Allergy represents a global health problem that occurs very commonly worldwidely, and significantly disturbs the social life of the patients. Some people generally suffer from seasonal allergies for several years that can be managed by effective formulations. This is an exaggerated response of the immune system for the foreign bodies such as pollen grains, specific foods, sand particles, animal danders, and cosmetic products that may show several types of allergies in any part of the body that may be nose, eyes, stomach, throat or skin. When our body comes in contact with these substances, it shows various symptoms that affect our immune system and generates antibodies. These antibodies generate the symptoms like sneezing, watering, irritation, itching, and nose congestion, these particular symptoms occur within a short period of time like 10-15 minutes may appear up to the 4-5 hours. In this article we are going to discuss the nasal allergies and management of these conditions.

Among all types of allergies in the body, nasal allergies are the most common type of allergy, it is a very ordinary condition affecting 25% of the general population. This condition is referred to as Hay Fever, or Allergic rhinitis. This disease is generally caused by the tiny particles that flow into the air and cause obstruction in airways that further results in the sneezing, nose congestion, irritation, itching, in the nose or nasal path, mouth and may involve the face. This condition commonly affects children and adults. Male gender more commonly develops this condition as compared to females. Hereditary factors play an important role in causing nasal allergy. In the continuous presence of allergy, the exposure to indoor allergens like mites, moulds or insects and animal dender that remains throughout the year. This condition can be avoided by staying away from the allergy triggers. If these symptoms are not treated early then they can actually get worse with time.
- Running Nose - Most common symptom of nasal allergies, the best way to get rid of these conditions are to stay away from the allergens and remove the cause. First of all try to know about the triggering factor of ongoing allergy. If it is triggered by pollen counts then it may generally persist for march or april months and conservative management for this condition is stay home or cover your nose when the count of pollen is high. If one is disturbed by the dangers of dogs and cats then he/she may wash their hands regularly and change their clothes after coming into contact with animals.
- Sinus Pressure - An allergen is harmless until it causes any allergic infection. It produces mucus in the respiratory tract as a result of allergic substances and antibody reactions in the body. We have small cavities referred to as sinuses behind our forehead, cheeks and eyes. When mucus starts to build it starts to get accumulated in these sinuses it may exert pressure or pain.
- This can be reduced effectively by swedana procedure in which we use a towel that is dipped in warm water and put it on the face or we may inhale steam for 2-3 times a day, take saline nasal drops, it will help you to reduce the pressure on sinus and liquify the mucus.
- Sneezing - Sneezing is a very first immune response of the respiratory system to counter the entry of foreign particles. Some people have such severe sneezing episodes that interfere with their daily life. It may give some type of irritation in behaviour. Many allergens can be avoided by covering the nasal cavities with a mask and in some allergies they may not be helped by a mask.
- Watering from Nose - As a result of any allergic substance nasal cavity secretes the mucus that runs in liquid form. Normally we swallow it without even knowing but if mucus becomes thicker than normal then we can feel that mucus behind our nose and can lead to irritation in the throat.
- Itching and Irritation in Eyes - This is also a very common symptom, it may be annoying but don't cause any type of serious eye issue. Avoid triggering points that are the only best way to get relief from nasal allergies.
- Asthma and Nasal Allergies - These both are the comorbidities suggesting the concept of one airway one disease. Some people who have long term allergies then have more chances to develop bronchial asthma in later stages of life.
Treatment revolves around the avoidance of causes and improving the immune system that helps to control the diseases and its complications.
Ayurvedic Formulation
Some Ayurvedic formulation that can effectively work against these symptoms, such as Sitopaladi churna, trikatu churna, vyoshadi churna, and some of the immune modulators that can help by enhancing the immune power of the body like chyawanprash, triphala rasayana, mahalakshmi vilas ras etc.
Swedana Karma
This is a type of panchkarma procedure that helps to pacify the kapha dosha in chest region, first apply saindhav lavan and tila taila in chest region and then give nadi swedana, prastra swedana, sankar swedana with moist dravyas. It helps to liquify the mucus lodged in bronchioles and thus helps in vata anulomana.
Vaman Karma
Best kapha pacifying procedure is vamana that helps to expel out all the doshas specially that are lodged in the chest region.
We can use the kapha-vata shamak ahara that is hot in potency, soothing vata is very beneficial in nasal allergies.
This procedure is carried after the vamana procedure that liquifies the remaining kapha in the respiratory tract.
Some Kapha-Vata shamak herbs that are very helpful in reducing the symptoms of nasal allergies, these are anti-inflammatory and decongestants in nature, such as - pippali, ginger, bala, giloy, mulethi, amla and Vasa.
This is a procedure of administering the medicated ghee or taila or juice in nostrils to reduce the chances of getting nasal allergies. Nasya can be given with anu taila, shadbindu taila, triphala ghrit, vasa ghrita, durva swarase etc.
Nasal allergies are most commonly triggered by pollens or foreign particles usually occur as seasonal allergies. This condition can be treated by various procedures so one who is suffering from this disease, may get connected with a good ayurvedic practitioner so that the patient can get better relief from this disease.
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