We all have moles somewhere on our faces and it sometimes increases the beauty of the person. Moles are small growths on the skin that are typically black or brown in color and can appear anywhere on the skin either alone or in groups. Moles mostly appear in early childhood and some during the 25 years of life. Normally, an adult can have a total number of 10 to 40 moles on the body. As the year passes the mole may change its shape or color and it may also disappear as you grow. Moles are harmless and do not cause any health problems but when they change shape or size it becomes a problem. So, it is important to note changes in the moles because they can be harmful. Through this article we are going to discuss different types of moles and which one is harmful. Along with that, it's a natural solution with the help of diet.

There are three main types of moles present on the skin and includes:-
1. Acquired moles
It is the type of moles that you develop in the later stages of your life. Most of them are black or brown in color and most of the time are caused due to sun damage. They are characterized by their shape as it is typically round and changes as you age. Acquired moles can get darker with the age but do not change into melanoma.
2. Congenital moles
Congenital means from the time of birth and this type of moles are present from the day you are born. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, one in every 100 babies are present with moles. They are normally flat and may also vary in color but typically are black. Congenital moles have no chance of becoming cancerous.
3. Atypical moles
As compared to Acquired and congenital moles, atypical moles are at greater risk of becoming cancerous. As estimated by the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology one out of every 10 people is affected with an atypical nevus. They are larger than normal moles and have irregular borders. There are chances that they can be melanoma known as cancerous moles.
If you see any change in the moles then it might be malignant melanoma which can be life-threatening. Malignant melanoma starts out as a mole and is one of the most dangerous forms of skin cancer. Mostly the moles are black to brown in color but can also change into red, purple, pink, white, or blue. The cause for melanoma could be intense exposure to UV rays.
When you want to look for signs that you are suffering from skin cancer or not then you should remember the ABCDEs of melanoma:-
- A is for Asymmetrical - If you look at normal moles or benign moles are harmless and mostly symmetrical. On the other hand, if you see malignant melanoma then they might appear asymmetrical meaning they may have a cut in half or the two sides do not appear the same.
- B is for border - Benign or regular moles have borders that are round in shape but moles that are cancerous can have irregular borders. If the borders of the mole are not smooth then you should get checked.
- C is for color because they can vary in color - Benign moles have a uniform mole and they are black to brown in color and they only have a single color. Precancerous or cancerous moles can be in multiple colors. If you see this kind of change then you might need help.
- D is for Diameter - We all have seen pencil erasers and the diameter of benign moles are smaller than that and they are less cancerous. If the diameter of the mole appears more than the pencil eraser, it may not be malignant but needs to be evaluated.
- E is for Evolving - It is very important to note the ABCD of the moles if you are trying to identify that the moles are dangerous or not. For example, if you have any change regarding the color of moles then you might have malignant melanoma.
- Wear Sunscreen - You may have heard a couple of times that UV radiation from the sun is harmful and are responsible for causing skin cancer. Sunscreen is helpful in protecting the skin against dangerous rays of the sun. It is important to apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going out and getting exposed to the sunlight. Whenever you are going to the beach make sure to apply sunscreen or concealer of SPF 30.
- Family history - It is important to know if someone in the family is suffering from melanoma or not. As 10 percent of people who are diagnosed with melanoma have a family history with melanoma. So, it is recommended to have a skin examination for people who have close relatives with melanoma.
- Get checked by a dermatologist if you have abnormal growth - People who have moles more than normal need to get checked as they have a higher risk of developing melanoma. Even if you don’t have moles or see some slight changes in the skin then you need to get checked by a dermatologist.
- Avoid getting tanned - Tanning both indoors and outdoors are dangerous and can cause many skin problems. One thing that you should keep in mind is that there is no such thing as a “healthy tan”. The best way to make your skin healthy is to protect the skin from getting tanned in order to avoid sun damage.
- Personal history - People who have suffered from blisters or sunburns in childhood are at risk and also people who have fair complexion or freckles. This does not mean that people with dark skin are not at risk infant Asian, African Americans, and Hispanics are at risk of developing melanoma.
Some nutritional tips to stay away from skin cancer:-
It is very important for nutrients that are high in Antioxidants because they can not be produced by the body. The only source to obtain antioxidant is through food and this nutrient has been found useful in the prevention of skin cancer. This includes:-
- Vitamin C - They have the property of removing cancer cells from the body by making the environment toxic for them.
- Vitamin E - It helps in preventing the skin from getting damaged by free radicals which is absorbed by UV lights. The anti-inflammatory effects help in making a barrier on the skin.
- Vitamin D - They basically help in boosting immunity and reducing the risk of developing cancer.
- Zinc - This nutrient helps in fighting cancer by making the immunity strong.
- Selenium - This helps in reducing the risk of many cancers.
- Beta-carotene - Which is converted into Vitamin A in the body helps in making the body strong and fighting any kind of skin disease.
- Omega-3 fatty acids - It helps in reducing inflammation and inhibiting the growth of any kind of cancer.
- Lycopene - helps in protecting the skin from getting damaged from sun rays and also lowers the risk of any kind of cancer.
- Polyphenols - They have tumor-inhibiting and anti-inflammatory properties. They also help in repairing the DNA and also the damaged skin.
Here are foods that you can include in the diet:-
- Orange-colored fruits and vegetables like squash, carrots, apricots, mangoes, etc are rich in beta carotene.
- Watermelon, papaya, apricots, tomatoes are high in lycopene.
- Fatty fishes like sardines, mackerel, salmon, albacore tuna, and mackerel are rich sources of Vitamin D as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
- Flaxseed and walnuts are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Orange juice and fortified milk are high in Vitamin D
- Black tea or green tea contains nutrients like polyphenols.
- Green leafy vegetables, oranges, lemons, raspberries, strawberries, and capsicums are great foods to obtain Vitamin C.
- Legumes like lentils, black beans, chickpeas along with lamb, beef, and shellfish are high in zinc.
- Almonds, spinach, soybeans, wheat germ, and sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E.
You may have heard that the higher number of moles the longer you live in fact there is no such thing. There may be chances that you may have malignant melanoma so it's better to reach out for help and prevent yourself by including the tips mentioned above.
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