Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory medical condition. It is characterised by the presence of granulomas in various parts of the body. Granulomas are mostly seen in the lungs, skin and lymph nodes. Granulomas are nodules or small lumps of inflammatory cells. Young age groups and people in their early 60s are more prone to sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is more prevalent in females as compared to males.

Sarcoidosis is a disease that involves an abnormal collection of inflammatory cells called granulomas. This is a disease with unknown aetiology. It can affect any organ like the lungs, liver, eyes, heart, skin and brain, etc. It remains asymptomatic in most cases. The sign and symptoms vary according to the site involved. About 90% of cases of sarcoidosis experience the involvement of the lungs. Lymphadenopathy is also seen in Sarcoidosis. Due to the wide range of symptoms involved with various organs, it can be difficult to make a perfect diagnosis. So, it is very important to rule out other diseases like Tuberculosis, Lymphadenopathy and HIV, etc. In some cases, Sarcoidosis will get normal without any treatment. In some patients, Anti-inflammatory drugs can be given to manage Sarcoidosis.
- Idiopathic (Unknown cause)
Some researchers state that this condition is a result of changes in the immune response and others link it with genetics.
General Symptoms
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Dryness in eyes
- Joint pain
- Cough
- Skin lesions
- Anxiety and depression
Lung Manifestations
- Shortness of breath
- Persistent dry cough
- Wheezing
- Chest pain
Ocular Manifestations
- Uveitis
- Uveoparotitis
- Conjunctivitis
- Optic neuritis
Skin Manifestations
- Erythema nodosum: Tender red nodules usually present on shins
- Lupus Pernio: Chronic raised and hardened purplish skin lesions on nose and cheeks.
Cardiac Manifestations
- Ventricular tachycardia
- Ventricular arrhythmia
- Congestive heart failure
Renal Manifestations
- Interstitial nephritis
- Renal calculi
Central Nervous System Manifestations
- Encephalopathy
- Diabetes insipidus
Peripheral Nervous System Manifestations
- Bell’s palsy
- Lymphopenia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Blood test
- Imaging: USG, Chest X-RAY, CT scan, MRI, PET scan
- Bronchoscopy
- ECG and Echocardiogram
- Eye examination
- Urine test
According to Ayurveda, Sarcoidosis is mainly due to Kapha-Pitta imbalance in the body. Mithya ahar and vihar (improper diet and lifestyle), lead to aggravation of Kapha and Pitta dosha. Aggravated Kapha dosha affects lymph nodes and vitiated Pitta dosha causes hardening of lymph nodes resulting in Sarcoidosis. Dry cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing and enlarged lymph nodes are some of the symptoms seen in Sarcoidosis. Depending upon the site where dosha is aggravated results in manifestations of different symptoms.
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach in order to manage Sarcoidosis. Nidana Parivarjan and Shaman Chikitsa are done in order to manage Sarcoidosis.
Nidana Parivarjan (Avoiding Causes)
One should avoid all the factors that cause symptoms of Sarcoidosis.
Shaman Chikitsa (Pacifying Therapy)
Given below are the herbs that can be used to manage Sarcoidosis:
- Vasa (Adhatoda vasica)
- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
- Kachnar Bark (Bauhinia variegata)
- Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
- Guggul (Combiphora mukul)
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Shirish (Albezzia lebbock)
- Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Various herbal formulations that can be given in Sarcoidosis include:
- Giloy ghan vati
- Arogyavardhini vati
- Lavangadi vati
- Yashtimadhu ghan vati
- Tulsi ghan vati
- Sitopaladi churna
- Ashwagandha rasayan
- Amalaki rasayan
- Haridra Khanda
- Triphala guggul
- Yograj guggul
- Guduchi satva
- Guluchyadi kashayam
- Patolkaturohiniadi kwath
- Nimbadi kwath
- Dashmularishta
Planet Ayurveda offers an amazing combination of herbal remedies in order to manage Sarcoidosis. We provide those herbal products which are scientific and certified. All the products are herbal and free from any side effects. The best quality herbs are chosen to make these formulations which are prepared under proper aseptic conditions. Specialised MD Doctors have formulated all the herbal preparation that contains pure herbal extracts. Planet Ayurveda offers the following herbal formulations in Sarco Care Pack given below:
Sarco Care Pack
1. Curcumin Capsules
Curcumin Capsule is a wonderful ayurvedic formulation that contains Curcumin (Haridra extract). Curcumin is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in reducing the size of granulomas and enlarged lymph nodes. It helps in reducing chest pain as it is an analgesic. Curcumin not only manages lymph node inflammation but also helps in managing liver, eye and skin manifestations associated with Sarcoidosis.
Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water, after meals.
2. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar Guggul is a wonderful herbal formulation that contains Kachnar Bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Guggul (Commiphora mukul) and various other herbs. Kanchnaar present in this formulation is astringent in taste and cold in potency. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its Ruksha (Dry), Laghu (Light) qualities it helps in reducing enlarged lymph nodes and shrinkage of granulomas present in different parts of the body. Kanchnar guggul helps in drying excess Kapha from the body. The guggul present in Kanchnar guggul is bitter and pungent. It balances all three doshas and helps in managing the lungs, heart, and skin manifestations of Sarcoidosis.
Dosage: 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.
3. Aller-G Care
Aller-G Care is a herbal formulation that contains Haridra (Curcuma longa), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and various other herbs. Haridra is bitter and pungent in taste. It is considered Kushtaghan (manages skin disorders), hot in potency and helps in reducing skin problems seen in Sarcoidosis. It helps in subsiding Erythema nodosum, and Lupus Pernio. Aller-G care pack also contains Neem that balances Pitta and Kapha. Another wonderful herb present in this formulation is Ashwagandha. It is hot in potency and manages chest pain, joint pain, weakness and inflammation of various organs associated with Sarcoidosis.
Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
4. Punarnava Mandur
Punarnava Mandur is an ayurvedic formulation that contains Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Shunti (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Pippali), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Mandoor Bhasma (Ferric oxide calx) and various other herbs. Punarnava is hot in potency and helps in the detoxification of the blood. Another herb present in Punarnava Mandur is Sonth. It is pungent in taste and hot in potency. It manages dry cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing associated with Sarcoidosis. Mandoor Bhasma is also present in Punarnava Mandur. It is a great source of iron. Punarnava mandur helps in the pacification of Kapha and Pitta. It helps in reducing enlarged lymph nodes and manages fatigue and weakness seen in Sarcoidosis. in the body.
Dosage: 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.
5. Chitrak Haritaki
Chitrak Haritaki is a polyherbal formulation that contains Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emlica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) and various other herbs. Chitrak Haritaki is hot in potency. It helps in balancing Kapha and Vata dosha. It removes excess mucus from the lungs. Chitrak Haritak relieves cough, provides strength, increases digestive fire, stimulates appetite, and improves breathing. It helps in managing lung manifestation and skin manifestations associated with Sarcoidosis.
Dosage: 1-2 tablespoons after meals with milk once or twice a day.
6. Vasasav
Vasasav is an ayurvedic formulation that contains Vasa (Adhathoda vasica), Pippali (Piper longum), Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), and various other herbs. Vasa present in this formulation is Tikta (Bitter) and Kashaya (Astringent) in taste. Its potency is cold. It balances Kapha and Pitta. It is exclusively used in respiratory disorders. Vasasav also contains Sonth which is pungent in taste and hot in potency. It balances Kapha dosha. It eliminates ama (toxins) from the body. It acts as a potent expectorant and cleans the throat. It also helps in relieving chest pain and also aids in the shrinkage of granulomas.
Dosage: 3 tablespoons twice daily with an equal amount of water.
Sarcoidosis is a medical condition that involves an abnormal collection of inflammatory cells called granulomas in various parts of the body. There is no known cause of Sarcoidosis. It can affect various organs in your body. Ayurveda Sarcoidosis is mainly due to Kapha-Pitta imbalance in the body. Dry cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing and enlarged lymph nodes are some of the symptoms seen in Sarcoidosis. Nidana Parivarjan and Shaman Chikitsa are done in order to manage Sarcoidosis. Vasa, Ashwagandha, Kachnar, and Tulsi are some of the herbs that can be used to manage Sarcoidosis.
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