The eyes are one of the important parts of a person's health. Mostly the people rely on the eyes to make sense and to see the world all around. It is a must to check the eyes on a daily basis as per recommendation by your healthcare provider. Same as body health is important, eye health is also important. There are a lot of eye health conditions which may lead to vision loss or may disrupt the vision. One of the diseases is Blepharospasm about which we will discuss in this article along with its Ayurvedic management.

Blepharospasm is one of the rare eyelid disorders which is characterized by abnormal and involuntary spasm of muscles of the eyelid. It can come into view as repetitive twitching, blinking or fluttering. This condition is different from the non-pathological type of eyelid fluttering. This may affect anyone especially during times of stress and sleep deprivation. This condition is bilateral and causes disruption in vision. This may be secondary to various conditions such as any eye syndrome, specific ocular disease like keratopathy and movement disorder. This is a brief view on Blepharospasm, now let's discuss its symptoms, causes and other details.
Following are some facts to know about Blepharospasm:
- Age: This condition commonly occurs in the age group of 40 - 60
- Incidence: Annually 2000 cases are diagnosed in the United states.
- Gender: Females are more prone than males
- Prevalence: It varies from 1.6 - 30/ 100,000
The exact cause of this condition is unknown, some of the cases suggest while neuroimaging a dysfunctioning of basal ganglia and rarely the condition is inherited. Beside this following are some of the risk factors which may lead to Blepharospasm:
- Facial or head trauma
- Family history of tremor or dystonia
- Dry eyes
- Intraocular inflammation
- Light sensitivity
- Meningeal irritation
- Stress
In early stages one may experience frequent blinking and other symptoms may come and go. One may experience the symptoms usually during the day and disappear during sleep. As the disease headway the symptoms become extra severe with hardly fewer times of relief. The following symptoms are experienced by a person affected by Blepharospasm:
- Dry eyes
- Constant blinking
- Tired eyes
- Irritated eyes
- Difficulty in opening eyes
This condition is diagnosed by healthcare providers after asking all about the medical history and with the help of physical examination. As this condition is rarely found it is must to meet a specialist for diagnosing it. This condition is usually misdiagnosed with similar conditions such as ptosis.
As per Ayurveda we may consider this condition as Nimesh. In this condition first of all there is aggravation of vata dosha, further this aggravated vata dosha reaches to nimeshini sira (nerves which assists in closing of eyelids). The vitiated vata dosha causes excessive and involuntary flickering of the eyelid which is known as nimesh (blepharospasm). Nimesh is a netragata vikara (eye disorder) which is basically the disease of vartama (eyelids). This condition generally occurs by aggravated vata dosha. The aggravation of vata dosha occurs by any kind of vata increasing cause such as tikta (bitter), katu (pungent) and kshaya (astringent) ahara (diet), excessive exercising, excessive walking, waking up till late night and other vata increasing diet and lifestyles. So with this vata dosha aggravates, further this aggravated vata dosha reaches to nimeshini sira (nerves which assists in closing of eyelids). The vitiated vata dosha causes excessive and involuntary flickering of the eyelid which is known as nimesh (blepharospasm). So to control this condition it is necessary to alleviate vata dosha. For this condition following remedies are provided by Planet Ayurveda, let's have a look.
Planet Ayurveda is a company which formulates their own GMP certified formulations. The formulations are prepared by pure herbs and minerals without any kind of preservatives and added synthetic materials. The remedies by Planet Ayurveda are formulated under the strict observance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. Almost all the health concerns can be managed by these remedies and for the purpose of managing Blepharospasm following remedies are provided:
Brahmi Capsules by Planet Ayurveda is a single herbal formulation which consists of standardised extract of herb Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). This herb consists of miraculous vata pacifying and nervine properties. It calms the nervous system and regulates all its activities. These capsules by pacifying vata dosha assist in controlling the nervous system and control the symptoms of Blepharospasm.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
Ashwagandhaghan Vati is a classical Ayurvedic formulation which is used since ancient times for various vataj disorders. This formultions is available in tablet form and prepared by Planet Ayurveda under the strict observance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. This formulation consists of the major ingredient Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These tablets has rasayana and vata pacifying properties which rejuvenates the nerves and controls the functioning of nerves supplying the eyelids.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.
Neuro Plan Syrup is a herbal syrup prepared by Planet Ayurveda for promoting the health of the nervous system. This herbal syrup consists of ingredients such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus) and various others. This herbal syrup rejuvenates the nerve cells and regulates the functioning of the nervous system. It pacifies the vata dosha which is one of the main reasons behind this condition, so by doing so this herbal syrup assists in the management of Blepharospasm.
Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.
Vikramprash is a formulation in jelly form which provides rejuvenating properties. This remedy is prepared by Planet Ayurveda for maintaining overall health and nourishing the whole body. It possesses tridosha shamak and rasyana properties. So by adding this remedy to the management of Blepharitis Vikramprash boost the recovery of this condition.
Dosage: 1 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.
Angel Eye Vitale is a polyherbal formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda in capsule form. These capsules consist of standardised extract of herbs such as amalaki (Emblica officinalis), gotukola (Centella asiatica) and bhringraj (Eclipta alba). These capsules are specially formulated for maintaining eye health. As Blepharospasm is an eye disorder thus this remedy will be helpful in managing it.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.
Blepharospasm is one of the rare eyelid disorders which is characterised by abnormal and involuntary spasm of muscles of the eyelid. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, it may be inherited and besides this some risk factors may lead to this condition like Facial or head trauma, Family history of tremor or dystonia, Dry eyes, Intraocular inflammation, etc. The symptoms experienced by patients are Dry eyes, Constant blinking, Tired eyes, Irritated eyes, Difficulty in opening eyes. As per Ayurveda this condition can be correlated to Nimesh which is caused by excessive aggravation of Vata dosha. To alleviate this condition it is necessary to pacify Vata dosha and for this purpose certain herbal remedies are provided by Planet Ayurveda. You can consume these remedies without worrying about its side effects as these are free from any kind of added preservatives and synthetic materials.