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Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda)

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Amlapitta Ghan Vati - Ingredients, Method Of Preparation & Its Uses


Amlapitta is hyperacidity, this is developed due to ama dosha. Increased Vidagdha pitta is called as amlapitta. Madhukosh has also said that 'amlam vidagdham ch tat pittam, amlapitta' vidagdha pitta results in amlapitta. Hyperacidity is called the group of symptoms developed because of the disturbed acid secretory mechanism and protection mechanism of the intestines. Normally, the stomach secretes the acid that is very useful in protein digestion but when it is increased in the stomach it leads to acidity. The inequity in the quantity of this acid or if the reflux of this acid occurs into the throat and then the mouth starts to burn, it is a sign of hyperacidity. Planet Ayurveda provides a formulation for hyperacidity that is named as Amlapitta ghan vati. This tablet articulation is very beneficial in this ongoing condition. It is totally based on 100% natural herbs that are free from side-effects, colours, dyes or fillers. In this article we are going to discuss Amlapitta ghan vati and its indication in various diseases.


Amlapitta ghan vati is very useful in hyperacidity and is a patented herbal medicine from Planet Ayurveda that gives various benefits to the patients that are suffering from hyperacidity or pittaja conditions. Amlapitta ghan vati is one of them. This is 100% natural and totally free from side-effects, chemical preservatives, fillers, dyes, colours and chemical constituents. Acidity is a very common problem nowadays. This is Annavaha srotas vyadhi mentioned in various Ayurvedic texts and can be correlated with gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this context we are discussing Amlapitta ghan vati for Amlapitta vikara.

Amlapitta has been mentioned in detail in classical texts such as Kashayapa Samhita, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, and Yog Ratnakar. This is kept under Pittaj condition which shows symptoms like

  • Amlodgar (belching of bitter or sour taste)
  • Hritkantha daha (burning in heart or oesophagus or in throat)
  • Gaurav (heaviness)
  • Antra Kujana (gurgling sounds in intestines)
  • Trishula (chest pain)
  • Vidbheda (diarrhoea or loose stools)
  • Klama(fatigue without work)
  • Aruchi (not perceiving any taste)
  • Utklesha (Nausea or may lead to vomiting)

These conditions cause low digestive fire and lead to vidagdha ajirna (indigestion caused due to acidified chyle). Vitiated Pitta and Ama dosha togetherly cause Pitta Amavisha Sammurchhana (combination of unmetabolized Rasa and undigested food with Rasa) and results in Acidity or Amlapitta. This may also cause ulcers, dyspepsia, may get loose esophageal sphincter. Amlapitta ghan vati is very important and useful in this condition. It is filled with various healthy components that are very useful in this disease, showing synergistic action against Amlapitta.


This formulation is categorised by various Acharyas and given in amlapitta. Its wonderful ingredients are -

  1. Patola (Trichosanthes dioica)
  2. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
  3. Pitta Papa (Fumaria indica)
  4. Kapardika bhasma (Calx of Cyparica samplomoneta)
  5. Mukta Shukti (Natural calcium compound from Pearl)
  6. Sajjikshar (Sodium bicarbonate)
  7. Dugdha Pashan (Hydrated magnesium silicate)

This is a herbo-mineral product which is very helpful in Amlapitta condition, this formulation shows synergistic results against the Amlapitta condition.

  1. Patola (Trichosanthes dioica) - consisting of tikta (Bitter) rasa, along with laghu (light) and rooksha (dry) guna and of ushna (hot) potency which helps in alleviating tridoshas. This is a great appetiser, helps to increase the digestive fire, improves digestion, pacifies pitta, is anulomaka in nature, and is used in worm infestation diseases.
  2. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - It is madhur (sweet) in taste is guru (heavy) or snigadh (moist) in properties along with sheeta (cold) potency as well as its post digestive effect is madhur (sweet). This is mainly Vata-pitta shamak in doshakarma. This is highly effective in reducing the sourness of heart, throat or chest and also helps in giving the coolant effects in the stomach.
  3. Pitta Papda (Fumaria indica) - This helps in increasing the digestive fire, liver detoxifying, and balances the bile juices that help in ama pachana. This helps in alleviating the pitt and kapha conditions.
  4. Kapardika Bhasma - Mainly pacifies pitta and balances the pitt and vata dosha and is very helpful in maintaining the digestive system.
  5. Mukta Shukti - This alleviates pitta and kapha conditions, improves digestive fire, helps in digestion and is amlapitta hara.

With these medications, patients should follow a healthy diet and regimen to have wonderful results.

This includes Pathya (wholesome diet and healthy lifestyle) and Apathya (unwholesome diet and unhealthy lifestyle) that should be taken care of by the patient.

Pathya -

  • Patients can take brown bread, brown rice, cereal, whole grains, these are rich in fibres so are good for amlapitta condition.
  • Papaya, Apple, pear, guava, Mango watermelon, muskmelon these are very useful in amlapitta condition, and are low in citric acid so don't form gas so provide relief in amlapitta.
  • Green beans, pumpkin, cabbage, broccoli, mushroom, all gourds, and cauliflower are good for alleviating the pitta dosha so it rectifies the amlapitta.
  • Green, pink, yellow lentils and soyabean are helpful in alleviating the pitta dosha.
  • Egg white can be taken.
  • Fennels (saunf), cumin (jeera), mint (pudina), Carom (ajwain), fenugreek (methi), coriander (dhaniya), these are good for Amlapitta condition.
  • Gooseberry powder can be taken daily after or before a meal to alleviate pitta dosha.

Apathya -

  • White rice must be avoided.
  • High citrus fruits, like oranges, lemon, grapefruit, cranberries, are all the sour fruits that must be avoided.
  • Garlic, green chillies, red chillies, cloves, black pepper, capsicum, taro root (Arbi) are all avoided.
  • Black gram, kidney beans, chickpeas are also avoided.
  • Avoid all the fried meat products because all of them are heavy and slow to digest or may cause heartburn and lead to stomach upset.
  • Fast foods, processed foods, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, hot or extreme cold drinks, smoking, sauces, and carbonated drinks must be avoided in our daily life to protect us from acidic conditions.

Method of preparation of Amlapitta Ghan Vati

Raw material of Patola (Trichosanthes dioica), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pitta Papda (Fumaria indica) should be collected in their best sangrahan kaala, and take purified forms of Kapardika bhasma, Mukta Shukti, Sajjikshar, Dugdha Pashan bhasma then grind them to make fine powder of all these herbs and minerals. Mix them with jaggery to make a fine paste of all these ingredients. Then these pills should be dried and kept in an airtight container for further use in this condition. This is a classically defined method of preparation to make tablets which gives effective results in the ongoing condition.

Dosage - 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.


Amlapitta ghan vati is prepared by Planet Ayurveda manufacturing company that is 100% natural product and gives efficient results in ongoing condition. This is totally free from side-effects and is said to be taken by any age group. All the medicines of Planet Ayurveda are made in the supervision of Ayurveda experts and by the classical method of preparation of tablets that are mentioned in Ayurvedic text books.

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