Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is a disorder of blood which hampers the normal formation and function of platelets. Platelets are the blood cells that helps in clotting of blood wherever required like on wounded site.
Macrothrombocytopenia is the main pathology involved in this syndrome which means there are abnormally large and less number of platelets present in the blood stream leading to various bleeding tendencies. Bernard-Soulier syndrome is a genetic disease which occurs due to mutations of the genes. This disease can be managed effectively with herbal medicines offered by Planet Ayurveda.

Bernard-Soulier syndrome is rare disorder which is genetically inherited and leads to formation of fewer and larger platelets leading to their improper function. Three main findings of this bleeding disorder is low count of platelets, larger than usual size and increased bleeding time causing difficulty in clotting of blood. People affected with Bernard-Soulier syndrome can bleed easily and abnormally more. Easy bruising is usually seen in such individuals also there can be seen prolonged bleeding after surgery or minor injury. In very rare cases, petechiae- small, tiny spots of blood due to bleeding under skin is seen on skin. Females having this disorder usually present with prolonged or more than normal bleeding during the menstruation. Usually this syndrome is very rare to occur however some doctors have suggested the possibilities of being underdiagnosed.
Mutation of GP1BA, GP1BB, or GP9 genes tends to cause Bernard-Soulier syndrome. Mutations do not occur in all of three genes but in any one of them. These genes produces protein that combinedly form a glycoprotein which is found on the surface of the platelets and plays a major role in clotting of blood.
The glycoprotein binds to the surface of the Von willebrand factor- that is present inside the blood vessels surface and helps in blood clotting when there is any injury which causes disruption of tissues and blood vessels. The abnormal mutations in Bernard- Soulier syndrome prevent binding of this glycoprotein on the surface of blood vessels and hence prevent or delays clotting. This impaired clotting of blood leading to excessive bleeding is a characteristic feature of this syndrome.
The main peculiar and characteristic sign of Bernard-Soulier syndrome is excessive bleeding from minor injury or even without injury sometimes like bleeding from nose, i.e. Epistaxis. In female increased menstrual flow is seen. This sign of abnormal bleeding persist in Bernard-Soulier syndrome's patient since birth and remain throughout the life. In some children any signs or symptoms are noticed until their adulthood. Easy bruising is also one of the sign of this syndrome that can be seen in such patients. Purpura or Petechiae is seen in patients due to bleeding from underlying small blood vessels.
In patients affected by Bernard-Soulier syndrome various blood tests can help in diagnosing the disease. These certain blood tests shows findings like low number of abnormally large and immature platelets and even advanced blood testing like Flow cytometry can help in checking the absence of glycoprotein from the surface of the platelets.
In modern system of medicine the treatment of Bernard-Soulier syndrome is supportive and symptomatic. Platelets are transfused in case of emergency when the bleeding can prove to be life threatening or some surgery is to be performed on the patient. However this treatment is only temporary and needs to be repeated for the life time which can prove to have various other side effects on the body.
However in this tough spot Ayurveda gives a way out. As this is a genetic disease hence cannot be cured or treated completely but yes the herbal medicines can help in giving patient a good quality of life without posing any other side effects on the body. Herbal medicines are safe and natural hence even if taken life time do not cause any side effects.
Planet Ayurveda is a renowned name in the field of Ayurveda pharmaceuticals. Here the medicines are prepared from best and finest quality of herbs. All the herbal medicines are free from any type of chemicals, additives, preservatives, dye or fillers, which make them more safe and efficient. Herbal medicines contain extracts of the herbs that have numerous medicinal properties and helps in treating and managing the diseases naturally.
For Bernard-Soulier syndrome as well Planet Ayurveda offers a combination of herbal medicines that helps in managing the condition naturally and safely.
- Pitta Balance
- Giloy Capsules
- Spirulina Capsules
- Kamdhudha Ras
- Praval Panchamrit Tablets
- Plato Plan Capsules
Herbal Remedies for Bernard-Soulier syndrome

1. Pitta Balance
Pitta balance capsules are very helpful in balancing the increased Pitta in the body and preventing disease caused due to it. These herbal capsules helps in treating bleeding, weakness, excessive heat, palpitations, etc. These herbo-mineral capsules are prepared from natural calcium compounds which are cooling in nature like Kamdudha ras, Praval pishti, Akik pishti, etc.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
2. Giloy Capsules
These are the single herb capsules prepared from Giloy which is full of medicinal properties like antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti pyretic, and immunity enhancer.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
3. Spirulina Capsules
These capsules are prepared from the blue-green algae i.e. Spirulina. These amazing capsules are full of vitamins, minerals and other healthy nutrients. It is a natural rich source of Vitamin B12 and which helps in formation of hemoglobin and healthy red blood cells.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
4. Kamdhudha Ras
It is an Ayurvedic formulation to maintain balance of Pitta dosha. These tablets are very useful in treating Bleeding problems and Gastritis. Some major ingredients of Kamdhudha Ras are Amrutha Satva, Abhraka Bhashma, Shankh Bhashma, and Pearl Calcium. For Women, these tablets are good to use in problems like heavy menstrual bleeding, leucorrhea.
Dosage - Take 1 tablet twice daily after meals with plain water.
5. Praval Panchamrit Tablets
These mineral tablets are a classic Ayurveda formulation, prepared from Shanka bhasm, Sukti bhasma, Praval bhasma, Mukta bhasma, and Karpadika bhasma.These amazing tablets support health digestion, maintain the urinary system, promote healthy functioning of the liver, and relieve gastro esophageal reflux disease. It also balances Kapha and Vata dosha in the body.
Dosage - Take 1 tablet twice daily after meals with plain water.
6. Plato Plan Capsules
Plato Plan is an amazing herbal formulation to increase platelet count and improve the shelf life period of platelets. These capsules stimulates the bone marrow for the production of healthy platelets. It helps to fight infections and upturn the platelet count to normal levels. These capsules prevent the early destruction of platelets.
Dosage - Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.
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Bernard-Soulier syndrome being a genetic anomaly can be managed naturally with the help of herbal medicines offered by Planet Ayurveda. These herbal formulations can manage the condition safely and also saves one from getting side effects of long term allopathic medicines.
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