Cervical Dystonia, whenever we hear such terms, our first reaction is to know about what exactly it means? Is it dangerous? Is there any treatment for this disorder? And if you are here then yes! You'll get all the information you're looking for. First of all, we must know about the region where the problem occurs. This disorder is related to the muscles of the neck region. Dystonia basically refers to abnormal posture or position of muscle. Here, the cervical is related to the neck. In this article we will get to know in detail about Cervical Dystonia and its treatment with ayurveda. So let's have a look!

Cervical Dystonia is a neurological disorder caused due to the brain sending abnormal signals to muscle, which causes abnormal contraction of the neck. It is identified by involuntary muscle contraction. It causes abnormal twisting of the head and neck to one particular side. It is commonly of focal base i.e. one sided. "Spasmodic Torticollis" is synonym of cervical dystonia. "Torticollis" itself defines very clearly – "Torti - twisted" & "Collis - neck"
In this disorder posture of neck may be either:
- Tonic - Stiffness of muscle with head turned right or left.
- Clonic - Twitching or jerking of muscle.
- Tremulous - Shaking or trembling of muscle.
The movement can be intermittent, spasmodic or constant. Sometimes jerking motions of the head also occur. If you are suffering from any kind of stress and lately suffering from any kind of emotional issues it can add to your problem. Symptoms start appearing gradually, become severe and sometimes they go away but most of the time these persists.
The involuntary muscle contraction causes your head to twist in a various different directions, mentioned below:-
- Chin towards shoulder
- Ear towards shoulder
- Chin straight up
- Chin straight down
Signs and symptoms of Cervical Dystonia
The major and challenging symptom is pain and discomfort due to disturbed posture of the neck. Pain starts gradually at first, if treatment isn't taken properly then it may get worse later.
Patients could be suffering from tremors or jerking motion of head, twisting of the head & chin sideways; head uncontrollably tilt forward or backward.
Other symptoms appear listed below:
- Headache
- Neck pain radiates to shoulder
- Hand tremors
- A raised shoulder
- Involuntary blinking of eyes
- Fatigue
- Cramps in legs
- Difficulty in speech
Causes of Cervical Dystonia
Cervical Dystonia can occur at any age but usually it occurs in middle age. As a comparative study suggests women get easily affected as compared to men. Patients affected by Cervical Dystonia can be classified on the basis of etiology into two groups:
- Primary Cervical Dystonia: Idiopathic – either genetic or sporadic (cause not known). Due to mutation in genes this can occur as it causes chemical imbalance that leads to induce abnormal signal by the brain towards the muscle.
- Secondary Cervical Dystonia: Acquired or symptomatic.
It could be caused:
- Due to exposure to certain kinds of medication.
- Any kind of injury to the head, neck and shoulder.
- Stroke
- Neurological disorder
- Environmental or emotional damage to the brain.
- Poisoning due carbon monoxide or lead.
Factors affecting the disease
Risk factors for Cervical Dystonia include the following:
- Age: Mainly middle aged people get affected. If any young person is getting affected he/she could get investigated as soon as possible.
- Sex: Women get easily affected as compares to men.
- Family history: If a close family member had cervical dystonia or some other type of dystonia, possibly you are at risk of being affected by cervical dystonia.
- Gene mutation: Having one mutated gene appears to be sufficient to cause the chemical imbalances that may lead to cervical dystonia.
Cervical Dystonia is generally diagnosed by the symptoms appearing with respect to doctor's evaluation.
The treatment of cervical dystonia:
- Physical techniques like physiotherapies or other sources.
- Some specific kind of drugs and injections to relieve tension and pain in the muscle.
In ayurvedic perspective
Cervical dystonia can be compared to Manya Stambh in ayurveda. Manya Stambh is described as stiffness in the neck region and according to ayurveda it is also considered that "vata" is also responsible for this condition. Imbalance of vata can cause twitches, tremors and spasms.
Herbal Remedies for Cervical Dystonia by Planet Ayurveda
Planet ayurveda is a globally recognized firm practicing the ancient and traditional system of medicine of India- ayurveda. Planet Ayurveda provides best herbal remedies to the patient as it extracts pure raw material from best quality herbs and makes 100% genuine products with no side effects and they do not contain any artificial flavors. They provide rapid and satisfactory results. Planet Ayurveda gives the best overall result since 20 years. Planet ayurveda provides effective remedies such as Ashwagandha capsules, Brahmi Capsules, Boswellia Curcumin, Yograj Guggal, Aamvatantak Churna, Giloy Capsule for ayurvedic treatment of cervical dystonia.
Products List
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Brahmi Capsule
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Yograj Guggul
- Aamvatantak Churna
- Giloy Capsules
Products Description
1. Ashwagandha Capsules
These capsules are the best dietary supplement for maintaining health and wellbeing. These capsules contain Ashwagandha (withania somnifera). Ashwagandha capsules give strength to neck muscles and relieve the tension of muscles and calm down the system. It is a nerve tonic as well as enhances mental stamina. It is the best herb for balancing Vata in the body.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily, with plain water, after a meal.
2. Brahmi Capsule
These capsules help to support a healthy mind. These capsules contain standardized extract of Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi) that gives effective results in neurological disorders. Brahmi is a very effective herb for pacification of Vata Dosha which is the root cause of cervical dystonia.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily, with plain water, after a meal.
3. Boswellia Curcumin
These capsules help to support the overall health of the individuals. These are best used as anti-inflammatory drugs and brain edema. These also help to maintain the health of the bones and joints of the individuals. These act as a pain reliever. These also help to pacify the Vata Dosha. These capsules contains Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata) and Curcumin (curcuma longa)
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily, with plain water, after a meal.
4. Yograj Guggul
Yograj Guggul is available in tablet form. These tablets are used to treat this painful disorder to a huge extent and provide support to various organs of the body. It helps to maintain a balance between the Vata energy of the body. These tablets contains long pepper (piper nigrum), Tejpata (cinnamomum tamala), Talispatra (Abies webbiana), coriander (Coriandrum sativum), Ginger (zingiber officinale) etc and other various herbs.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with lukewarm water.
5. Aamvatantak Churna
This herbal powder helps to maintain the digestive system. It also helps in managing the "Ama" Dosha of the body. These are perfectly natural and vegetarian in nature. This churna pacifies Vata effectively. This churna contains Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Methi (Trigonella foenumgraecum), and Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus), among various other herbs.
Dosage: 1 teaspoonful twice daily after meal with plain water or aloe vera juice.
6. Giloy Capsules
These capsules help in maintaining the overall health of the individuals. Giloy has a property of anti-inflammatory, blood purifier, digestive and anti- arthritis. These are purely natural and vegetarian in nature. These capsules help in supporting a healthy immune system. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) is the ingredient herb of these capsules.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meal with plain water.
The Ayurvedic principles consider that "Vata" is the causative factor behind all the types of diseases. As we discuss the imbalance of Vata Dosha causes the stiffness of muscle and other factors unbalancing the body so Ayurvedic treatment is very reliable for patients as ayurvedic medicines are capable of balancing the Vata Dosha and helps in maintaining the overall health of individuals. Ayurvedic medicines are purely natural and high qualities of herbs are used to prepare the medicine. Ayurvedic treatment is a safe and natural process to manage health.
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