Kidneys are one among the vital organs of our body and a crucial component of the urinary system. Any anomaly or imbalance in the structure or function of the kidneys can deteriorate the entire body mechanism. It can range from mild damages to the kidneys to ultimate kidney failure, if left untreated. Chronic kidney disease manifests when the kidney functions get impaired for over more than several months or years. Most often it is found associated with any other illness or continuous intake of unnecessary medications.

Symptoms may be very few or even absent in initial stages. Most of the time there may not be any symptoms due to renal adaptation but the condition gets worsened as time passes. Frequent tendency for urination at night (nocturia), loss of appetite, fatigue etc may be considered as early signs though. As the impairment progresses, symptoms like nausea, vomiting, seizures etc. may develop. Also there would be accumulation of wastes in the body, fluid retention, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, conditions like cardiac arrhythmias and many more. Usually kidney function tests, urine and blood tests, ultrasound or certain other examinations may be required for an accurate analysis.
In Ayurveda, as it always says, healthy lifestyle is the main key for prevention and cure of disease. But once the disease has manifested, treatment becomes an inevitable option. So, here Ayurveda can do a lot in preventing any further damages to the kidney as well as the entire urinary system. In addition, it revitalizes from the cellular level so that the person can live a quality life.
Through various Ayurvedic formulations and certain eliminative and palliative procedures, Ayurveda can control the levels of diabetes, blood pressure, body weight and other hormonal imbalances etc., which can act as a predisposing factor for chronic kidney disease.
Kidney disorders can also be considered to be those affecting mutra vaha srotas (urinary channels) in Ayurveda. As a part of treatment, mild shodhana (Purification therapies) are generally done. Also, Basti (medicated enema) holds an important role in these conditions. Medications are selected depending upon the progression of the condition. Herbs like Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) etc can be used judiciously in kidney disorders. Medicated water with these herbs can be used for drinking purposes. Besides the treatment approach being more individual specific, mostly the herbs and formulations that possess diuretic (Mootrala), ant-inflammatory and kapha dosha samana (kapha alleviating) properties are made use of. Along with this, Rasayana chikitsa (Rejuvenative therapy) helps in giving new life to the damaged cells to a great extent.
Despite the medications, food and lifestyle changes are something that has to be given prime importance. Protein intake has to be restricted to an extent. Excess salty, spicy and junk foods are to be avoided. Light and freshly cooked food should be taken. Natural urges, especially like those of thirst and micturition should never be suppressed. Pranayama and meditation can bring added benefits.
Products List
- Mutrakrichantak Churna
- Rencure Formula
- Varunadi Vati
- Punarnava Capsules
- Phyllanthus Niruri
- Indian Echinacea Capsules
- Nephralka Capsules
- Tribulus Power
Revive Kidneys Pack for Advance Stages

1. Mutrakrichantak Churna
It is an Ayurvedic powder formulation from Planet Ayurveda which acts effectively on the urinary system. It is made of herbs like Varuna (Crataeva nurvala), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Kaasni (Cichorium intybus), Bhumi Amalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck), Shigru (Moringa oleifera), Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera). All these ingredients make it an excellent remedy for any urine related problems. It protects the kidney and helps in getting rid of any stones in them. Also, it relieves painful and difficult micturition which may be caused due to urinary tract infection, prostate enlargement, stones etc. It improves the structure and function of kidneys and associated organs.
Dosage - 1 Teaspoonful twice daily with warm water and for best result Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink. You should use this once in morning 45min. after breakfast and similarly in evening 45min. after dinner. Prepare fresh every time as per this.
2. Rencure Formula
It is a natural herbal formulation offered by Planet Ayurveda exclusively for managing kidney failure. It consists of ingredients like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Varuna (Crataeva nurvala), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Palaasha (Butea monosperma) and Kaasni (Cichorium intybus). All these herbs possess proven efficacy in improving the kidney functions. It has the potency to remove any blockage or defect in the urinary pathway and thus maintains healthy functioning kidneys.
Dosage - 2 Capsules twice daily with warm water after meals.
3. Varunadi Vati
Varunadi vati is an Ayurvedic tablet prepared by Planet Ayurveda which has the capacity to manage kidney related problems. It is powerful in removing kidney stones and provides relief from the excruciating pain due to urinary tract infections or kidney stones. The ingredients involved are Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Varuna (Crataeva nurvala), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) and Guggulu (Commiphora mukul). All these herbs are popular for their diuretic and anti-inflammatory activities. Moreover, Guggulu acts as a pain reliever in kidney disorders.
Dosage - 2 Tablets thrice daily with warm water after meals.
4. Punarnava Capsules
Planet Ayurveda has put forth the Ayurvedic formulation called Punarnava capsules which works efficiently in kidney and urinary tract related problems. It is solely prepared from the pure standardized herbal extract of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). Punarnava is shothanashana (anti-inflammatory), shoolanuth (relieves pain) and an excellent diuretic. It is effectively used in water retention problems in the body. These properties of Punarnava makes it a good medicine of choice in chronic kidney diseases. In addition, it is cardio protective in nature.
Dosage - 2 Capsule, twice daily with warm water after meals.
5. Phyllanthus Niruri Capsules
Phyllanthus Niruri capsules from Planet Ayurveda are prepared from the herb Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri) which is mainly a hepatoprotective medicine. Although, it has mild diuretic action which makes it useful in urinary as well as kidney diseases. It enhances immunity and can also be taken for general debility. It protects the cells of the urinary system.
Dosage - 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
6. Indian Echinacea Capsules
Planet Ayurveda has brought up the Echinacea capsules produced from the herb Bhunimba (Andrographis paniculata). This herb has the potency to expel the aggravated Pitta dosha from the body and aids in blood purification. Although it has the main action on the liver, it is found to be anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and is an antioxidant.
Dosage - 1 capsule with plain water after meals, twice daily.
7. Nephralka Capsules
Nephralka capsules have been introduced by Planet Ayurveda with the view of protecting the kidneys. These capsules are made from herbs like Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Mooli satva (Raphanus sativus), Revand chini (Rheum emodi), Bhunimba (Andrographis paniculata) and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). It provides impressive results in chronic kidney diseases. All the above ingredients help in the normal functioning of the urinary system.
Dosage - 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
8. Tribulus Power
This is a single herb formulation. It is made from the extracts of Gokshura (Tribulus terresteris). This is also known as Gokharu. This herb is very useful in water retention. It improves the function of liver and kidneys. This Ayurvedic herb is very beneficial in increasing the level of albumin in the body. It is very helpful in enhancing sexual power. It improves the strength of the body by eliminating the toxins from the body.
Dosage - 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
Kidney damage can be either partially or fully reversed through Ayurvedic intervention and chances of dialysis and kidney transplantation can be reduced significantly.