Gotu Kola and Licorice are Ayurvedic herbs which have different properties and actions on various diseases. Our Acharya has described these herbs in various authentic and different manners to treat the various ailments in the body. These herbs are very useful in treating stretch marks which are streaks that appear on different regions of the body such as on the abdomen, Hips, Thighs and Upper Arms. Stretch Marks are termed Striae which experience rapid Extension and Contraction. Is very commonly seen in Pregnant Women or can be due to sudden to rapid changes in Weight. There are skin proteins such as Collagen, Elastin which are useful for the proper elasticity and Structure of the skin. When this Protein growth fails to keep pace it causes various lesions on the affected site of the body. In Ayurveda Stretch Marks are known as "Kikkisa" which are linear demarcation which is usually seen in pregnant women, which is usually due to an imbalance of Kapha and Pitta doshas. In this article, we are going to discuss the effects of Gotu Kola and Yashtimadhu on stretch marks.

Stretch Marks are more commonly seen in pregnancy and many other factors which are contributing to the appearance of the body. There are different types of Stretch Marks (dermal lesions). The severity of the Stretch Marks depends upon various several factors such as genetics and the degree of stress on the Skin. Sometimes the hormone cortisol plays an important role in weakening the elastic fibres of the skin. In Ayurveda, the involvement of Kapha and Pitta doshas causes a Burning and itching sensation in the body. Sometimes the stretch marks disappear over time but some remain permanent. Gotu Kola and Yashtimadhu have very good results in reducing stretch marks without any side effects with their natural constituents.
- Striae Rubrae - It is seen in the early stages of the Striae distensae which is slightly raised and is erythematous and are temporary stretch marks which do not recur.
- Striae Albae - These are permanent and are pale-coloured, and wrinkled.
- Striae Nigrae - These are dark in colour which is a result of Dermal Distension.
- Striae Caerulea - They are dark blue and purple.
- Striae Gravidarum - It commonly affects pregnant women which allows the foetus to grow.
- Striae Atrophicans - It is commonly due to atrophy of the skin and thinning of the skin which is cutaneous. Commonly seen in patients suffering from Cushing Syndrome and long use of Corticosteroids.
- Striae Distensae - Due to sudden weight loss and weight gain.
- Pregnancy
- Sudden Weight Gain Due to Obesity
- Atrophy of the Skin due to Prolonged Corticosteroids
- Increase in Muscle mass
- Cushing Syndrome
- Marfan Syndrome (reduces the elasticity of skin and stretch marks due to damaged skin).
- Hypopigmented Linear Scars on the skin.
- Irritation to skin.
- Skin Thinning.
- Wrinkled and dark streaks on the skin.
- Pink, Red and Purple colour Streaks.
They do not need any treatment as it is harmless and fades over time. The treatment which is provided is helpful in improving the texture and appearance of stretch marks.
- Retinoid Cream
- Laser Therapy
- Microneedling
In Ayurveda, as we know it is known as 'Kikkisa' which is usually seen on the surface of a pregnant lady. It is due to an imbalance of Kapha and Pitta doshas as Kapha doshas cause Itching and Pitta doshas cause a Burning Sensation. Many combinations of Oils and various Ayurvedic herbs which are useful in lightening stretch marks mainly Yashtimadhu and Gotu Kola are helpful in lightening stretch marks and improving the lustre and appearance of the skin.
1. Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) is commonly known as Mandukaparni which is helpful in combating wounds and treating various skin ailments. Is considered as Best Brain Tonic which is useful in improving neuroprotective properties. This Plant mainly grows in Temperate and Tropical regions of the world. Has long stalked plants with many netted veins having smooth texture. Can be used internally and externally.
- It is a small perennial herb whose roots are nodular and the stem is present in pink colour.
- Has fleshy leaves which are dentate and are reformed in structure.
- Fruits are oblong and compressed and the woods are dull brown in colour.
- Found mainly in marshy land, tropical and subtropical regions of the country.
- Found 2000 feet above sea level.
Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa - Tikta (bitter)
- Guna - Guru (heavy) and Snigdha (moist)
- Veerya - Ushna (hot)
- Anuras - Kashaya (astringent)
- Vipaka - Madhur
- Karma - Balances Kapha and Pitta Doshas
Parts Used
Panchang (leaves, roots, flowers, fruits and stem)
Effect On Dosha
Has Tikta Rasas which is helpful in balancing Kapha and Pitta Doshas.
Practical Uses Of Gotukola
- Maintains the body as it has Anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcerous properties.
- Has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties so useful in healing.
- Rich in antioxidants which increase blood circulation to the various parts of the body.
- Enhances memory and thinking capacity.
- Useful in respiratory disorders as it rectifies the mucus.
- Balances Kapha and Pitta Doshas.
- Expel the toxins from the body which pacify the fever.
- Has rejuvenative properties and anti-ageing properties.
2. Licorice (Yashtimadhu)
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a perennial shrub which is commonly known as Mulethi which is commonly seen in Indian Kitchen. The outer skin is removed and it is scaly yellow in texture inside. The leaves are conjoint, the flowers are 8-12 mm and are pink to purple in colour. It has a soothing effect on the pharynx, so improves the hoarseness of the voice. The roots of Yashtimadhu have glycyrrhizin which is a yellow amorphous powder which contains starch, gum and metallic acids such as Calcium and Magnesium salts.
- It is native to the Southeastern part of Europe and is well-cultivated in Most parts of Europe.
- Grows best in Dry, sunny climates.
- Needs low rainfall.
- The moisture of soil must be maintained for its proper growth and development.
Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa - Madhura (sweet)
- Guna - Guru (heavy) and Pichilam (sticky)
- Virya - Sheet (cold)
- Vipaka - Madhura (sweet)
Parts Used
Effects On Dosha
Balances Vata and Pitta Doshasm
Practical Uses Of Licorice
- It is helpful in resolving respiratory infections, acts as a wonderful emollient and has a soothing effect on the throat and pharynx.
- Provides good digestive health which lowers the acid in the intestine and is effective in gastrointestinal disorders.
- Enhances the secretion of bile which is helpful in supporting the good health of the liver.
- Has anti-microbial activities and boosts the immune system of the body.
- Improves the complexion of the skin and is useful for acne and blemishes.
- Is an excellent brain tonic and acts as a Rasayan (rejuvenator)
- Increases the secretion of thyroid hormones.
- Bala
- Varna (skin quality)
- Agni (digestive power)
- Medhya (improves intelligence)
- Aruchi (anorexia)
- Shothahara (relieves inflammation)
Liquorice (Yashtimadhu)
- Chardinigraha
- Mutravirajaneeya
- Vranakrut
- Keshya
- Svarya
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP- Certified Ayurvedic Clinic which formulates various Ayurvedic supplements that are useful for various health problems. All the preparations which are formulated are free from any kind of preservatives and resin. These remedies are 100% pure and are prepared under the Strict guidance of M.D Ayurveda practitioners without any side effects. Planet Ayurveda has Gotu Kola Capsules and Yashtimadhu ghan vati, Yashtimadhu powder which are helpful for stretch marks and for other skin brightening purposes.
Gotu Kola and Licorice are Ayurvedic herbs which have different properties and actions on various diseases. Our Acharya has described these herbs in various authentic and different manners to treat the various ailments in the body. Stretch Marks are more commonly seen in pregnancy and many other factors which are contributing to the appearance of the body. There are different types of Stretch Marks (dermal lesions). In Ayurveda, as we know it is known as 'Kikkisa' which is usually seen on the surface of a pregnant lady. It is due to an imbalance of Kapha and Pitta doshas as Kapha doshas cause Itching and Pitta doshas cause a Burning Sensation. Then we discussed the properties and uses of Yashtimadhu (liquorice) and Gotu Kola in detail which are helpful in Stretch marks due to their rich antioxidants properties.
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