines are given to kill and eliminate the parasite from the body. But as these medicines are really strong and may cause side effects like stomach disturbances and dizziness.

Sushrut samhita, Uttar tantram, chapter no. 54, shloka no. 6

Reference - Sushrut samhita, Uttar tantram, chapter no. 54, shloka no. 6

Meaning - Parasitic diseases originating from Kapha develop in small intestines, from waste materials in large intestines and the one originating from Rakta develops in arteries

However Ayurveda has totally different perspective regarding to diseases, their causation and treatments. Ayurveda, science of life treats patients individually, not considering everyone same and generalizing them. As every person is different and their response to diseases is also different hence every case need to be individualized and treated in an individual way. As per Ayurveda, agnimand, i.e. weak digestive fire is the cause for any kind of parasitic infections. Low digestive fire in the body creates an ideal space for the parasite to invade and live in the body. As said every person is different so is the body type. Body type can be of Vata, Pitta or Kapha type and these parasitic infections are more common in Kapha and Vata body type of persons. This is because they have low digestive fire or agni, making body a perfect host for parasite. Pitta people are comparatively less prone to get affected from taeniasis or any parasitic infections as they have strong digestive fire. This strong agni burns up the parasite as soon as they invade the body, even not letting them to settle down and reproduce.

Planet Ayurveda has come up with specific herbal remedies to treat Taeniasis. These remedies are completely Ayurvedic, natural and prepared from best quality of herbs. They are prepared by following strict Ayurvedic principles under the supervision of an Ayurveda expert, Dr.Vikram Chauhan. No chemicals, preservatives, fillers or dye are added in them, making them most natural way to treat the Taeniasis.

1. Vidanga Risht

This herbal syrup is made from pure extract of Embelia ribes (Vidanga). It is considered to be a hero herb in case of removing parasites from the body. It increases digestive fire of the body and kills the parasites present in the body. Warm and pungent qualities of Vidanga play the vital role in elimination of unwanted guests from the body. It relieves digestive troubles, flatulence and abdominal distention.

Dosage- Take 2 teaspoons mixed with equal amount of water twice daily after meals.

2. Neem Capsules

As the name suggests these herbal capsules are made from pure extract of neem and as everyone knows that this herb is a storehouse of numerous medicinal properties. Neem possesses antihelminthic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which lead to destruction and elimination of the parasites.

Dosage- Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.

3. Mahashankh Vati

This herbal tablet is an amazing blend of herbs which work together to relieve the signs and symptoms of Taeniasis. Mahashankh vati relieves bloating, accumulation of abdominal gas and abdominal pain. It is full of carminative, digestive and stomachic properties which relieve all kind of digestive troubles.

Dosage- 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.

4. Krimikuthar Tablet

Kapura, ajmoda, vidanga, indrayava etc. are some of the wonderful herbs used to prepare these herbal tablets. Its main action is to eliminate the worms from the intestines and relieves the digestive troubles. Krimikuthar tablets are full of medicinal properties like analgesic, anthelmintic, carminative, astringent and antioxidant.

Dosage- Take 1 tablet twice daily after meals with plain water.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - or call at +91-172-5214030

Friday, April 19, 2019

How Ayurveda Can Help To Treat Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)?

symptoms of pandu roga

Reference: Charak Chikitsa Sthan, Chapter 16, Shlok No. 12

According to this shloka, the prodermal symptoms of pandu roga are:

  1. Increased heart beat
  2. Dryness in body parts
  3. No perspiration
  4. Fatigue


Ayurveda is referred to as the natural healing process that treats the symptoms related to cancer without any side effects. In Ayurveda, cancer is referred to as "Arbuda" in which there is formation of tumors due to the division of cells uncontrollably. The main cause of cancer is the vitiation of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha with the involvement of Agni (digestive fire), sapta dhatus (body tissues) and strotas (body channels).


Cancer starts in the body when the cells begin to grow uncontrollably. There are various kinds of cancers and cells in any body part may become cancer.

Leukemias are the cancers that develop into different types of blood cells. Mostly it starts in the early forms of white blood cells and some in other blood cells. Leukemia may be acute (grows fast) or chronic (grows slowly) which may start in lymphoid or myeloid cells.

Leukemia, ayurvedic treatment for acute myeloid leukemia, symptoms of acute myeloid leukemia, natural treatment for acute myeloid leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia treatment in ayurveda


Acute myeloid leukemia is a condition which starts in the bone marrow (soft and inner part of the brain where there is a formation of new blood cells) and moves quickly into the blood that spreads to other parts of the body which includes the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, brain, spinal cord and testicles. Sometimes these cells turn into white blood cells and also develop into other types of blood-forming cells.

This condition is characterized by the overproduction of immature white blood cells which are called leukemic blasts or myeloblasts. These cells crowd the bone marrow thus prevent the formation of normal blood cells. These dangerous cells can spill into the bloodstream and circulate around the body. These cells are immature so they are unable to prevent or fight against infection.


Causes Of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Include:

In many cases the cause of this disease is unknown but in some cases, it may result from damage to one or more of the genes that control the blood cells development.

Some Other Causes May Include:

  1. Consuming tobacco or smoke as these contain cancer-causing substances
  2. High dosage of radiation, that may either be accidentally (nuclear or accident) or therapeutically (for treating cancers)
  3. Congenital disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Bloom syndrome, etc
  4. Some industrial chemicals such as benzene, ionizing radiation, pesticides, detergents, paint strippers, etc. for a longer period of time


Acute myeloid leukemia is of different types and it affects different kinds of blood cells. So the symptoms may depend upon the type of blood cells that are affected.

Symptoms Include:

  • Weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal discomfort due to enlarged liver or spleen
  • Dizziness
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Slow healing process
  • Repeated or frequent infections
  • Unexplained bruises or bleeding
  • Bone pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes or gums
  • Chest pain


Factors That May Increase The Risk Include:

  1. Age: It is most common in adults after the age of 65 or above.
  2. Sex: Men are likely to develop this condition than women.
  3. Blood disorders: Various blood-related disorders such as myelofibrosis, thrombocytopenia, myelodysplasia, etc.
  4. Genetic disorders: Several disorders such as Down’s syndrome which is associated with an increase in the risk of this condition.
  5. Cancer treatment: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may have a greater risk of it.


Planet Ayurveda is offering a best and effective treatment for acute myeloid leukemia such as Crab Care Pack. This formulation strictly follows the principles of Ayurveda and is 100 % pure, natural, and is free from preservatives, additives, and fillers. No coloration added.

Crab Care Pack

herbal remedies for acute myeloid leukemia, ayurvedic treatment for acute myeloid leukemia


1. Ashwagandha Capsules

The main ingredient in this formulation is ashwagandha. These capsules contain pure extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) which is a great brain and nerve tonic. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant that removes the inflammation and prevents cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. These capsules boost up the brain strength, provide strength to the nerves and remove stress and anxiety. According to Ayurveda, it balances all the three doshas of the body.

Dosage: 2 capsules to be taken after meals with water.

2. Curcumin Capsules

Curcumin capsules reduce the growth of cancerous cells by killing these dangerous cells. Turmeric contains a bioactive substance which has powerful medicinal properties. These capsules have anti-cancerous activity that interferes with the cancer cells and prevent its development. According to Ayurvedic point of view, it has a hot potency and balances Vata, pitta, and Kapha.

Dosage: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day after meals.

3. Tulsi Capsules

Tulsi is known as the holy basil and has been used in Ayurveda since many years because it contains several bioactive compounds such as camphor, cadinene, eugenol, etc as these act as anti-cancerous compounds and stop the spread of malignancy. These capsules boost up the immunity and fight against cancer-causing cells.

Dosage: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day after intake of food.

4. Kanchnaar Guggul

Kanchnaar guggul is formulated with the several effective herbs such as Amalaki, bibhitaki, haritaki, Varuna, ginger, black pepper, etc and all these herbs reduce the growth of cancerous cells in the bone marrow. It maintains the overall health of the body.

Dosage: 2 tablets to be taken three times a day.

5. Guggul Capsules

It is a herbal supplement that is best suited for supporting healthy cells growth. It is combined with other herbal supplements to serve as a dietary supplement for maintaining overall health. It keeps the structure of cells and tissues healthy. Guggul is a gum resin obtained from the tree Commiphora mukul and is purely a natural substance. It is rich in guggulosterones.

Dosage: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day after meals.

6. Chanderprabha Vati

Chanderprabha Vati is a classical Ayurvedic formulation that has been used in Ayurveda for many ages. It is also provided by Planet Ayurveda and it contains several herbs such as Haridra, haritaki, Amalaki, black pepper, shilajit, Vacha, ginger, etc and all these herbs show effective results in acute myeloid leukemia.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Alternative Treatments For Pancolitis - Ulcerative Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Pancolitis is a form of Ulcerative Colitis, which is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In Pancolitis, there is inflammation in the whole of the large intestine.

It is a chronic condition that causes ulceration of the entire lining of the large intestine. This ulceration is caused by chronic inflammation.


As per the severity of the inflammation of the intestine, symptoms may vary.

  • Diarrhea containing blood and mucus.
  • Fever, which is unexpected.
  • Unexpected weight loss (without any efforts; like exercising or diet control.)
  • Fatigue feeling all over the day.
  • Frequent urging to pass stool, which is ineffectual.
  • Pain in the anal area and rectum.
  • Cramps and pain in the abdomen.
  • Children with pancolitis, fail to grow properly.


The exact cause of pancolitis is still not known. The possible risk factors are the following.

  • If you have a family history of Pancolitis, you are likely to get affected by it, as the inherited genes may cause pancolitis.
  • If you are taking some medications, like antibiotics or NSAIDs, you are at risk to get pancolitis.
  • Untreated cases of ulcerative colitis, that are mild or moderate can become a case of pancolitis.
  • Anxiety and stress can aggravate ulcers causing pain and discomfort.


  • Colonoscopy: It is an important test to diagnose pancolitis, as it helps to look for ulcers and any other abnormal tissue in your large intestine.
  • Biopsy: A tissue sample from the colon is taken and is tested to look for any other infections or diseases.


The treatment for pancolitis includes anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and certain immune system suppressors. In the severe cases of pancolitis, a surgery known as colectomy is done.

Surgery is usually the last resort, but certain lifestyle changes also help in the management, such as - have few dairy products, avoid carbonated drinks, avoid coffee and alcohol, and increase the intake of water.


Homeopathic medicines like Hydrastis, Millefolium, Merc Sol, Ars.Album.

Ayurvedic treatment for Pancolitis includes natural herbal remedies.


Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda have been very successful in treating the cases of pancolitis. Planet Ayurveda collects only the best herbs for the preparation of herbal medicines. The medicines offered by Planet Ayurveda are made with the purest herb extract which is natural and 100% vegetarian.

The treatment offered by Planet Ayurveda includes ULCERATIVE COLITIS CARE PACK

This pack includes the following:

  1. Arjuna Capsules
  2. Vatsakadi Churna
  3. Pitta Balance
  4. Kutazghan Vati

Ulcerative Colitis Care Pack

Ulcerative Colitis Care Pack

1. Arjuna Capsules

The capsules made by Planet Ayurveda are purely herbal without any chemical added into it. The bark of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is used to make these capsules. The bark of Arjuna is used for its wound healing properties in Ayurveda.

It protects the layers of arteries from injuries caused by stress and other harmful substances. In the same way, it works on the inner lining of the intestines, by healing the ulcers. It then stops the bleeding and prevents inflammation. Hereby it also controls diarrhea and slow the absorption of the nutrients which has stopped due to the ulceration starts again.

Dosage: Take two capsules two times a day, after having the meals.

2. Vatsakadi Churna

It is one of the most effective formulations for treating pancolitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

This churna is a combination of various ulcer healing herbs like Dhania (Coriander sativum), Anar(Punica granatum), Choti Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Bilva (Aegle marmelos) , Kutaz(Holarrhena antidysenterica). These herbs work together and maintain various metabolic reactions. This churna helps to heal the ulcers and managing the bleeding with stool. It thus helps to restore the healthy state of the intestines and relieving the symptoms.

Dosage: You can take this either directly with plain water, i.e. 1 tbs twice daily.

Or put 1 tbs in 400 ml of water, boil it, until it remains 50ml. Strain the residue and drink the water. Do it twice daily and every time makes it fresh.

3. Pitta Balance

Pitta balance is a formulation of various classical calcium compounds, which play an important role in controlling the bleeding. They provide a cooling effect to the body. Ingredients used in Pitta balance are Coral Calcium, pearl calcium, Agate calcium, and three more ayurvedic calcium compounds.

This formulation prepared by planet Ayurveda is made with pure plant cellulose, without using any chemicals. Pitta balance also acts as a blood purifier and helps to keep the skin healthy.

It is so helpful that bleeding stops within the first few dosages of this medicine without giving any side effects. The inflammation process reverses back towards the cure.

Dosage: 1 Capsule is to be taken two times daily, with plain water after having the meals.

4. Kutazghan Vati

It is also called as antidysentrica. It is so wonderful that it has the natural power to stop all kinds of diarrhea.

It helps to burn the endotoxins also called 'Ama'. It thus stops the inflammation and helps in healing the ulcers.

Dosage: 2 tablets are to be taken two times a day with plain water, after having the meals.


Amazing Health Benefits of Ghee (Clarified Butter)

Modern science now verifies what Ayurveda has said for thousands of years i.e. ghee has lot of health benefits and is good for the mind and spirit.

It is used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic healing practices. Ghee is one of the powerful healing foods out there.

Health Benefits of Ghee, Health Benefits of Clarified Butter, What is Ghee, Cow Ghee, Desi Ghee, Clarified Butter, Nutritional Value Of Ghee, Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Health, Benefits of Ghee,


Ghee is a type of clarified butter, differs slightly in its production. It originated in ancients India and is commonly used in south Asian cuisines, traditional medicine, and religious rituals.

Ghee is prepared by simmering butter, which is churned from cream and removing the liquis residue.


Ghee may be composed primarily of fat, but it also contains significant levels of vitamin A, vitamin E and Vitamin D in addition to other fatty acids like conjugated linoleic acid and butyric acid, both of which have significant health benefits in the body.


According to Ayurveda, cow ghee is full of essential nutrients, fatty acids, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidants, and antiviral properties. It is cool, sweet and full of saturated fat.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Skin And Hair

  • Moisturizes Skin: It acts as a good moisturizer for the skin.
  • Nourishes Skin: It nourishes the skin, provides fair complexion and fights with the dryness of the skin if massaged on daily basis before bath.
  • Nourishes Scalp: It provides nourishment to the scalp, moisturize it and make the hair silky, black, smooth, strong and lengthy if massaged before the hair wash.
  • Promotes Wound Healing: It is a very good home remedy for the treatment of burns as it enhances the wound healing process without leaving any mark.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Heart

  • Maintain Blood Cholesterol Level: It lowers the bad blood cholesterol level thus helps the heart in functioning well without overload.
  • Prevents Arteries From Calcium Deposition: Vitamin K2 found in it helps in preventing from calcification of arteries by reducing the calcium deposition in the arteries.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Weight Loss

  • Improve Metabolism: It is a good source of CLA means conjugated linoleic acid which enhances the rate of metabolism thus aids in the weight management strategy and reduces the belly fat.
  • Lower The Insulin Resistance: CLA found in it helps in lowering the insulin resistance, manages weight and prevents the onset of diabetes.
  • Prevents Unnecessary Fat Depositions: It has no hydrogenated oils thus does not lead to the extra and unnecessary fat deposition.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Weight Gain

Enhances Body Weight: Eating desi ghee regularly on daily basis in good amount helps in enhancing body weight as it increases the muscle mass and bone density instead of depositing unnecessary fat in the body.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Digestive System

  • Improves The Absorption Of Fat-soluble Vitamins: It enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and it contains lower chain fatty acids because of which it gets easily absorbed and metabolized.
  • Promotes Digestion Process: It makes the digestive process easy by enhancing the metabolism.
  • Stimulates Digestive Acids Secretion: It adds a lot in the digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive acids from the stomach.
  • Treat Digestive Disorders: It helps in curing constipation, ulcer and other digestive disorders.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Immune System

  • Boots Immune System: It increases body resistance for various infection and diseases by boosting the immune system.
  • Prevents From Infection: It acts as a strong antimicrobial, anticancer and antiviral agent and thus boosts the immunity to get prevented from various problems.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Brain, Nervous System And Bones

  • Promotes Bone Growth: It is the richest source of fat soluble vitamins which are very essential for the healthy growth and development of bone and brain to maintain the normal functioning.
  • Prevents Diseases: It prevents disorders like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and neurological disorders.
  • Promotes Brain Tissue Development: It helps in utilizing more essential minerals for the development of brain tissue and nervous system and repairing of other body tissue.
  • Induces Sex Hormones Production: It strengthens the bones, teeth, cartilages and enhances the production of sex hormones.
  • Prevents The Risk Of Chronic Arthritis: It prevents the occurrence of chronic arthritis and other bone problems.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Kids

  • Promotes Better Health: It provides better nourishment to the kids for their healthy growth and development of bones, teeth, muscles, and brain.
  • Boosts Body Energy: It provides instant energy to them to fulfill their body requirements of the energy as they need more energy than other age groups.
  • Strengthens Body: It enhances their eyesight, immunity level, memory power, strong muscle, and bones.
  • It prevents the malnutrition and fat-soluble vitamins deficiency syndromes.
  • Improve Memory Power: It helps to increase the memory power among kids.

Benefits Of Desi Ghee During Pregnancy

  • Provides Proper Nourishment To Mother And Baby: Provides proper nourishment to the women during pregnancy as she needs more vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals for the normal growth and development of her infant.
  • Prevents Baby From Birth Disorder: It helps in preventing the infant from birth defects like spinal and bone disorders and malnutrition.

Reduces Inflammation

It reduces inflammations by reducing the leukotriene secretion as well as prostaglandin and thus prevents redness, itching, and swelling etc.

Delays Aging

It slows down the early aging process.

Do Not Have A Negative Reaction

People sensitive to the casein or lactose can enjoy ghee as it has no negative reactions to the health.

Fights With Free Radicals

Use ghee to boost your daily dose of antioxidants: Ghee contains carotenoids and vitamins A and E. These antioxidants promotes skin cell growth, good vision, and immune system health, as well as reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.

Source Of Essential Micro Nutrients

It is the excellent source of micronutrients like vitamin K2 and CLA which are not easily found in other food sources.

Treats Nose Bleeding

It helps in checking nose bleeding if drops of it are inserted to the nostril.

Slow Down The Growth Of Cancerous Cells

It contains a fatty acid called butyric acid which is antiviral in property and helps in fighting with the growth of cancerous cells.

Other Health Benefits Of Desi Ghee

  • It helps in treating alcoholism, vaginal pain, epilepsy, and fever.
  • It helps in the proper digestion of the fat-soluble vitamins, maintain eye vision and prevents bone ailments.
  • It provides nourishment to the nerves and brain and strengthens the immune system.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Deep Brain Stimulation By Ayurvedic Herbs

Nowadays deep brain stimulation has come up as a rescuer for patients suffering from different conditions like Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, dystonia, obsessive compulsive disorder, dementia and many more to be named. In modern concept, it is done by implanting electrodes in the specific areas of the brain. The implanted electrodes produce the electrical impulses which are able to regulate abnormal electrical impulses produced in the medical conditions mentioned above. But as this is an unnatural way of generating the normal impulses, it can cause many harms to the brain. It can affect cells and chemicals in the brain causing serious problems. Although it is minimally invasive surgery as like other surgical procedures butit also has many risks like bleeding in the brain, lead misplacement, infection, heart problems, and stroke. Even in the worst cases, it can pose dangerous hardware complications like the erosion of lead wire producing serious complications. So even it is considered as a lifesaver for many, people hesitate to go for it due to the side effects and risk factors.

Deep Brain Stimulation By Ayurvedic Herbs

However, Ayurveda has an answer for this. Let's take Parkinson's disease and know how Ayurveda can do deep brain stimulation by natural herbs to treat Parkinson's disease and similar situations.

Reference: Charak samhita, chikitsa sthanam, chapter no. 28, shloka no. 19

Meaning: When the pre-nosological state of this disease comes, it is considered as its symptoms. Symptoms do not remain same, due to imbalance of Vata there is rigidity, constriction or trembling in the body. Due to vitiation of Vayu body becomes loose and seems to be weightless.

Parkinson's disease in Ayurveda is known as Kampavata. It is a neurological disorder which affects people above 65 years of age usually and is considered to be one of the most common degenerative diseases in the elderly. Due to its characterizing symptom, i.e. tremor, it is known by various names in Ayurvedic literature like Kampavata, vepathu, sirakampa, kampana and spandin. All of these names denote tremors.

Nidana or cause of Parkinson's disease is illustrated in detail in Ayurvedic literature. With the growing age, apana vayu (a subtype of Vata) starts accumulating and becomes vitiated which combines with Vata and overflows into the circulation. This overflowing Vata distributes in the rasa dhatu which eventually leads to symptoms like dryness of membranes in the whole body. This vitiated Vata starts to relocate in the portions of the body which are already weak and as the brain is weak in elderly people it starts to accumulate in the brain. In brain Vata starts to damage the cells, presenting with the signs and symptoms like tremors and coordination issues. As Vata increases it causes diminishing of Kapha and also sometimes there can involvement of Pitta dosha too. People with Vata and Pitta Prakriti are more prone to develop Parkinson's disease as compared to Kapha Prakriti.

Ayurvedic treatment focuses on balancing the vitiated Vata Dosha. Natural herbs are used for the treatment and deep brain stimulation in this condition. There are various herbs which have an amazing effect on the brain stem cells and help them to revive and work properly. Mainly the Vata pacifying and ojas building herbs are used. These natural herbs rejuvenate and nourish the brain stem cells. Ayurveda gives a holistic approach for Parkinson's disease. Some of the amazing herbs which work as a deep brain stimulator are:

  1. Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri sharpens and strengthens the brain and its cells by protecting the brain cells and also supporting and increasing the production of the chemicals which are responsible for the memory and learning ability of a person. As we know that in Parkinson's disease dopamine, a chemical is produced which sends a signal to nerve cells. Hence Brahmi treats this condition by increasing the production of the dopamine.
  2. Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera offers long-lasting amazing effects in the brain. Researchers have found ashwagandha to be very effective in treating neurological diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. In ancient Ayurvedic literature, this herb is termed as medhya rasayana, i.e. a herb which provides and supports long life and improves mental capacity too.
  3. Gotu kola or Centella asiatica balances the levels of neurotransmitter in the brain. It also has anti-inflammatory effects on the whole body and also treats depression and Parkinson's disease. Gotu kola has both the action stimulating and sedating effects.
  4. Shankhpushpi or Convolvulus microphyllus is commonly known as a brain tonic and considered as the best rasayana among the other two. It promotes intellect and memory. This natural herb also helps to treat sleeplessness, high blood pressure, anxiety, and stress.

These herbs work amazingly and help to stimulate the stem cells in the brain without any surgical procedure. Planet Ayurveda is a renowned Ayurvedic center which offers certain herbal products manufactured from pure herbs to treat Parkinson's disease. These products are purely vegetarian and are not tested on any animal. All the products in this are free from dyes, fillers, additives, preservatives and any other type of chemicals. It has proved to treat many similar cases successfully. The herbal products in this pack are completely Ayurvedic and are prepared by following strict Ayurvedic principles.

Parkinson's Care Pack

Deep Brain Stimulation By Ayurvedic Herbs

1. Brahma Rasayana

As its name denotes that it is herbal formulation offered by God himself to relieve human sufferings. It is full of amazing herbs that stimulates the brain like Shankhpushpi, amla, haridra, giloy etc. Brahma rasayana helps in maintaining healthy nerves and works as a tonic for them. Using it on a regular basis helps to develop and maintain good physical and mental stamina.

Dosage- 1-2 teaspoonful after breakfast with milk.

2. Ashwagandha Capsules

These capsules are prepared from standardized extract of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) herb which is a wonderful supplement for mental as well as physical well being. It supports mental health and also improves the functioning of the cells in the whole body.

Dosage- 2 capsules two times daily after meals.

3. Brahmi Chywanprash

This herbal Chywanprash is purely natural and is made from a blend of 48 amazing herbs like amla, brahmi etc. It supports healthy brain and helps to maintain its normal functioning. This is a nervine tonic.

Dosage- 2-3 teaspoonful two times daily after meals.

4. Zandopa granules

It is full of a natural source of L-dopa. Unlike synthetic L-dopa, it is free from side-effects and can be used in the long term. It replenishes the stores of dopamine which gets depleted in Parkinson's disease. Zandopa granules improve and relieve all the signs and symptoms of this disease.

Dosage- 1 teaspoonful two times daily after meals.